D&D Sounds and Music: Tomb of Annihilation MegaPack
Elevate your gaming nights with Syrinscape’s rich tapestry of role-playing game music.
The Tomb of the Nine Gods, known to some as the Tomb of Horrors, is a sprawling death-trap dungeon built by the lich, Acererak. Many believe the purpose of this dungeon is nothing more than an elaborate test created by the lich, a kind of gauntlet, not the least, because of the promise of great riches awaiting those who survive the challenges within. However, during the party's time in Chult the characters have learned of its darker purpose.
A long journey across the island has led the party here. They have grown in strength and gathered mighty weapons to aid them, but will it be enough to stop the evil within and end the death curse once and for all.
Even if you are not running Tomb of Annihilation this SoundPack offers much for ANY dungeon building Dungeon Master, including:
Did you know that Syrinscape can simulate realistic environmental acoustics, adding echoes to dungeons and wind to mountaintops?
Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.
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SoundSet Specifics
Main gate
Hall of war
Battling Yuan-ti and basilisks
Hall of serpents
Fenthaza's quarters
Battling Fenthaza and her guards
Sacrificial chambers
Evil oracle
Prisoner pits
Battling Yuan-ti guards
Fane of the Night Serpent
Combat music
Major battle
Combat music II
Exploring the Fane
Jungle day
Dinos faraway
Bird songs
Tumbling pebbles
Crumbling stone
Moving through the underbrush
Snakes nearby
Insect flybys
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Strange rumblings
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Armor foley
Spell combat
Blunt swings and hits
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Damaging hide or leather
Magical aura
Ruin ambiance
Hollow wind
Cavern winds moving
Footsteps stone (inside shrine)
Stagnant pool
Basilisk attack
Yuan-ti chatter
Chain movement
Triceratops moving
Haunted screams
Bone naga moving
Incense bowls
Air elemental attack
Air elemental roars
Fenthaza attacks
Yuan-ti bite
Yuan-ti attacks
Yuan-ti attacking
Skulls chanting Abyssal (looped)
Chained prisoner
More prisoners
Heavy bubbling
Rising steam
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting
Portcullis close
Iron lever for portcullis
Ukurlahmu-Come closer
Ukurlahmu attacks
Air elemental slam
Failed climbing check
Yuan-ti attack
Picking lock
Snakes in the pit
Basilisk roar
Petrifying gaze
Poison gas trap helm
Air elemental roar
Skulls chanting Abyssal
The fane
Throne room
Ras Nsi's lair
Battling Ras Nsi
Battling Azi Mas
Venom distillery
Battling Yuan-ti guards
Ras Nsi attacks
The Fane
Ras Nsi
Combat music
Combat music II
Ras Nsi combat
Harem music
Tumbling pebbles
Breeze from flooded cave
Ghostly noises
Crumbling stone
Strange rumblings
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Sword damage
Armor foley
Fighting (low voices)
Yuan-ti attacks
Fighting (high voices)
Hollow wind
Bowl of blood
Dripping blood
Cauldron boiling
Elephant fountains
Footsteps stone
Snakes in the pit
Water fountains
Cloth flapping in the wind
Water from cave
Ghoul attack
Ghoul slams
Ghouls shuffling
Yuan-ti harem
Yuan-ti harem II
Flying shields
Haunted screams
Yuan-ti chatter
Damaging hide or leather
Blunt swings and hits
Yuan-ti bites
Yuan-ti moving and attacking
This dungeon breathes
Crystal chimes
Footsteps in mud
Moaning zombies
Small splashes
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Ras Nsi threatens
Ras Nsi spellcasting
Ras Nsi attacks
Yuan-ti broodguard
Picking lock
Flame trap
Spell combat
Force open wooden door
Yuan-ti slithering
Yuan-ti bite
Snake swarm
Fane gong
Portcullis close
Azi Mas attacks
Forcing open stone door
Combat sting
Azi Mas surrenders
Snake pit
Blood baths
Captives grotto
Underground river
Hydra's lair
Battling the Hydra
Fungi cavern
Battling Yuan-ti guards
Saja N'baza
Combat music
Combat music II
Hydra roar
Underground river
Tumbling pebbles
Giant snake
Phantom breeze
Jungle animal cries
Ghostly noises
Crumbling stone
Strange rumblings
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Armor foley
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Ruin ambiance
Magical aura
Damaging hide or leather
Stagnant pool
Yuan-ti chatter
Yuan-ti attacks
Blunt swings and hits
Hydra hisses
Wooden creaks
Footsteps on wood
Rattle snakes
Snakes II
Moving snake
More snakes
Creaking boards II
Running water
Bath blood
Big splashes
Sword damage
Bowl of blood
Dripping blood
Yuan-ti chatter II
Yuan-ti bites
Yuan-ti moving and attacking
This dungeon breathes
Soft footfalls
Drugged prisoner
Crying prisoner
Crazy prisoners
Prisoners having psychotic dreams
Footsteps stone
Prisoners muttering
Prisoners grunts
Small splashes
Splashing through water
Lake shore
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Hydra roar
Yuan-ti slithering
Yuan-ti bite
Spell combat
Force open wooden door
Green slime
Yellow mold spores
Hydra breaks the surface
Here's the hydra
Entering the city from the Northeast
Entering the city from the Southwest
An unwelcome welcome (gargoyle attack in the city)
An unwelcome welcome (gargoyle attack on cliffside)
The city entrance
The walled compound
The spirit pole
Yuan-ti attack
Finding Orvex
The great rift
Bag of Nails-The ambush is set
Battling Bag of Nails
Hail to the king
Bag of Nails
King of feathers
Combat music II
Combat music III
Exploring Omu
Vegepygmy sacrifice
Orvex Ocrammas
King of feathers
Firing bow
Punches II
Distant jungle
Footsteps stone
Insect flybys
Giant footsteps
Unsettling wind
Jungle day
Armor sounds heavy
Crumbling stone
Tumbling pebbles
Dinos farway
Bird songs
Jungle - active
Mountain wind
Exotic bird
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Wild dogs
Gargoyle wings (slow)
Gargoyle screetches
Gargoyle screetches (distant)
Gargoyle screetches (distant) II
Blunt swings and hits
Sandy footsteps
Creaking portcullis
Yuan-ti attacking
Yuan-ti bite
Taking damage
Vegepygmy chatter
Vegepygmy chatter II
Grung sacrifice
Lava & water pools
Damaging hide or leather
Running and firing
Gargoyle wings (flying)
Swords clash whoosh
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Sudden rainstorm
Volcanic explosion
Falling through the ceiling
Forcing open an iron door
Orvex Ocrammas
Spell combat
Picking lock
Gargoyle attack
Gargoyle screetch
Yuan-ti slithering
Yuan-ti bite
Spirit pole
King of feathers
King of feathers (Misty Step)
King of feathers (He's behind me, isnt he?)
Bag of Nails misses
Bag of Nails hits
Kubazan's shrine
Disturbing the froghemoth
Chamber of bravery
Shagambi's shrine
Kamadans attack
Arena gallery
Battling the clay gladiators
Moa's shrine
Jaculi ambush
Chamber of deception
Combat music III
Combat music II
Test your mettle
Exploring the shrine
Combat music
Jungle day
Dinos faraway
Bird songs
Exotic bird
Tumbling pebbles
Gargoyle screetches (distant)
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Something in the underbrush
Something in the underbrush II
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Stagnant pool
Water splash
Axe and shield
Flooded marsh
Froghemoth tongue attacks
Froghemoth growl
Froghemoth tentacle attack
Blunt swings and hits
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Damaging hide or leather
Hollow wind
Falling pebbles
Ruin ambiance
Soft wind
Crumbling stonework
Pulsing light
Footsteps stone
Kamadan cat attacks
Kamadan snake attacks
Armor foley
Clay golem attack
Lava & water pools
Mountain wind
Jaculi attack
Small splashes
Official D&D
Combat Sting
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Failed climbing check
Pit trap
Crushing pit trap
Picking lock
Forcing open an iron door
Force open wooden door
Open empty chest
Froghemoth tentacle attack
Froghemoth tongue attack
Spell combat
Correct puzzle tile
Secret door opens
Flame trap
Recovered puzzle tile
Kamadan cat attack
Statue moves
Statue misses
Statue hits
Poison gas
Puzzle cube activates gas trap
Puzzle cube captured
Kamadan snake attack
Unkh's shrine
Chamber of contemplation
Ghastly combat
I'jin's shrine
The trapped labyrinth
Chwinga wagon
Wongo's shrine
Test of friendship
Su-monsters attack
Battling the steam mephits
Combat music
Combat music II
Combat III
Jangling keys
Jungle day
Dinos farway
Bird songs
Exotic bird
Tumbling pebbles
Gargoyle screetches (distant)
Talking chwingas
Unsettling noise
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Stagnant pool
Hollow wind
Ruin ambiance
Footsteps stone
Magical aura
Armor foley
Blunt swings and hits
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Damaging hide or leather
Cavern winds
Angry monkeys
Monkeys inside shrine
Attacking monkeys
Club swings
Su-monster attack
Su-monster pain
Steam mephit claws
Water splash
Small splashes
Steam mephit flying
Steam mephit breath
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Volcanic explosion
Sudden rainstorm
Failed climbing check
Forcing open a wooden door
Forcing open stone door
Forcing open an iron door
Picking lock
Ghast bite
Correct tile
Incorrect tile (poison needle trap)
Swinging blade trap
Spell combat
The queen's decree
Chwinga chatter
Passing between Wongo's monoliths
Wongo's offer
Su-monster attack
Steam mephit screech
Steam mephit breath attack
Puzzle cube captured
Papazotl's shrine
Crocodile surprise
Chamber of command
Nangnang's shrine
Battling King Yorb
Chamber of greed
Obo'laka's shrine
Gallery of carvings
Sun and moon pools
Chamber of sacraments
Battling Voj
Combat music
Sparring music
Exploring the Shrines
Battle with the wizard
Spell combat
Crocodile attacks
Jungle day
Dinos faraway
Bird songs
Exotic bird
Gargoyle screetches (distant)
Minor rock movement
Tumbling pebbles
Crumbling stone
Something in the trees
Something in the trees II
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Crocodile bites
Water splash
Punches II
Flooded courtyard
Crocodile growls
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Wind in the trees
Dripping water
Plopping sounds
Blunt swings and hits
Armor foley
Club swings
Magical aura
Footsteps stone
Ruin ambiance
Mountain wind
Damaging hide or leather
Cavern winds moving
Hollow wind
Footsteps stone (inside shrine)
Footsteps in mud
Chattering grung II
Chattering grung
Grung attacks
Grung pain
Stagnant pool
Lava & water pools
Splashing through water
Small splashes
Official D&D
Vision of Acererak
Combat sting
Dramatic sting II
Sudden rainstorm
Volcanic explosion
Failed climbing check
Pit trap
Rusty door
Picking lock
Crocodile bite
Chief Yorb chatter
Chief Yorb "Yes"
Chief Yorb "No"
Voj "The cube is mine!"
Releasing the wizard
Spell combat
Puzzle cube captured
Sailing in
Teleporting in
Meeting Aremag
Royal Docks: Day
Royal Docks: Night
Warehouse/Dry Docks: Day
Warehouse/Dry Docks: Night
Throwing hands
Theme music
Unsettling music
Combat music
Dinos walking
Random voices II
Random voices
Very busy city ambiance
Busy marketplace
Street noises
Crowd noise
Background crowd
Crowd noise II
Angry crowd
Scrap seller
Unsettling noises
Waves lapping
Ship waves
Distant waves crashing
Watermill machinery
Metal tools
Ship building
Bumping into the crowd
Metal tools II
Dinos close
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Creaking boards II
Ship's bell
Random tools
Dock workers
Dock workers II
Creaking boards III
People coming and going
Footsteps on wood
Creaking ropes
City night ambience
Door/breaking wood
Oofs and arghs
Grunts and shouts
Smashing glass
Fighting voices
Official D&D
Dino noises
Aremag arrives
Steam breath
"Heave it over."
Sudden rain
Warning horn
Tabaxi minstrels
Teleporting in
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Bully taunts
Bully yields
Look out!
Stop, thief!
Flying Snake
On the streets
Blood on the streets
Red Bazaar
Jewel market
The Coliseum: In the stands
The Coliseum: In the stands. Man vs Beast
The Coliseum: In the sands
The Coliseum: In the sands. Man vs Beast
Outside the Coliseum
Public bathhouse
Combat music
Dinos walking
Random voices II
Random voices
Very busy city ambiance
Busy marketplace
Street noises
Crowd noise
Background crowd
Crowd noise II
Angry crowd
Scrap seller
Waves lapping
Ship waves
Distant waves crashing
Watermill machinery
Metal tools
Ship building
Bumping into the crowd
Sword blows
Dino Close
Dinos farway
Creaking boards
Creaking boards II
Petshop animals
Ship's bell
Random tools
Dock workers
Dock workers II
Creaking boards III
People coming and going
Footsteps on wood
Dino footsteps
Creaking ropes
City night Ambience
Arena crowd cheer
Running water
Big splashes
Bath water
Exotic town ambiance I
Exotic town ambiance III
Angry man
Cloth walls luffing in the breeze
Exotic town ambiance II
Wind cold
Just carts
Street noises
General hubbub
Breaking wood
Oofs and arghs
Grunts and shouts
Fighting voices
Arena crowd
Swords clash & damage
Arena crowd 2
Swords clash & damage 2
Tiger roars
Birds II
Quiet voices
Quiet voices II
Flies II
Meat seller
Tabaxi bard
Official D&D
Warning horn
Sudden rain
Tabaxi minstrels
Heavy rain I
Heavy rain II
Dino noises
Bully taunts
Bully yields
Look out!
Stop, thief!
Flying Snake
Merchant Prince's Villa: Daytime
Merchant Prince's Villa: Nighttime
On the streets: Daytime
On the streets: Nighttime
Grand Souk
The city breathes
Combat music
Bamboo chimes
Random voices II
Random voices
Very busy city ambiance
Busy marketplace
Street noises
Crowd noise
Background crowd
Crowd noise II
Angry crowd
Scrap seller
Waves lapping
Ship waves
Distant waves crashing
Watermill machinery
Metal tools
Ship building
Bumping into the crowd
Sword blows
Dino close
Dinos farway
Creaking boards
Cloth flapping in the wind
Creaking boards II
Petshop animals
Ship's bell
Random tools
Dock workers
Dock workers II
Creaking boards III
People coming and going
Footsteps on wood
Dino footsteps
Creaking ropes
City ambience
Wind whistly
Water fountains
Footsteps hard floor
Kinetic sculpture
Birds II
Exotic town ambiance I
Exotic town ambiance III
Street noises
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Background voices
Distant thunder
Distant river
Panicking people
Chairs and tables
Burps and drink noises
Babbling, coughing & burping
Hysterical outburst
Giggling & laughing
Party chatter
People chatting casually
Market crowd
Market crowd II
Flies II
Meat seller
Just carts
Dinos walking
Even more crowds
Even more crowds II
Background noise
Laughing man
Palace sounds
Palace sounds II
Night birds
Jungle ambience
Exotic birds
Official D&D
Warning horn
Sudden rain
Tabaxi minstrels
Heavy rain I
Heavy rain II
Dino noises
Bully taunts
Bully yields
Look out!
Stop, thief!
Flying Snake
Beggar's Palace: Upper level
Beggar's Palace: Lower level
Executioner's Run: Outside
Executioner's Run: In the pit
The refuse pit: Outside
The refuse pit: Inside
The refuse pit: Inside. A ghoulishly good time
The refuse pit: Inside. Oh, yuck. Otyugh!
Combat music
Dinos walking
Ghoul attack
Otyugh attacks
Beasts in the pit
Random voices II
Random voices
Very busy city ambiance
Busy marketplace
Street noises
Crowd noise
Background crowd
Crowd noise II
Angry crowd
Scrap seller
Waves lapping
Ship waves
Distant waves crashing
Watermill machinery
Metal Tools
Ship building
Bumping into the crowd
Sword blows
Dino close
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Sails in high wind
Creaking boards II
Animals for sale
Random tools
Dock workers
Dock workers II
Creaking boards III
People coming and going
Footsteps on wood
Dino footsteps II
Creaking ropes
City night ambience
General hubbub
Arena crowd
Arena crowd cheer
Door/breaking wood
Oofs and arghs
Grunts and shouts
Swords clash & damage
Arena crowd 2
Swords clash & damage 2
Insect flybys
Otyugh Noises
Splashing through the muck
Tentacle strike
Otyugh injury
Rowdy crowd
Background crowd
Background crowd II
Birds II
Footsteps in mud
Winds of the sands
Snakes and rats
Crows & ravens
Creatures in the pit
Even more crowds
Even more crowds II
Running for freedom
Official D&D
Beasts in the pit
Warning horn
Sudden rain
Tabaxi minstrels
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Dino noises
Flying Snake
Stop, thief!
Look out!
Thundering Lizard: quiet time
Thundering Lizard: full swing
Thundering Lizard: fight
Kaya's House of Repose: before happy hour
Kaya's House of Repose: full swing
Kaya's House of Repose: A little misunderstanding
Temple of Sune
Hall of Gold: Temple of Waukeen
Temple of Gond
Temple of Tymora
Temple of Savras
Dinosaur Pen (Day)
Dinosaur Pen (Night)
Combat music
Unsettling music
Music - quiet tavern
Mechanical instruments
Temple of Savras ambience
Music - the Tabaxi trio
Dino roars
Loud patrons
Multiple races background voices
Drunkards singing
Fighting voices
Breaking glass
Breaking wood
Punches II
Laughing II
Grunts and shouts
Oofs and arghs
Smashing glass
Quiet patrons
Plates II
Burps and drink noises
Quiet patrons II
Quiet patrons III
Birds III
Serene windchimes
Distant waves
Birds II
Temple bells
Flowing water
Quiet voices II
Quiet voices
Wood working
Metal works
Whispered chants
Close dino roars
Pig stable
Dino pen ambience
Dino wranglers
Creaking boards
Bell of the lucky
Dinos walking
Busy marketplace
Official D&D
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Dino noises
Bully taunts
Bully yields
Flying Snake
Warning horn
A beggar's warning
Ankylosaurus on the loose
Dino race: spectator
Dino race: riding a 4-legged dino
4-legged dino (with music)
Dino race: Riding a 2-legged dino
2-legged dino (with music)
Flash flood
Undead attack
Alternate race music: Dino D's rockin' race.
Combat music
A grim warning
Riding a 2-legged dino
Riding a 4-legged dino
Random voices II
Random voices
Very busy city ambiance
Busy marketplace
Street noises
Crowd noise
Background crowd
Crowd noise II
Angry crowd
Scrap seller
Waves lapping
Distant waves crashing
Watermill machinery
Metal Tools
Ship building
Bumping into the crowd
Sword blows
Angry dino
Dinos farway
Creaking boards
Creaking boards II
Petshop animals
Random tools
Dock workers
Dock workers II
Creaking boards III
People coming and going
Footsteps on wood
Creaking ropes
City night ambience
Oofs and arghs
Grunts and shouts
Fighting voices
Insect flybys
Dinos walking
Animals for sale
General hubbub
Arena crowd cheer
Race fans
Background crowd II
Birds II
Happy laughing
Jungle background
Combat exertion
Swords clash whoosh
Extended spell fighting
Exertion (high)
Fleeing & screaming i
Background voices
Busy market
Passing by
Fleeing & screaming ii
Upset crowd
Earthquake rumble small
Angry zombies
Moaning zombies
Ghoul attack
Distant ghoul wails
Random dinos racing by
More smashed boxes
Smashed boxes
Dino stomps
Breaking glass
Dino stomps II
Big splashes
Rival riders
Starting Horn
Official D&D
Large dino racing by
Small dino racing by
Medium dino racing by
Multiple dino racers
The beggar's warning
Dino vocalizations
Warning horn
Flash flood I
Flash flood II
Warning bell
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Dino growls
Look out!
Sailing along the coast
Boating on the river (day)
Moving overland (day)
Moving overland (night)
Moving near the river (day)
Moving near the river (night)
Camping overland
Camping near the river (night)
Moving through swamps (day)
Moving through swamps (night)
Welcome to the Jungle
Theme music
Coughs and sneezes
Jungle animal crys
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Rain storm
Footsteps stone
Distant river
Waves on the bow
Insect flybys
Footsteps on wood
Small fire 2
Giant footsteps
Dino growls
Creaking ship
Dino roars
Waves lapping
Ship waves
Creaking boards
Creaking boards II
Ship's bell
Creaking boards III
Creaking ropes
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Night birds
Jungle night
Jungle day
Falling trees
Swamp Atmosphere
Water laps at my feet
Occasional freaky sounds
Crackling mud
Wet footsteps
Small splashes
Official D&D
Something is in the water
Distant thunder
Volcanic explosion
T-rex roars
Starting a fire
Dino noises
Blue Mist
Blue Mist (poisoned)
Discovering Vorn
Goblin attack
Dinosaur attack
Flying snakes
Stirge battle
Meeting the sea hags on the shore
Seeing the sea hags from the river
Sea hags attack
Flash flood
Skeletons attack
Zombies and ghouls attack
Simian attack
Dino attacking the boat
The Blue Mist
Blue mist monkey business
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Mezro-Heart of Artus
Welcome to the Jungle
Undead T-Rex battle
Blue monkey
Stirge screeching
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Footsteps in mud
Swamp atmosphere
Insect swamp distant
Weird frogs
Small river
Ghostly fog
Flying snake
Wind in the trees
Creaking trees
Plopping sounds
Small rocks
Ghostly noises
Water laps at my feet
Stirges attack
Flying snakes attacking
Magic pulses
Ill wind
Sea hag fighting
Dino footsteps
Ghostly presence
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Maddening whispers
Throwing fists
Male grunts and shouts
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Crashing through the underbrush
Stomping dino
Falling Trees
Weapon impacts
Angry dino
Large dino stomps
Swords clash & damage
Armor foley
Dinos farway
Waves lapping
Big splashes
Oofs and arghs
Strange rumblings
Creaking ropes
Flash flood I
Flash flood II
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Axe and shield
Jungle animal crys
Axe beak
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Distant river
Giant footsteps
Stirges charging
Air movement
Tumbling pebbles
Flying snake wings
Stirges swarming
Cries for help
Weeping woman
Jungle day
Coughs and sneezes
Dino growls
Footsteps on wood
Sea hag fight
Zombie shuffling intermittent
Zombie talk
Moaning zombies
Ghoul attack
Distant ghoul wails
Angry zombies
Combat exertion
Extended spell fighting
Fighting I
Fighting II
Skeleton bones
Skeleton crackles
More goblins
Angry monkeys
Attacking monkeys
Big splash
Golem footsteps
Vorn walks
Official D&D
Zombie growl
Activating the shield guardian
Vorn speaks
Dragon flyby
Charging dino
Stirge screech
Please, help me!
Flying snake
Dino growling
Skeleton hiss
Blue monkey
Combat sting
Shrine of Ubtao
Umm..the statue is moving
Mad monkeys on the bridge
Mad mocking monkeys on the bridge
Crossing over the bridge
Crossing under the bridge
Baboons attack under the bridge
Mad monkeys attack
Welcome to the Jungle
Theme music
The Golem
Combat music
Howler monkey
Monkeys on the bridge
Water splash
Coughs and sneezes
Angry monkeys
Attacking monkeys
Magic abounds
More pain
Punch up
Grunts and shouts
Shouts and cries
Jungle animal crys
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Footsteps on stone
Distant river
The river
Insect flybys
Crumbling bridgework II
Crumbling bridgework
Giant footsteps
Mosasaur cry
Dino roars
Angry Baboons under the bridge
Creaking vines
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Mountain wind
Stone golem noises
Mocking monkeys on the bridge
Mocking howler monkeys
Footsteps on stone II
Creaking vines II
Golem footsteps
Golem punches
Golem swings
Weapon impacts
Swords clash & damage
Extended spell fighting
Male Fighting
Female fighting
Official D&D
Mocking monkeys
Combat sting
Volcanic explosion
T-rex roars
Monkey hoots
Failed swinging. Hit the water
Failed swinging. Ouch!
Shrine of Ubtao
Exploring the camp
Goblins attack
Goblins lure in dinosaur
Shrine of man and crocodile
Camping near the shrine
Goblins lure in undead
Welcome to the Jungle
Combat music
Theme music
Exploring the shrine
Combat music II
Coughs and sneezes
Pulsing light
More pain
Hand to hand
Grunts and shouts
Shouts and cries
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Footsteps stone
Distant river
Insect flybys
Small fire 2
Giant footsteps
Dino growls
Dino roars
Waves lapping
Creaking boards
Creaking boards II
Creaking boards III
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Night birds
Goblin warcry
Axe beak
Cavern winds moving
Ruin ambiance
Falling pebbles
Weapon impacts
Hollow wind
Crashing through the underbrush
Dino roar
Stomping dino
Falling trees
Jungle night
Angry dino
Dino stomps
Earthquake rumble small
Combat exertion
Extended spell fighting
Swords clash whoosh
Ghoul attack
Angry zombies
Zombies (more)
Crumbling stonework
Swords clash & damage
Jungle day
More goblins
Fighting I
Fighting II
Official D&D
Goblin horn
Charging dino
Axe beak
Volcanic explosion
Picking lock
T-rex roars
Flame trap
Pit trap
Blade trap
Failed climbing check
Thunderwave trap
Puzzle door opens
Correct puzzle tile
One correct square
Two correct squares
Three correct squares
Four correct squares
Combat sting
Beach landing
Heading toward the fort from the beach
Steel has been drawn
Fort ambiance
Fist fight
Fending off a zombie attack
Jousting field
Temple of Helm
Raptor Pen
The hall
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
The city breathes
Theme music
Zombies attack
Guard patrols
Working town
Business in the streets
Merchants and salesmen
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Female fighter
Male fighter
Winds with a whistle
Small fire
Chairs and bumps
Moving restlessly
Combat I
Combat II
Church noises
Cheering crowd
Cheers & oos & ahs
Soldiers marching
Tents in the wind
Clinky metal things
Remote military camp
Grunts and shouts
Shouts and cries
More pain
Approaching the jungle
Distant jungle
Jungle day (delayed)
Oofs and arghs
Moaning zombies
Ghoul attack
Distant ghoul wails
Angry zombies
Combat exertion
Extended spell fighting
Fighting I
Fighting II
Horse gallop
Battle horse
Serene windchimes
Dino roars
Quiet voices
Quiet voices II
Temple bells
Waves lapping
Distant waves crashing
Dinos far away
Random tools
Waves receding
Sandy footsteps
Jungle day
Horses II
Exotic town ambiance III
Punches II
Stable ambience
Footsteps on wood
Crowd Sounds II
Crowd sounds
Laughing man
Heavy rain I
Heavy rain II
Flies II
Chairs and tables
Footsteps hard floor
Punches III
Moving restlessly II
Official D&D
Opening the gate
To arms
Picking lock
Open door
Zombies attack
Sudden rainstorm
Volcanic explosion
Warning bell
T-rex roars
Fort bell-one ring
Fort bell-two rings
Fort bell-three rings
Combat Sting
Goblin camp (day)
Goblin camp- (night)
Goblin battle
Battle with the queen
The hills are alive, with the sounds of ants
Meeting Queen Grabstab
Queen Grabstab entertains
Sneaking into the queen's tent
Tribe of the biting ant
The Queen's band
The Queen's tent
Combat music
Goblin combat music
Queen Grabstab (Attacks)
Village animals
Fires burning
Cauldron boiling
Swinging swords
Weapon impacts
Swords clash & damage
More goblins
Fighting I
Fighting II
Batari (goblin) attack
Batiri (goblin) pain
Jungle animal crys
Jungle sounds
Footsteps on soil
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Distant river
Small fire 2
Dino roars
Jungle night
Extended spell fighting
Jungle day
Jungle day (distant)
Various tasks
Ants Swarming
Drunken Batiri singers
Sleeping Batiri
Queen Grabstab sleeping
Batiri villagers
Batiri villagers II
Batiri scouts
Official D&D
Goblin warcry
Goblin battle roar
Goblin evil laugh
Pit trap
Net trap
Goblin horn
Volcanic explosion
T-rex roars
Picking lock
Queen Grabstab "Yes"
Combat sting
Batiri villagers III (one time)
Fort ambiance (day)
Fort ambiance (night)
Command tent
Medical tents
Locked in the tower (day)
Locked in the tower (night)
Zombies at the gates
Gate crashing dino
Fighting the guards (fisticuffs)
Fighting the guards (deadly)
Welcome to the Jungle
Combat music II
Stealth music
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Water splash
Coughs and sneezes
The sick and wounded
Sick moans
Grunts and shouts
More pain
Grunts and shouts II
Shouts and cries (high)
Punches II
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Footsteps stone
Insect flybys
Creaking wood
Medium fire 2
Roaring fire
Small fire 2
Cracking boards
Dino roars
Creaking boards
Creaking ropes
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Night birds
Falling trees
Angry zombies
Ghoul attack
Extended spell fighting
Earthquake rumble small
Dino stomps
Angry dino
Footsteps in mud
Torch on wall
Unsettling wind
Axe and shield
Tents in the wind
Sick people
Coughs and throats
Guard patrols
Jungle day
Jungle night
More flies
Flies II
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Random tools
Village animals
Splashing through the muck
Underbrush occasional
Armor sounds heavy
Exertion (low voices)
Swords clash whoosh
Fighters (low voices)
Exertion (high voices)
Fighters (high voices)
Jungle animal cries
Footsteps in jungle foliage
Large dino stomps
Stomping dino
Cracking and snapping wood
Sleeping guard
Fighting guards
Chatting guards II
Chatting guards
Night-time guards
breaking up the place
Fighters (no swords)
Smashing glass
Official D&D
Combat Sting
Thunder claps
Sudden rainstorm
T-rex roars
Opening the gate
Warning horn
Volcanic explosion
Picking lock
Violently ill
Stealth kill
Open door
Taking damage
Dino growling
Outside the maze
Inside the maze
Whoops! wrong turn
Lake shore ambience
Dungrunglung ambience
Wading across the lake
Inside the shrine
The prison pit
The great ritual
Grung attack
The great ritual
Combat music
King Groak ritual
After the rain
Tribal drums inside the maze
Tribal drums on the edge of the lake
Tribal drums outside the maze
Grunts and cries
Blade swipe
Smashing the underbush
More punches
Coughs and throats
Insect thrum
Night insects
Night birds
Insects (more)
Insect flybys
Tumbling pebbles
Lake water
Lake shore
Whistly wind
Close drips
Moaning zombies
Ghoul cries
Crashing through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Moving through the underbrush
Shifting maze
Shifting maze II
More frogs
Jungle sounds
Jungle - active
Jungle day
Bubbles in the mud
Jungle animal crys
Footsteps in mud
Plopping sounds
Running water
Big splashes
Creaking boards II
Grung pain
Grung attacks
Chattering grung II
Chattering grung
Random tools
Angry zombies
Fighters I
Swords clash whoosh
Fighters II
Armor sounds heavy
King Groak ritual (looped)
Official D&D
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Thunder claps
Sudden rainstorm
Combat sting
Open empty chest
Assassin vines
Pit trap
King Groak ritual
Picking lock
Volcanic explosion
Dino growling
T-rex roars
Sneaking through the forest (rainstorm)
Sneaking up to Firefinger (Night)
Level one: abandoned cave
Disturbing the spiders
Level two: stirge cave
Stirge battle
Climbing to level 3
Pterafolk combat in the nest
Level three: pterafolk nest
Level four: Pinnacle
Pinnacle combat
Cave Drums II
Stealth music
Combat music
Combat music II
Theme music
Cave drums
Jungle - active
After the rain
Jungle - busy
Grunts and cries
Blade swipe
More punches
Coughs and throats
Insect thrum
Night insects
Insects (more)
Mountain wind
Insect flybys
Eagle calls
Tumbling pebbles
Stirges attack
Stirges charging
Air movement
Swords clash whoosh
Stirges swarming
Stirge screeching
Flying snake wings
Jungle day
Heavy rain I
Heavy rain II
Giant footsteps
Dino growls
Dino roars
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Moving in the nest
Night birds
Jungle night
Distant jungle
Coughs and sneezes
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Footsteps on soil
Giant spiders march (distant)
Skittering sounds
Armor sounds heavy
Spiders all around
Hissing spiders distant
Attacking spiders
Armor foley
More hissing spiders
Footsteps stone
Female fighting
Male fighting
Extended spell fighting
Weapon impacts
Loose rock
Magic in the air
Creaking ladder
Walking on bones
Campfire (cave)
Pterafolk chatter in cave
Pterafolk pain
Pterafolk attack
Pterafolk chatter (far away)
Pterafolk chatter on pinnacle
Pterafolk pain on pinnacle
Pterafolk attack on pinnacle
Official D&D
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Sudden rain
Pterafolk pain
Pterafolk chatter
Pterafolk attack
Stirge screech
Combat sting
Failed climbing check
Failed swinging. Ouch!
Wind gust
Spider web attack
Spider hiss
Aarakocra prisoner
Picking lock
Volcanic explosion
Dino growling
T-rex roars
Arriving at the heart
Expressway to the top
Meeting Valindra
Bat attack
Sneaking into the lair (all clear?)
Zombie attack
Combat with Valindra? Yikes!
Locked up
Sneaking into the lair (Valindra is about )
The heart of Ubtao
Danger is close
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Welcome to the Jungle
Mysterious stranger
Magic gate
Bat swarm
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Plopping sounds
Small rocks
Ghostly noises
Magic pulses
Ill wind
Dino footsteps
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Throwing fists
Male grunts and shouts
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Weapon impacts
Swords clash & damage
Armor foley
Dinos farway
Oofs and arghs
Strange rumblings
Creaking ropes
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Air movement
Tumbling pebbles
Bat wings
Jungle day
Coughs and sneezes
Dino growls
Valindra combat
Zombie shuffling intermittent
Zombie talk
Spell combat
Fighting I
Fighting II
Distant jungle (magic circle)
Metal cage noises
Ogre zombie
Lich: random utterances
Valindra combat
Eagle calls
Zombie (muffled behind door)
Flying dinosaur
Official D&D
Dramatic flute II
"Thank you"
"Get out"
Lich "die"
Door smashes open
Zombie growl
Teleportation circle
Magic gate
Pick lock
Single bat
Bat swarm
Girallion zombie roar
Thunder claps
Volcanic explosion
Dino growling
T-rex roars
Spotting Kir Sabal
Climbing up to Kir Sabal
Kir Sabal general ambience (day)
Kir Sabal general ambience (night)
Dance of the seven winds
Cleansing chambers
Inside a dwelling
Gargoyles attacking
Angering the Aarakocra
Kir Sabal ambience
Kir Sabal
Dance of the seven winds
Gargoyle battle music
Wing flutter
Jungle - active
After the rain
Jungle - busy
Grunts and cries
Blade swipe
More punches
Scraping chairs
Coughs and throats
Night insects
Night birds
Insects (more)
Mountain wind
Insect flybys
Eagle calls
Tumbling pebbles
Whistly wind
Air movement
Gargoyle wings
Cloth flapping
Gargoyle screetches
Loose rock
Creaking ladder
Young aarakocra
Footsteps on wood
Aarakocra chatter
Aarakocra chatter II
Aarakocra attack
Aarakocra pain
Monastary chimes
Fighters II
Swords clash whoosh
Fighters I
Armor sounds heavy
Chairs and tables
Birds II
Water fountains
Mountain wind (muffled)
Various work
Official D&D
Dramatic sting
Dramtic sting III
Wind gust
Wing flutter
Gargoyle screetch
Dramatic sting II
Rotten boards give way
Failed climbing check
Failed swinging. Ouch!
Combat sting
Picking lock
Pterafolk attack
Pterafolk pain
Pterafolk chatter
Aarakocra chatter
Aarakocra attacks
Aarakocra pain
Thunder claps
T-rex roars
Following the path up the cliff
Reaching the plateau
Discovering Mbala
Wading through the skulls
Meeting Nanny Pu'pu
Ritual of death
Angry flying monkeys
Pterafolk combat
Pterafolk cave
Flesh Golem combat
Flesh Golem and nanny combat
Night-time exploring
Nanny Pu'pu
Forest music
Golem combat
Combat music
The ritual of death
Jungle - active
Bone chimes
Jungle - busy
Grunts and cries
Blade swipe
Smashing the underbush
More punches
Coughs and throats
Insect thrum
Night insects
Night birds
Insects (more)
Mountain wind
Eagle calls
Tumbling pebbles
Strange rumblings
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Giant footsteps
Air movement
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Moving through the skulls
Armor foley
Female fighting
Moving through the skulls II
Male Fighting
Weapon impacts
Campfire (cave)
Footsteps stone
Loose rock
Creaking ladder
Extended spell fighting
Fighting I
Fighting II
Swords clash & damage
Chattering flying monkeys
Attacking monkeys
Flying monkeys
Golem movement
Golem punches
Golem grunts
Pterafolk pain
Pterafolk chatter in cave
Pterafolk attack
Nanny combat
Ritual of death
Magic pulses
Flying Dinosaur
Official D&D
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Combat sting
Thunder claps
Sudden rainstorm
Angry flying monkey
Nanny laugh
Nanny screams
Picking lock
Pterafolk chatter
Pterafolk pain
Flesh golem
Volcanic explosion
Dino growling
T-rex roars
Discovering Orolunga
First steps
Second steps
Third steps
Saja N'baza's shrine
OK, snake food it is.
Re-entering the shrine
Saja N'Baza
Combat music
Welcome to the Jungle
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Giant snake
Phantom breeze
Talking chwingas
Chwinga moving
Ghostly noises
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Armor foley
Dinos farway
Strange rumblings
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Tumbling pebbles
Jungle day
Coughs and sneezes
Dino growls
Fighting II
Bird songs
Saja N'baza attacks
Official D&D
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Combat sting
Thunder claps
Sudden rainstorm
Saja N'baza attacks
Dino growling
Chwinga chatter
Snake swallower
Failed to swallow the snake
Failed climbing check
Volcanic explosion
T-rex roars
Ataaz Kahakla
Needle's bones
Quipper Swarm
Port Castigliar
Axe beak charge
Gargoyle attack
Giant snake fight
Grung attack
Kamadan battle
Lizardfolk battle
Pterafolk attack
Su-monster attack
Creepy music
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Welcome to the Jungle
Combat music II
Combat music (delayed) II
Music of wonder and mystery
Su-monster attack
Su-monster pain
Quipper swarm
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Footsteps in mud
Swamp atmosphere
Insect swamp distant
Weird frogs
Small river
Giant snake
Creaking trees
Plopping sounds
Small rocks
Ghostly noises
Magic pulses
Low wind
Dino footsteps
Ghostly presence
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Throwing fists
Male grunts and shouts
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Crashing through the underbrush
Stomping dino
Falling Trees
Weapon impacts
Angry dino
Large dino stomps
Swords clash & damage
Armor foley
Dinos farway
Creaking boards
Waves lapping
Big splashes
Oofs and arghs
Strange rumblings
Creaking ropes
Flash flood I
Flash flood II
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Sword swooshes
Axe and shield
Lizardfolk fighting
Lizardfolk fighting II
Jungle animal cries
Axe beak
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Distant river
Giant footsteps
Air movement
Tumbling pebbles
Kamadan cat attacks
Jungle day
Coughs and sneezes
Dino growls
Footsteps on wood
Zombie shuffling intermittent
Zombie talk
Moaning zombies
Distant ghoul wails
Angry zombies
Extended spell fighting
Fighting I
Fighting II
Skeleton bones
Mountain wind
Swirling water
Lake water
Distant wildlife
Gargoyle wings
Gargoyle screetches
Bow waves
Whistly wind
Abandonded structures
River water
Armor sounds heavy
Club hits
Club swings
Grung attacks
Grung pain
Pterafolk pain
Pterafolk attack
Kamadan snake attacks
Axe beak charging
Axe beak attacks II
Fighters (delayed) II
Fighters (delayed)
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic flute II
Pterafolk attack
Pterafolk pain
Gargoyle attack
Kamadan attack
Giant snake bite
Lizardfolk shout
Grung attack
Su-monster pain
Su-monster attack
Dino growling
Quipper swarm
Axe beak
Charging Axe beak
The albino dwarves approach
Entrance to Hrakhamar
Magma rift
Smelter (unseen)
Smelter (the fight is on)
Armory and empty store rooms
Imix Shrine (unseen)
Imix Shrine (battle)
Smoke filled caverns
Welcome to the Jungle
The Imix Shrine
Music of mystery
Theme music
Combat music (delayed)
Combat music
Albino dwarves
Danger is close
The Imix Shrine (combat)
Firenewt chatter II
Spell combat
Enhaling smoke
Fighting II (low voices)
Fighting II (high voices)
Punches II
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Footsteps stone
Insect flybys
Creaking wooden cabin
Medium fire 2
Roaring fire
Small fire 2
Giant footsteps
Dino roars
Creaking boards
Creaking ropes
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Spell combat
Earthquake rumble small
Torch on wall
Cave wind
Distant hammers II
Jungle day
Jungle night
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Random tools
Armor sounds heavy
Armor foley
Swords clash whoosh
Fighting (high voices)
Jungle animal cries
Cave ambience
Firenewt chatter
Firenewt warrior
Earthquake rumble
Lava - boiling
Lava - flow
Volcano eruption
Volcano lava fire
Distant hammers
Brazier flames
Snapping embers
Smelter machinery
Fighting (low voices)
Firenewt pain
Firenewt combat
Spear swooshing
Smoke mephit
Clouds of smoke
Stamping hammer
Official D&D
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Spell combat
Sudden rain
Combat sting
Springing the treasury trap
Picking lock
Forcing open an iron door
Crushing pit trap
Firenewt attack
Secret stone door
Activating/retracting the gantry
Stone door
Stealth kill
Taking damage
Open empty chest
Failed climbing check
Jungle gate
Jahaka anchorage ambience
The cage
Flying sword attacks
Bosco's bilge
Bosco's bilge (fist fight)
Bosco's bunk
Bosco's bunk (after hours)
"Yer not to be leaving" (Pirate captain fight)
Creepy music
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Welcome to the Jungle
Flying sword (first attack)
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Water laps at my feet
Creaking wooden cabin
Male grunts and shouts
Weapon impacts
Swords clash & damage
Armor foley
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Waves lapping
Big splashes
Creaking ropes
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Sword swooshes
Axe and shield
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Air movement
Jungle day
Footsteps on wood
Extended spell fighting
Drunken talk
Drunk gibberish
Rowdiness (muffled)
Pirates (muffled)
Clinking (muffled)
Dry cave ambience
Armor sounds heavy
Wet cave ambience
Fountain basin
Open fire place
Distant drips
Gentle waves amongst pebbles
Creaking buildings
Ship ambience
Deep structural creaking
Lapping water
Pirate fighters (inside bar)
Pirate music
Pirate captain
Dock workers
Flying sword attacks
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Swords clash whoosh (warehouse)
Torch on wall
Distant waves
Seedy talk
Various tasks
Stepping through puddles
Drunken prisoner
Small fire
Sleeping person
Breaking glass
Breaking wood
Punches II
Burps and drink noises
Pirate fighters (outside)
Pirate captain challenge
Fighting II (low voices)
Fighting II (high voices)
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Dragon flyby
Flying snake
Dino growling
Flying sword attack
Picking lock
Sudden rain
Stealth kill
Opening the gate
Warning horn
Ataaz Yklwazi
The cauldron
Hvalspyd (on deck)
Hvalspyd (below deck)
Lake Luo
Nsi wastes
River locations
Shilku bay (on land)
Shilku bay (on the water)
Snapping turtle bay
Valley of ember
Valley of dread
Ataaz Yklwazi
Combat music
Welcome to the Jungle
Theme music
Combat music III
Winter wolves below deck
Blue monkey
Stirge screeching
Weird frogs
Wind through the gorge
Creaking trees
Small rocks
Ghostly noises
Water laps at my feet
Ill wind
Ghostly presence
Crumbling stone
Maddening whispers
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Falling trees
This dungeon breathes
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Big splashes
Strange rumblings
Creaking ropes
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Strange voices
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Giant footsteps
Air movement
Tumbling pebbles
Jungle day
Dino growls
Distant ghoul wails
Angry monkeys
Tumbling rocks
Tumbling pebble
Waves lapping
Creaking boards II
Creaking boards III
Ship waves
Footsteps on wood
Active volcano
Lava flow
Volcanic activity
Sizzling water
Dino footsteps
Volcanic burst
Volcano lava fire
Volcano lava bubbles
Distant waves
Ward against Yuan-Ti
Boiling lake
Chairs and bumps
Cracking basalt
Loose rock
Whistly wind
Mountain wind
Jungle - busy
Eagle calls
Flying dinosaur
Giant footsteps on deck
Muffled waves
Frost giants while below deck
Fighting II (high voices)
Fighting II (low voices)
Winter wolf howling below decks
Frost giant chatter II
Giant steps on deck
Frost giant chatter
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Frost giant chatter
Frost giant attack
Frost giant pain
Winter wolf
Zombie growl
Dragon flyby
Dino growling
Sudden rainstorm
Volcanic burst
Volcanic chunks hitting the water
King Toba surfaces
The Entrance
A toothy welcome (crocodile attack)
The terraces
Yellow musk zombie attack
Eastern dome
Western dome
Inside the ruined palace
Poisoned by the plants
Pagoda (undetected by Eblis)
Pagoda (empty)
Flooded gardens
Zalkore's lair
The queen attacks
Poisoned by the plants
Exploring Nangalore
Theme music
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
The veiled queen
Crocodile bites
Chwinga chatter
Snakes in the pit
Wing flutter
Eblis chatter
Eblis chatter II
Eblis pain
Eblis attack
Water Splash
Punches II
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Distant jungle
Rain storm
Distant thunder
Footsteps stone
Insect flybys
Creaking wooden cabin
Giant footsteps
Dino roars
Moving through the underbrush
Falling Trees
Extended spell fighting
Earthquake rumble small
Torch on wall
Unsettling wind
Axe and shield
Coughs and throats
Jungle day
Jungle (muffled)
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Armor sounds heavy
Swords clash whoosh
Jungle animal cries
Crumbling stone
Tumbling pebbles
Phantom breeze
Dinos far away
Bird songs
Chwinga moving
Ghostly noises
Jungle - active
Air movement
Mountain wind
Flooded marsh
Elephant fountains
Exotic bird
Crocodile attack
Spell combat
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Disturbing plant movement II
Disturbing plant movement
Moaning zombies
Angry Zombies
Hissing spiders
Spiders movement
Dripping water
Ghostly fog
Wind in the trees
Plopping sounds
Ghostly presence
Maddening whispers
Crazy ramblings
Lich combat vocals
Fighting II (high voices)
Fighting II (low voices)
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
T-rex roars
Sudden rainstorm
Spell combat
Volcanic explosion
Picking lock
Pit trap
The Mantrap
Combat sting
Failed climbing check
Chwinga chatter
Crocodile bite
Yellow musk creeper spray
Spiders movement
Spider hiss
Falling through the ceiling
Forcing open an iron door
Snakes in the pit
Eblis attack
Eblis pain
Eblis chatter
Ceiling collapsing
Silver bell
Thiru-taya attacks
Turned to stone
Melee hits
Wading through water
Aldani attack
Artus Cimber, I presume
Curious Chwinga
Eblis Encounter
Firenewts and Striders
Flail snail
Frost giant search party
Giant spiders
King Toba (from a boat)
King Toba (from shore)
Night hag nightmare
Shambling mound encounter
Undead T-Rex attack (phase one)
Undead T-Rex attack (phase two)
Artus Cimber
Creepy music
Welcome to the jungle
Combat music
Combat music (delayed)
Mezro-Heart of Artus
Night in the jungle
Undead T-Rex battle (phase one)
Undead T-Rex battle (phase two)
Combat music II
Combat music III
Aldani attacks
Eblis attack
Eblis pain
Frost giant chatter
Winter wolf howls
The Night Hag creeping
Shambling mound roar
Blue monkey
Stirge screeching
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Taking damage
Footsteps in mud
Swamp atmosphere
Insect swamp distant
Weird frogs
Small river
Ghostly fog
Flying snake
Wind in the trees
Creaking trees
Plopping sounds
Small rocks
Ghostly noises
Flail snail movement
Water splashing onto the boat
Magic pulses
Ill wind
Creaking wooden cabin
Dino footsteps
Ghostly presence
Minor rock movement
Crumbling stone
Maddening whispers
Throwing fists
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Crashing through the underbrush
Strider movement
Falling Trees
Weapon impacts
Angry dino
Large dino stomps
Swords clash & damage
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Waves lapping
Big splashes
Strange rumblings
Creaking ropes
Flash flood I
Flash flood II
Heavy rain II
Heavy rain I
Sword swooshes
Axe and shield
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Dino roars
Insect flybys
Distant jungle
Footsteps on soil
Distant river
Dino footsteps
Air movement
Tumbling pebbles
Flying snake wings
Jungle day
Dino growls
Footsteps on wood
Undead T-Rex
Zombie shuffling intermittent
Zombie talk
Ghoul attack
Distant ghoul wails
Angry zombies
Extended spell fighting
Distant sea
Distant waves crashing
Armor sounds heavy
More hissing spiders
Spiders all around
Giantspiders talk and walk
Claws tearing flesh
Claw hits
Claw attacks
Aldani claw attacks
Wing flutter
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Giant footsteps
Frost giant chatter II
Winter wolves
Falling trees
Zombie slam attacks
Heavy snoring
Sleeping adventurers
Jungle night
Chwinga moving
Talking chwingas
Shambling mound attacks
Big splash
Spear swooshing
Firenewt combat
Firenewt pain
Firenewt warrior
Flail snail attacks
Spider web attacks
King Toba attacks
Crossbow attack
Bow fire
Fighting II (low voices)
Fighting II (high voices)
Splashing through water
Sword swings (no ringing)
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting III
Aldani attack
Artus Cimber
Charging dino
Dino growling
Eblis attack
Eblis pain
Dramatic sting II
Firenewt attack
Frost giant attack
Frost giant chatter
Frost giant pain
King Toba surfaces
The Night Hag
Shambling mound roar
Spider hiss
Spell combat
Spider web attack
Undead T-Rex
Undead dino surprise
Zombie growl
Winter wolf howls
Easy, boy!!
Winter wolf
Vegepypmy attack
Tail swing
The Narwhal-Under the wreck
The Narwhal-Vegepygmy hunting party
The Narwhal-Battling Bwayes
The Narwhal-Visiting Bwayes on the ship
The Narwhal-Vegepygmy battle
The Star Goddess-Wreck of the Star Goddess
The Star Goddess-In the trees
The Star Goddess-Dealing with the ghouls
The Star Goddess-Girallons attack
Incidential music
Combat music III
Combat music II
Bwayes out hunting
Vegepypmy attack
Vegepypmy pain
Girallon zombies II
Girallon zombies
Jungle (muffled)
After the rain
Jungle - busy
Tribal drums
Grunts and cries
Blade swipe
Movement under the wreck
More punches
Scraping chairs
Coughs and throats
Insect thrum
Night insects
Night birds
Insects (more)
Wind through the porthole
Insect flybys
Eagle calls
Tumbling pebbles
Vegepypmy chatter
Vegepypmy chatter II
Throny movement
Vegepypmy hunting parrty
Vegepypmy hunting party II
Jungle (active)
Throny movement (outside)
Stirge screeching
Swords clash whoosh
Wind in the trees
Creaking trees
Creaking wooden cabin
Throwing fists
Moving through the underbrush
Moving through the underbrush II
Weapon impacts
Swords clash & damage
Dinos far away
Creaking boards
Creaking ropes
Jungle animal cries
Air movement
Jungle day
Footsteps on wood
Armor sounds heavy
Claw attacks
Claws tearing flesh
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Zombie slam attacks
Spear swooshing
Bow fire
Ghoul attack
Ghoul creeping in the bushes
Ghouls II
Breaking branches
Fighting II (low voices)
Fighting II (high voices)
Footsteps in mud
Bwayes combat
Official D&D
Combat sting
Weak voice
Vegepypmy chatter
Vegepypmy attack
Vegepypmy pain
Girallon zombie roar
Dramatic sting II
Zombie growl
Spell combat
Failed climbing check
Office and supply shed
Upper shaft
Haunted forge
Specters attack
Egg nursery
Fighting kobolds
Fighting the Urds
Main living quarters
Bottom of the shaft
Audience chamber
Fighting Tinder
Combat music
Kobold combat
Red dragon roars
Red dragon growls
Punches II
Jungle animal cries
Jungle sounds
Footsteps stone
Small fire 2
Dino roars
Torch on wall
Axe and shield
Jungle day
Underbrush occasional
Armor sounds heavy
Swords clash whoosh
Distant hammers II
Snapping embers
Cave ambience
Distant hammers
Cave wind
This dungeon breathes
Stone sounds
Little feet running
Rat squeaks
Gravel steps
Weapon impacts
Dragon wings
Footsteps on wood
Ghostly presence
Maddening whispers
Spector life drain & hiss
Ghostly noises
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Kobold words
Spear swings
Urd wings
Small waterfall
Dragon claws
Kobold background voices
Kobold pain
Kobold attacks II
Throaty growls
Kobold background voices II
Kobold attacks I
Melee swings
Cracking eggs
Kobold young
Dragon shifting his weight
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Dramatic sting II
Dramatic sting III
Sudden rain
T-rex roars
Sudden rainstorm
Opening the gate
Warning horn
Volcanic explosion
Picking lock
Failed climbing check
Open empty chest
Stealth kill
Crushing pit trap
Forcing open an iron door
Rolling boulder trap
Kobold battle cry
Mine cart crash
Force open wooden door
Red dragon breath weapon
Red dragon roar
Swinging log trap
1. Acererak's warning
1a. Gargoyle attack
1b. Nalfeshnee attack
2. Gallery of tricksters
3. False Entrance
4. True Entrance
5. Trapped corridor
5a. Shadow demon attacks
5b. Floor hatch
6. Crystal window
7. Grand staircase
8. Magical attraction (trap active)
8. Magical attraction (Inactive)
9. Magic fountain
Combat music III
The Nalfeshnee
Acererak's warning
Magnetic statue trap
Magic fountain
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Distant jungle
Blunt swings and hits
Gargoyle wings
Gargoyle screetches
Gargoyle screetches (distant)
Jungle day
Dinos farway
Nalfeshnee growl
Nalfeshnee attacks
Sword swooshes
Moving through the underbrush
Footsteps stone (outside)
Ill wind
Footsteps stone (inside)
Shadow attack
Dungeon ambiance
Muddy water
Rocks and stones falling
Footsteps stone (far away)
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Picking lock
Gargoyle attack
Placing the puzzle cubes
All puzzle cubes placed
Toppling the obelisk
Nalfeshnee horror nimbus
Nalfeshnee growl
Oil basin flaring to life
False Entrance closes
True entrance
Devil face
Crystal window
Posion dart trap
Prying open the iron grate
Magnetic statue-failed save
10. Obo'laka's tomb
10a. Wight attack
11. Gas pocket/Underground river
12. Trapped chest
13. Stone skull
14. Moa's tomb
14a. Nepartak and the spiders attack
15. Wind tunnel (dormant)
15a. Wind tunnel (active)
16. Wongo's tomb
16a. Su monst... err... Su mummy attacks
17. Underground waterfall
17a. Mimic attack
Combat music III
Crystal Window II
Combat drum music
Nepartak attacks
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Blunt swings and hits
Nalfeshnee attacks
Sword swooshes
Wight attacks
Mimic attacks
Mimic scrapes
Disk of eyes
Footsteps stone (far away)
Rocks and stones falling
Dungeon ambiance
Footsteps stone (inside)
Low wind
Dripping water
Wight growls
Footstep muddy water
Muddy water
Muddy water current
Flaming eye sockets
Spiders and webs
Flameskull fighting
Attacking spiders
Fan starting
Fan running
Su monster mummy
Rushing water (distant) (loop)
Underground river
Air movement
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Detect Magic
Dispel Magic
Forcing open an iron door
Picking lock
Wight life drain
Forcing open the sarcophagus
Obo'laka tries to possess
Secret door explosion
Failed climbing check
Secret door
Chest eats lock picks
Failed opening chest by 5 or more
Skull bites down
Moa's offer
Nepartak calls out
"Where am I?
"Are you friends of my father?"
"Why can't I see?"
"I don't know"
Nepartak screams
Nepartak attacks
Nepartak fire ray
Button activation
Silver button cold damage
Rusty iron button destroys metal
Onyx button force damage
Wongo's demand
18. Devil pit
18a. Bat swarm attack
19. Gravity ring
20. False tomb
20a. False tomb (Wine trap activated)
20b. Wine weirds attack (Wine flowing)
20b. Wine weirds attack (Wine stopped flowing)
21. Zombie door
22. Papazotl's tomb
22a. Skeletons attack
Combat music III
Time is running out
Twinkling crystals
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Bat swarm II
Bat swarm
Screams from the devil mask
Dripping water
Low wind
Footsteps stone (inside)
Dungeon ambiance
Rocks and stones falling
Gravity ring
Wine trap sprung
Wine trap loop (delayed start)
Splashing through wine
Wine weird attacking
Wine weird exertion
Wine trap loop (no delay)
Skeleton attacks I
Skeleton attacks II
Eblis chatter
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Detect Magic
Dispel Magic
Picking lock
Bat swarm
Zombies opening door
Forcing open an iron door
Crossing the planar gate
Hunter's spear attack
Papazotl's demand
Stone block closes
23. Bottled genie
24. Nangnang's tomb
24a. Gray slaad attacks
25. Scrying pool
25a. Tomb guardian rises from scrying pool
27. Forge of the tomb dwarves
27a. Battling the tomb dwarves
27a. Battling the tomb dwarves and the tomb guardian
28. Withers's office
28a. Withers and the crawling claws attack
Combat music III
Withers combat
The Dao
The Tomb Guardian
Releasing the Tomb Guardian
Big splash
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Dungeon ambiance
Footsteps stone (inside)
Low wind
Dripping water
Slaad grunts and growls
Undead bird
Golem punches
Iron golem
Tomb dwarf chatter
Tomb dwarf chatter II
Swinging cage
Squeaking rat
Metal tinkering
Metal impacts
Large kiln
Tomb dwarf pain
Tomb dwarf attack
Crawling claws
Small fire
Spell fighting
Taking damage
There be magic
Magical windchimes
Amber temple hum
Crawling claws combat
Air movement
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Detect Magic
Dispel Magic
Picking lock
Forcing open an iron door
Releasing the dao
Crossing the planar gate
Nangnang's offer
Otto's Irresistible Dance
Releasing the tomb guardian
Gazing into the scrying pool
Withers taunt
29. Jackal mask
29a. Last moments of Bravus Boulderborn
30. Iron barrier
31. Reflected hall
32. Rotating crawlways
33. Chamber of opposition
35. I'jin's tomb
35b. Hieroglyphic floor
36. Chamber of respite
Combat music III
The heart of Ubtao
Strange and wonderous
Stone door
Locust swarm
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Sword swooshes
Blunt swings and hits
Dripping water
Low wind
Footsteps stone (inside)
Dungeon ambiance
Dungeon ambiance II
Rocks and stones falling
Magical windchimes
There be magic
Taking damage
Floor tile
Bravus' last screams
Curtain of water
This dungeon breathes
Steaming stone font
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Detect Magic
Dispel Magic
Forcing open an iron door
Picking lock
Iron sheet snapping closed
Crushing wave of water
Crawlway trap
Taking a peek at the duplicate's face
Button and closing block
Activating floor tile
Corrosive gas trap
I'jin's plea
Locust swarm
37. Winds of Pandemonium
37a. Wailing winds activated
38. Revolving room trap
39. Golem pit
39a. Golem attacks
40. Curse of the golden skull
42a. Wraiths attack
43. Veils of fear
41. Tomb guardians attack
42. Kubazan's tomb
44. Vault of the beholder
44a. The beholder attacks
Vault of the Beholder
The Hunted
Strange and wonderous
Unsettling music
Combat music
Combat drum music
Beholder battle
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Punches II
Sword swooshes
Blunt swings and hits
This dungeon breathes
Taking damage
There be magic
Rocks and stones falling
Dungeon ambiance II
Dungeon ambiance
Footsteps stone (inside)
Low wind
Dripping water
Howling wind
Flesh golem
Golem slam attacks
Heavy chain links
Deep croaking frogs
Wraith growls
Wraith fighting
Golem swings
Strange rumblings
Spell fighting
Damaging hide or leather
Air movement
Vault door opens
CLICK ME for active magnetic trap
Beholder vocal
Beholder magic
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Forcing open an iron door
Pick lock
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Revolving room rotating
Revolving room gas effect
Revolving room sparkling dust effect
Revolving room stone spikes effect
Revolving room incendiary gas effect
Rotating statue
Curse of the golden skull
Kubazan's request
Lord of the feast
Deactivating the sphere
Beholder battle begins
Charm person ray
Death ray
Disintegrate ray
Enervation ray
Fear ray
Paralyzing Ray
Petrifying gaze
Sleep ray
Slow ray
Telekinetic ray
45. Gargoyle guardians
45a. Gargoyle attack
46. Lizard den
47A. Fire cell
47Aa. Fire cell trap sprung
47B. Water cell
47C. Air cell
47D. Earth cell
48. Shagambi's tomb
48a. Battling the terracotta warriors
49A. Maze of death
49B. Green devil face
49C. Black opal crown
49Ca. Removing the crown
49Cb. Fighting the bodaks
Being stalked by Bodaks
Combat music
Unsettling music
Delving deeper
Combat music III
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Damaging hide or leather
Terracotta warrior attacks
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Crumbling stone
Strange rumblings
This dungeon breathes
Footsteps stone (inside)
Low wind
Air movement
Spell fighting
Vault door opens
Dungeon ambiance
Dungeon ambiance II
There be magic
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Punches II
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Mechanical resonance
Gargoyle wings
Gargoyle screetches
Bodaks (distant)
Lava flow
Water trap I
Water trap II
Water trap III
Footstep shallow water
Choking and coughing
Sand trap
Sandy movement
Terracotta damage
Bone devil growls
Bone devil hisses
Ghostly hiss
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Picking lock
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Failed climbing check
Gargoyle attack
Stone door shuts
Broken teleportation rune
Coffin trap
Shagambi's entreaty
Teleportation rune
Stone slab
Abyssal whispering
50. Mirror of life trapping
50a. Destroying the mirror
51. Ghastly door
51a. Forcing the door
52. Throne room
52a. Zombie T-Rex
53. Crypt of the sun queen
54. Rolling doom
55. Unkh's tomb
55a. Fighting the minotaur skeletons
55b. In the maze
56. Grandfather clock
57. Oubliette
57a. Fighting the Otyugh
57b. Pulling the left lever
Combat music
Tomb of the Nine Gods
Major battle
Combat music (delayed)
Zombie T-Rex battle
Unsettling music
Delving deeper
The elder queen
The elder queen ambience
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Damaging hide or leather
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Strange rumblings
Footsteps stone (inside)
Air movement
Dungeon ambiance II
Low wind
Heavy chain links
Spell fighting
Dungeon ambiance
There be magic
Grandfather clock
Invisible stalker moving
Invisible stalker attack
Troll attacks
Ghast attacks
Ghast bites
Ghast charging in
Ghast (distance)
Zombie shuffling
Zombie T-Rex
Zombie T-Rex roars
Giant footsteps
Breaking boxes
Otyugh tentacle
Otyugh attacks & bites
Minotaur skeleton
Axe and shield
Ooze squelch
Gravity ring
Wind - high
Footsteps in muck
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Picking lock
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Smashing the mirror
Feeding the ghastly door
Forcing the door
Golden sun
Napaka yawns
Rolling boulder trap
Acid pit trap
Unkh's offer
Grandfather clock chimes
Pulling the right lever
Breaking through the floor
Otyugh attacks
Spell combat
58. Cog of Rot
58a. Shambling mound attack
59. Cog of Acid
60. Cog of Blood
60a. Orc attack
60b. Will-o-wisp attack
60c. Mezzoloths attack
60d. Bone devil attacks
61. Control room
61a. Pulling the gold lever
62. Stone juggernaut
62d. Napaka awakens
63. Gas filled room
Combat music
Major battle
Combat music (delayed)
Combat drum music
Unsettling music
Delving deeper
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Armor foley
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Damaging hide or leather
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Crumbling stone
Strange rumblings
Footsteps stone (inside)
There be magic
Dungeon ambiance
Spell fighting
Heavy chain links
Low wind
This dungeon breathes
Dungeon ambiance II
Air movement
Shambling mound attacks, roar
Shambling movements
Footsteps in muck
Poison gas trap helm
Orcs I
Orcs II
Axe and shield
Will-o-wisps I
Will-o-wisps II
Claws tearing flesh
Bone devil growls
Bone devil hisses
Slime flow
Slime trap
The Juggernaut
Wall opening
Gas release
Splash elements
Official D&D
Failed climbing check
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Picking lock
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Cogs rotating
Pulling the right lever
Spell combat
Shambling mound roar
Pushing the red button
Pushing the blue button
64. Base of the waterfall
65. Underground lake
65a. The aboleth
66. Door of devouring
67. Hall of the golden mastodon
67a. Spined devils attack
67b. Bearded devils attack
67c. Barbed devils attack
67d. Horned devils attack
67e. Erinyes attack
68. Hall of decay
69. Mechanus chain
69a. Modrons attack
70. Armillary sphere
70a. Nycaloth attacks
Major battle
Armillary Sphere
Combat music
Combat music II
Combat drum music
Delving deeper
Unsettling music
Combat drum music (delayed)
Ghostly noises
Strange rumblings
Incense bowls
Dungeon ambiance
Footsteps stone (inside)
Dripping water
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Damaging hide or leather
Taking damage
Swords clash whoosh
Armor foley
Blunt swings and hits
Phantom breeze
There be magic
Low wind
This dungeon breathes
Dungeon ambiance II
Air movement
More tinkering tomb dwarves
Tinkering tomb dwarves (distant)
Heavy chain links
Crumbling stone
Tinkering tomb dwarves
Underground lake shore
Splash elements
Underwater waves
Aboleth movement
Weapon impacts (underwater)
Erinyes taunts
Bone devil growls
Bone devil hisses
Claws tearing flesh
Bearded devil chatter
Barbed devil chatter
Spined devil
Horned devil combat
Spell fighting
Hot wind
Nycaloth wings
Quadrone chatter and combat
Quadrone movement
Pentadrone chatter
The moon shatters
Nycaloth roar
Nycaloth combat
Erinyes taunt
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Detect Magic
Dispel Magic
Picking lock
Failed climbing check
Forcing open an iron door
The aboleth surfaces
Door of devouring
Barbed devil tail attack
Spined devil
Horned devil fire attack
Golden mastadon activated
Golden mastadon rotating
Fire erupts
Stone slab
Vortex opening
Paralysis gas attack
Activating the sphere
Nycaloth roar
71. Lair of the Sewn Sisters
71a. Facing the night hags
72. Trial of the Triangle
73. Trial of the Square
73a. Dust mephit attack
74. Trial of the Pentagon
75. Trial of the Hexagon
75a. Wrong lever
76. Trial of the Octagon
76a. The spider fan
The Sewn sisters
High pressure
Major battle
Combat music
Delving deeper
Unsettling music
Lever pull
Mirror smashed
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Armor foley
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Pain (low voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Damaging hide or leather
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Strange rumblings
Footsteps stone (inside)
Dungeon ambiance
Low wind
There be magic
Spell fighting
This dungeon breathes
Dungeon ambiance II
Air movement
Cauldron boiling
Peggy Deadbells
Baggy Nana
Widow Groat
Dust mephit
More fluttering parchment
High wind
Fluttering parchment
Plates, pots & glasses
Wereboar II
Wereboar roar
Spider fan
Crumbling ceiling
Crumbling ceiling II
Breaking boxes
Mister Threadneedle shuffling around
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Picking lock
Failed climbing check
Forcing open an iron door
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
The hag's dolls
Unlocking the skeleton door
Lever pull
77. Death god's nursery
77a. Atropal attacks
77b. Acererak attacks
78. Chapel of Hate
79. Hall of Finality
79a. Activating the glyph of warding
80. Red Library
80a. Battling the arcanaloth
81. Ebon pool
Conclusion: victory
Conclusion: defeat
Death god's nursery II
Ebon pool
Death god's nursery I
Battling the Atropal
Battling Acererak
The Sewn sisters
Combat music
Delving deeper
Unsettling music
To the victor go the spoils
Maybe next time
Blunt swings and hits
Spell fighting
Swords clash whoosh
Taking damage
Fighting (low voices)
Fighting (high voices)
Damaging hide or leather
Fighting (neutral voices)
Red Library music box
Glyph of warding
Phantom breeze
Ghostly noises
Strange rumblings
Dungeon ambiance
Low wind
Dripping water
There be magic
This dungeon breathes
Air movement
Haunted screams
Volcano lava bubbles
Footsteps stone (inside)
Crumbling stone
Nothic jibber II
Nothic fighter
Nothic jibber I
Nothics chained to the wall
Torch on wall
Wall of fire
Acererak combat
Acererak arrives
Atropal's tentacle attacks
Atropal combat
Clapping and cheering
Corpses hung from the ceiling
Arcanaloth fighting
Arcanaloth spells
Mister Fox true form
Acererak final laugh
LOOK HERE: Wraith attacks if summoned
Jungle day
Dinos farway
Official D&D
Tomb of the Nine Gods dramatic stinger
Tomb of the Nine Gods combat stingers
Combat Sting
Picking lock
Forcing open an iron door
Dispel Magic
Detect Magic
Spell combat
Atropal's wail
Atropal's ray of cold
Atropal's life drain
Acererak taunting
Frightening gaze
Paralyzing touch
Disrupt life
Sphere of annihilation
Nothic attacks
Rotting gaze
Glyph of warding
Arcanaloth cry
Ebon pool
Tomb of the Nine Gods defeat
Tomb of the Nine Gods victory
TOA4 Part 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"ovi-raskas-metalliovi-kiinni-kaiku-a-heavy-metal-door-shuts-echo-low-creak-squeak-door-slams-and-lock-clicks-a-processed-sound" by "YleArkisto" (https://freesound.org/people/YleArkisto/)
"horror-gate" by "Tomlija" (https://freesound.org/people/Tomlija/)
"DR05-0205-sandau-fähre" by "miguelstar2" (https://freesound.org/people/miguelstar2/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"fireplace" by "leosalom" (https://freesound.org/people/leosalom/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Lurking composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Giant snake movement SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Snake giant moving and attacking created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Lich vocals by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Chained prisoner performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sobbing child created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Abyssal chanting SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Chain movement sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Steam pipes created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Whooshes performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Gate closing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Basilisk roar created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Snake sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gas trap switch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Petrifying gaze created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti attacks SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Doru screams performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Ukurlahmu SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Rattling chains sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sobbing child sounds preformed & created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti bites created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Chain Rattles created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti Chatter SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cavern wind effects created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Basilisk created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Fane of the Night Serpent" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sparring music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 2” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 1” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Flute Oneshot Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA4 Part 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"Woosh" by "lebaston100" (https://freesound.org/people/lebaston100/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr" (https://freesound.org/people/moddingtr/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie gurgle" performed at Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
Flying Crystal sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Evil Female Villian – Laughs" by Rebecca Rauschenberger at Gen Con 2016 for Syrinscape
Wind Chimes gently moving in the wind. Created by Tim Wilhelm
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Giant snake movement SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Yuan Ti harem SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sahuagin Alarm gong – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Gate closing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cauldron sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Yuan Ti attacks SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Snake sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flapping tents created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Open amber stone door sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Doru screams performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie growl" performed by Mike Bradford at Gen Con 2015
Yuan-Ti Bites created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Snake_Giant_Moving and attacking created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
This sample is used under Creative Commons: Zero licence
"BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015
Yuan Ti Chatter SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie Gurgle" performed by Gareth at Gen Con 2015
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Female maid sounds performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 1” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 2” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sparring music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Saja Nbaza” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Flute Oneshot Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ras Nsi" was composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Saja N'baza” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Fane" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA4 Part 3
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr" (https://freesound.org/people/moddingtr/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Wooden creaks created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Giant snake movement SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Slave grunts performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Performed by the Siren. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for syrinscape.com
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for syrinscape.com
Chained prisoner performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crazy Barry ceated by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Saja N'baza composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Yuan Ti Chatter SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hakoor voice by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hydra noises created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Snake giant moving and attacking created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Epic hydra roars created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Doru screams performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Shadow apparition whispers – performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti attacks SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Footsteps_Water_splashing SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barefoot on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sobbing child sounds preformed & created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Yuan-ti Bites created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rattle snake SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hag performed by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape
Juicy splats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hakoor voice by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Vrock spores – created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Lapping water sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti harem SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Snake movement created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Snake sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Saja N’baza” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Flute Oneshot Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
The King pt. 1 composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA3 Arriving in Omu
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"dogs-growling" by "juskiddink" (https://freesound.org/people/juskiddink/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
“Wolf-run” by “sabotovat” (https://freesound.org/people/sabotovat/sounds/414350/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jump grunts created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Creaking metal created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Orvex VFX voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Yuan Ti attacks SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Fighting dogs created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Run Grunts created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Jungle wood blocks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Giant snake movement SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yuan-ti bites created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gruung voices created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Snake giant moving and attacking created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Vegepygmy drums" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Nangalore-Extended” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sparring music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 1” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 2” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Omu" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Flute Oneshot Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Spirit Pole" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA3 The Shrines Part 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"pumpmkin-guts-squish-4" by "mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/mwlandi/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"snakeattackverbpuls" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"snakeattackverbpuls a" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"pumpmkin-guts-squish-4" by "mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/mwlandi/)
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr" (https://freesound.org/people/moddingtr/)
"snakeattackverbpuls b" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"wet-slaps_7" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"rope-pull-2" by "huggy13ear" (https://freesound.org/people/huggy13ear/)
"snakey-woman" by "poots" (https://freesound.org/people/poots/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Open empty chest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Froghemoth SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrincscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the shrine" written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Correct squares created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Puzzle cube SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gas trap chest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Floor tile created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Clay Golem shouts created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cavern wind effects created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sparring music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Flute Oneshot Sting” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Kobolds on the loose” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA3 The Shrines Part 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"trap-01" by "LittleRobotSoundFactory" (https://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Angry monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Wongo's offer" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Clinky metal things created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Su Monster sounds created Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Puzzle cube SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Attacking monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Floor tile created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Open amber stone door sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dragon claw scratch created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghast bites created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Chwinga created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ankegh creature created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ice mephits created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cavern wind effects created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Monkey Cacophony" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Sparring music” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Queen's Decree" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA3 The Shrines Part 3
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
King Yorb SFX voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Tomb tappers created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Puzzle cube SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Petrifying gaze created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screeches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Gruung voices created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Druid spell word performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voj SFX voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps Water splashing SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cavern wind effects created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Drips performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“The King pt. 2” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Vision of Acererak" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sparring music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
The King pt. 1 composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Harbor Ward
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"soccer-amateurs-01-nl" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Campus walla variants created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Tomb of Annihilation. Main theme song for the game written by Tim Wilhelm
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Virginia Meadows
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created using edited Creative Common Zero samples.
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Morgan Rands
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at https://syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Market Ward
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"20100423-hungry-cats-04" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"approx-800-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"Gulls-Passing" by "M-Newlove" (https://freesound.org/people/M-Newlove/)
"approx-800-cheer-and-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"approx-800-cheer-and-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"Gulls-Passing" by "M-Newlove" (https://freesound.org/people/M-Newlove/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"Gulls-Passing" by "M-Newlove" (https://freesound.org/people/M-Newlove/)
"bamboo-chimes-a" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"Seagulls-Close-Up" by "Juskiddink" (https://freesound.org/people/Juskiddink/)
"pig002" by "yottasounds" (https://freesound.org/people/yottasounds/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"luang-prabang-morning-market-laos" by "RTB45" (https://freesound.org/people/RTB45/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"Wind Chimes, A.wav" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"stenhagen-chatting-seagulls" by "owl" (https://freesound.org/people/owl/)
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Turkish_market" by "Donalfonso" (https://freesound.org/people/Donalfonso/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-02" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-01" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"istanbul-spice-bazaar-aka-egyptian-bazaar-ambience" by "tagirov" (https://freesound.org/people/tagirov/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-03" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Bats created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Bats chirping and flapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
This crowd has been edited by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Angry cat sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Frisky, the Tabaxi bard voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Virginia Meadows
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meat seller voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barry the rat created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Campus walla variants created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Morgan Rands
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hallway steps sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at https://syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Merchant Ward
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"retrojapan-and-giggling" by "AmeAngelofSin" (https://freesound.org/people/AmeAngelofSin/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney"
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"flirtatious-laugh" by "AmeAngelofSin" (https://freesound.org/people/AmeAngelofSin/)
"market-in-africa-in-the-small-village-of-diafarabe-mali" by felix_blume (https://freesound.org/people/felix_blume/)
"Wooden-Floor-Loop" by "Sinatra314" (https://freesound.org/people/Sinatra314/)
"pig002" by "yottasounds" (https://freesound.org/people/yottasounds/)
"luang-prabang-morning-market-laos" by "RTB45" (https://freesound.org/people/RTB45/)
"sexy-c-mon-now" by "AmeAngelofSin" (https://freesound.org/people/AmeAngelofSin/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-03" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"cotton-flapping" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"istanbul-spice-bazaar-aka-egyptian-bazaar-ambience" by "tagirov" (https://freesound.org/people/tagirov/)
"Burp" by "Noisecollector" (https://freesound.org/people/Noisecollector/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"bamboo-chimes-a" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"Wetbelch4" by "Plingativator" (https://freesound.org/people/Plingativator/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-04" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-01" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-02" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"sexy-oh-my-gosh" by "AmeAngelofSin" (https://freesound.org/people/AmeAngelofSin/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Bats created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Brienna by Bekah Barker
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bats chirping and flapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Moving chair sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Virginia Meadows
Voice of Jolistina by Bekah Barker for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry Vistani babble performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bamboo chimes – created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barry Phandelver babble created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Matilda's Vistani babble sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Laughter created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Meat seller from Chult. Created and voiced by Tim Wilhelm
Vistani Walla sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry Vistani babble performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Kolistina by Bekah Barker
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Campus walla variants created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Crazy Barry ceated by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Laughter" created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Angry cat sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Coughing sick Beggars created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Morgan Rands
Child babble sounds performed by Robin Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Uncorking bottle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wind Chimes gently moving in the wind. Created by Tim Wilhelm
Performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Flapping tents created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Distant river sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Waiting human sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry the rat created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hallway steps sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at https://syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The city breathes" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Old City
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"approx-800-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"wet-slaps_7" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"pig002" by "yottasounds" (https://freesound.org/people/yottasounds/)
"wet-slaps_8" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"market-in-africa-in-the-small-village-of-diafarabe-mali" by felix_blume (https://freesound.org/people/felix_blume/)
"Men-Running-Forest-Breathing-1" by "Victorcenusa" (https://freesound.org/people/Victorcenusa/)
"approx-800-cheer-and-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"cotton-flapping" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"wet-slaps_9" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"running-in-the-snow" by "mallement" (https://freesound.org/people/mallement/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"wet-slaps_6" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_2" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_1" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_5" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_10" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_3" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"wet-slaps_11" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"wet-slaps_4" by "herbertboland" (https://freesound.org/people/herbertboland/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
"cotton-flapping" by "huggy13ear" (https://freesound.org/people/huggy13ear/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Bats created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Bats chirping and flapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Otyugh noises created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Virginia Meadows
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Crow sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Otyugh attack created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Raven sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Campus walla variants created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Otyugh noises created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Australian Voices created by Benjamin, Karen and Elden Loomes and edited by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Morgan Rands
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
This crowd has been edited together by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Otyugh injured created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Angry Barovian crys created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry the rat created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Otyugh injured created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Temples, Inns & Dinosaur Pens
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"soccer-amateurs-01-nl" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"Burp" by "Noisecollector" (https://freesound.org/people/Noisecollector/)
"Wind Chimes, A.wav" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"Wooden-Floor-Loop" by "Sinatra314" (https://freesound.org/people/Sinatra314/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Barovia babble performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Various sayings from Frisky the Tabaxi minstrel. Created and voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Frisky, the Tabaxi bard voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Werewolf chatter performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Masks horror music by Elden Loomes for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Uncorking bottle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow apparition whispers – performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Barovian Babble sounds performed by Bekah Baker, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Matilda's Vistani babble sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
More Dino footprints, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Female Walla sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vistani Walla sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at https://syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Gond" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Temple of Savras" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Wonders of Gond" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Wonders of Gond II" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The binding contract" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA Port Nyanzaru: Random Encounters
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"approx-800-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"roofhammering04" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"approx-800-cheer-and-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-03" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-o" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"roofhammering03" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"roofhammering02" by "WIM" (https://freesound.org/people/WIM/)
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-01" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-04" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"20100423-hungry-cats-02" by "dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/)
"male-scream-bram-neenee" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"scream-male-bram-aah" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"male-scream-bram-ooh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Bats created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dino D's rockin race #2 was written for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm. Want a little 80's cheez in your race. This has you covered.
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bats chirping and flapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Two minutes of silence created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
30s silence by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Large Dinosaur racing by, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Virginia Meadows
Warning horn created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
4-legged dino racing sounds – created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Tropical jungle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created using edited Creative Common Zero samples.
Githyanki warrior sounds performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Campus walla variants created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Angry cat sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Laugh" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
The Beggar's warning. Voiced by Tim Wilhelm
Shouting nonsense sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Snow exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Mind Shattered Guards voices by Morgan Rands
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Armel by Morgan Rands
Medium-sized dino racing by, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice over recorded by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Multiple dinos racing by, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Small dino racing by, created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Dino D's Rockin race #1 was written for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm. Need a little 80's cheez for the race. This has you covered.
Flash flood was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Yells performed by the amazing team of devs at the Interaction Consortium Sydney
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Riding a 2-legged dino. No fade in or out. Created by Tim Wilhelm
Barry the rat created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"A grim warning" was written for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm.
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Syrinscape" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Exploring the island
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"wave2" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"wave1" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"Timber" by "Hazure" (https://freesound.org/people/Hazure/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Night time jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Starting a fire created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Distant river sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Splooshing around in the water sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Random encounters I
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
"scared-hurt-what-are-you-going-on-about-help-me" by "11linda" (https://freesound.org/people/11linda/)
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Blue mist monkey business created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sea Hag – Barry Doublet
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sea Hag performed Demitrus Spardeous for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin hisses – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Splooshing around in the water sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spellcaster whispers created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin screams – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Angry monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Activating the shield guardian created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Flying snakes created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stone golem noises created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Breath sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Heat of Artus-Long Ambient composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Stirge Swarm created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Vorn composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Attacking monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Black smoke noises created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
"Please somebody help me" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Snow exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flash flood was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Dragon flyby sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Strahd whispers sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin injury sounds – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Baba Lysaga fighting sounds performed & created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
High bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin gowls – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Blue Monkey created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghostly presence created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Teeth bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Blue Mist" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Heart of Artus" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Ataaz Muhahah
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stone golem noises created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Attacking monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Wall collapse sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant river sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Angry baboons created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Failed swinging created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Angry monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Failed swinging II created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Male Pain sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Mocking monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“The Golem” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Shrine of Ubtao”. – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Camp Righteous
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Goblin growls – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using original and Creative Common Zero samples.
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Distant river sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie croakygirl" performed by Caroline Martzall at Gen Con 2015
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created using edited Creative Common Zero samples.
"Biggish monster roars" performed by Simon Snider at Gen Con 2015
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Growl" performed by Steven Jankowski at Gen Con 2015
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
"Grrrr" performed by Shawn Berryhill at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie Gurgle" performed by Gareth at Gen Con 2015
"Exploring the shrine" written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin Horn SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using Creative Commons zero samples.
"Zombie gurgle" performed at Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Male Pain sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Created using Creative Commons: Zero samples by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cavern wind effects created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Correct squares created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Floor tile created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Gruff laugh" performed by William Griffiths at Gen Con 2015
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin voice" performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin hisses – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
"Zombie growl" performed by Mike Bradford at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie" performed by Andrew Penery at Gen Con 2015
"Nice Zombie Werewolf growl" performed by Mark Marchani at Gen Con 2015
Goblin screams – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Thunderwave spell created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
"BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin injury sounds – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Fort Beluarian
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"Chair" by "Anemicrose" (https://freesound.org/people/Anemicrose/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"stenhagen-chatting-seagulls" by "owl" (https://freesound.org/people/owl/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"wood-creak-02" by "dheming" (https://freesound.org/people/dheming/) "wood-creak-02" by "dheming" (https://freesound.org/people/dheming/)
"Turkish_market" by "Donalfonso" (https://freesound.org/people/Donalfonso/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"Wooden-Chair-02" by "Dobroide" (https://freesound.org/people/Dobroide/)
"Chair" by "Dig2008" (https://freesound.org/people/Dig2008/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"Wind Chimes, A.wav" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
“voices-in-bazaar” by “pol_s032” (https://freesound.org/people/pol_s032/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Approaching the jungle”created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Remote military camp sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Walla quiet and dark 2 created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 5 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Uskarn villager created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
To Arms – guards performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Snow exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Large church door sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Brienna by Bekah Barker
Horse Breath 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Guards march sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Clinky metal things created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wooden Gate created created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hallway steps sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 3 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Potion salesman created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cheers and oos and ahs created for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Horse upset sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Gallop is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse on Audiojungle by erhanbici
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Male combat voice by Anthony Meadows for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Male combat voice by Anthony Meadows
Horse Breath 4 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Walk 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Walk on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Male Pain sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Neigh 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Jungle day created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Neigh 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Horse Breath 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Stable ambience created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Market closing down sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Fish Salesman created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Noble Cultist voice acting by Virginia Meadows
Angry guards performed by the wonderful staff at the Interaction Consortium for Syrinscape
Moving chair sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Barefoot on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The binding contract" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The city breathes" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Yellyark
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Goblin gowls – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Queen Grabstab (interested)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin injury sounds – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Queen Grabstab (yes)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Streetbrawl pain created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Goblin Horn SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using Creative Commons zero samples.
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Queen Grabstab (no)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drunken Batiri Singers created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
"Queen Grabstab (attacks)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Queen Grabstab (angry)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Jungle day 3" created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Commons: Zero and original recordings.
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Cauldron sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Distant river sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Net trap – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Queen Grabstab (warcry)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri (goblin) villagers" created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
"Goblin voice" performed by Benjamin Loomes
Queen Grabstab Sleeping created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin hisses – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Goblin voice" performed by Matt from Wizards of the Coast
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
"Batiri (goblin) Scouts" created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
Goblin villagers created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin screams – performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Goblin voice" performed by Shelly from Wizards of the Coast
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sleeping Batiri created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
"Batiri (goblin) attacks" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri (goblin) pain" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at https://syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The Batiri (goblin) Queen's band” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Goblin Queen's tent" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tribe of the Biting Ant” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Camp Vengeance
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"pouring-soup-in-a-metal-pan-long-slow-nasty" by "Hitrison" (https://freesound.org/people/Hitrison/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"Timber" by "Hazure" (https://freesound.org/people/Hazure/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Coughing sick Beggars created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Angry guards performed by the wonderful staff at the Interaction Consortium for Syrinscape
Basilisk Gate guard in scuffle – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Jungle footsteps created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Coughing sick Beggars – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Goblin Horn sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Wood cracking heavily created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Plague moans created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Complete silence performed by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Guards march sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Stealthy Guard created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Open fire place fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Baldur's gate civis – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wooden Gate created for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle day created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male Pain sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Waiting human sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using Creative Commons: Zero samples and original recordings.
Plague moan sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Hiding from danger" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Dungrunglung
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Gruung combat drums composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Cultist grunt performed by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Gruung Drums Composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Great Gruung Ritual composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
House burning fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created for Syrinscape
Balloon wicker basket sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gruung voices created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie growl" performed by Mike Bradford at Gen Con 2015
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
King Groak Ritual created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Open empty chest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Zombie Gurgle" performed by Gareth at Gen Con 2015
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Zombie gurgle" performed at Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Flute Oneshot Sting” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Firefinger
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"roofhammering02" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"roofhammering03" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"roofhammering04" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"roofhammering04" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spider hisses created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Wind gusts created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cultist grunt performed by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
House burning fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
High bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Stirge Swarm created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spider attack sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Aarakocra sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Night time jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cave Drums II composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failed swinging II created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created for Syrinscape
Skittering sounds created by Benjamin Loomes and a brush and a cheese-grater for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Cave Drums” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Sneaking Into Firefinger" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Heart of Ubtao
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"Squeeky-gate" by "lostphosphene" (https://freesound.org/people/lostphosphene/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"Bat swarm-sfx " by "abacagi" (https://freesound.org/people/abacagi/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Eagle" performed by Angela at Gen Con 2015
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gate tapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Cave Drums composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Teleport trap in water sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sea Hag performed Demitrus Spardeous for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Lich vocals by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Commons: Zero samples.
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Goblin war dance created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Bat flies away sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm using Creative Common samples and original recordings.
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Partial winds" – composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
“The heart of Ubtao” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Nanny Pu'pu” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Flute Oneshot Sting” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Jungel” Day Short composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Kir Sabal
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"roofhammering03" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"awindchimes113014lincolnne24degrees75hi" by "bmccoy2" (https://freesound.org/people/bmccoy2/)
"awindchimes113014lincolnne24degrees75hi" by "bmccoy2" (https://freesound.org/people/bmccoy2/)
"awindchimes113014lincolnne24degrees75hi" by "bmccoy2" (https://freesound.org/people/bmccoy2/)
"awindchimes113014lincolnne24degrees75hi" by "bmccoy2" (https://freesound.org/people/bmccoy2/)
"awindchimes113014lincolnne24degrees75hi" by "bmccoy2" (https://freesound.org/people/bmccoy2/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"birds-iisc-bangalore-1" by "xserra" (https://freesound.org/people/xserra/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"roofhammering04" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"roofhammering04" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"roofhammering03" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
R14_Crumbling_bedroom created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Elephant bird wings created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape from a CC0 sample
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Cultist grunt performed by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Wind gusts created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Dance of the seven winds created using Creative Commons: zero and original recordings.
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
R14_Crumbling_bedroom created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Aarakocra sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using original and Creative Common Zero samples.
Footsteps on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Kir Sabal composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Failed swinging II" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barefoot on wood sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horror house battle music compsed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Moving chair sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Gruung combat drums composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Mbala
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Ritual of Death Chant created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cultist grunt performed by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Angry monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Sea Hag performed Demitrus Spardeous for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Golem Grunts by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Attacking monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Composition Chanting_whisper" created by Chris Koerding
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Nighthag created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Bamboo chimes – created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Recorded by Total immersion Workshop group 3
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created using edited Creative Common Zero samples.
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
“Mbala Long” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Dance of the Black Wind (Mwazindika Inspired)" – composed and performed by Joe McCullough for Syrinscape
"Nanny Pu'pu" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Mbala” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Cult In Residence (Akamba Inspired)" – composed and performed by Joe McCullough for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Corrupt Forms (Marakwet Inspired) " – composed and performed by Joe McCullough for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Orolunga
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"approx-800-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"pouring-soup-in-a-metal-pan-long-slow-nasty" by "Hitrison" (https://freesound.org/people/Hitrison/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Kaka (New Zealand parrot)" by "Mings" (https://freesound.org/people/Mings/)
"approx-800-clapping-4" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"donner1" by "swuing" (https://freesound.org/people/swuing/)
"thunder-close-boem" by "hantorio" (https://freesound.org/people/hantorio/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Saja Nbaza composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Slithering motions created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Heat of Artus-Long Ambient composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Snake sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Saja N'baza composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Chwinga created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Heat of Artus-composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
“Orlunga” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Random encounters II
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"grod-11-animal-4f" by "erh" (https://freesound.org/people/ERH/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"snakeattackverbpuls b" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"wave4" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"wave3" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"babycry01" by "pfly" (https://freesound.org/people/pfly/)
"wave1" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"snakeattackverbpuls" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"stenhagen-chatting-seagulls" by "owl" (https://freesound.org/people/owl/)
"wave2" by "kayyy" (https://freesound.org/people/kayyy/)
"grod-11-animal-5a" by "erh" (https://freesound.org/people/ERH/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
"snakeattackverbpuls a" by "jamius" (https://freesound.org/people/jamius/)
"craw" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Alchemistic bubbling created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Nezznar voice – performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Orlunga composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Snake_Giant_Moving and attacking created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Su Monster sounds created using Creative Commons: zero and original recordings.
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" was written for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm.
Ghostly presence created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heat of Artus-Long Ambient composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hunger cultists created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More Dino footprints, created using edited Creative Common Zero samples.
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gruung voices created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Laughing monster recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscapee
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male combat voice by Anthony Meadows
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Gruung combat drums composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Pirate fighter created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Quipper swarm created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Male combat voice by Anthony Meadows for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Activating the shield guardian" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Charging Axe Beak sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape using original recordings.
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Combat_Sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flash flood was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Devargo by Stephen Graham
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Powerful distant monster recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Flatuous beast recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Reiner Davaulus by Josiah Barker
Female grunt by Morgan Rands studio for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Nanny Pu'pu" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Kir Sabal” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Mbala" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Hrakhamar
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"Ovi, raskas metalliovi kiinni, kaiku / A heavy metal door shuts, echo, low creak, squeak, door slams and lockclicks, a processed sound" by "YleArkisto" (https://freesound.org/people/YleArkisto/)
"horror-gate" by "Tomlija" (https://freesound.org/people/Tomlija/)
"skyrim-flames" by "Cyberkineticfilms" (https://freesound.org/people/Cyberkineticfilms/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"DR05___0205_sandau_fähre" by "miguelstar2" (https://freesound.org/people/miguelstar2/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Open fire place fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Open empty chest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Mechanical elevator created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Anvil hit sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Wind gusts created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Dragon claw scratch created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Snow exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ankegh creature created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry's church noises performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Trog sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Wooden Gate sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Stealthy Guard created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stone doors created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gruung Drums Composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Troglodytes created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Belier devil attacks performed and edited by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Nanny Pu'pu" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Tomb of the sleeper" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Deep entombed" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Cave Drums" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Gruung Drums II” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Jahaka Anchorage
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"roofhammering03" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"Burp" by "Noisecollector" (https://freesound.org/people/Noisecollector/)
"Wetbelch4" by "Plingativator" (https://freesound.org/people/Plingativator/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"Wooden-Floor-Loop" by "Sinatra314" (https://freesound.org/people/Sinatra314/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Chained prisoner performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Laughs performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stealthy Guard created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pirate sayings – performed by Tobias K
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Laughs performed by Johnny Sharpe. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drunk Dura performed and recorded by the wonderful Morgan Jenkins of the goinginblindpodcast.com
Performed and recorded by the wonderful Morgan Jenkins of the goinginblindpodcast.com
Wooden Gate sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Goblin Horn sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Fast Swords created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Deep snoring loop created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Hellcaves sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Dragon flyby sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Seedy talk – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Splooshing around in the water sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Open fire place fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Uncorking bottle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Pirate fighter created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Phentomite pirate sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Noise from the Styes – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“High Seas Battle – The Gold Ring” composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Dusty Window Sills" – traditional song performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"High Seas Battle: Pirate Gig" – composed, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"High Seas Battle: Rolicking On The Rolling Seas" – composed, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"High Seas Battle: Toss him in the water" – composed, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"High Seas Battle: The Sidestep Sidestep" – composed, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Miscellaneous locations
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Frypansizlz" by "Mirors" (https://freesound.org/people/Mirors/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"Big-Explosion" by "Smcameron" (https://freesound.org/people/Smcameron/)
"explosion" by "sarge4267" (https://freesound.org/people/sarge4267/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
7.8 seconds of silence by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fire giant sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spellcaster whispers created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Dinosaur noise created and edited using creative common zero samples.
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Breath sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
"Water Boil – Sound Effect" created by Steve Barr
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghostly presence created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hellhound sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Ataaz Yklwazi composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on dock created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Dragon flyby sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blue Monkey created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying volcanic chunks created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Kobolds on the loose composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Angry monkeys created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Winter wolf SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Strahd whispers sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Roc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Splooshing around in the water sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Dire wolf bark sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Lurking composed” – by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"The Blue Mist" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Nangalore
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Kaka (New Zealand parrot)" by "Mings" (https://freesound.org/people/Mings/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (https://freesound.org/people/metzik/)
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr" (https://freesound.org/people/moddingtr/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"Timber" by "Hazure" (https://freesound.org/people/Hazure/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Nangalore-Extended composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Zombie gurgle" performed at Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Spellcaster whispers created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jungle wood blocks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Breath sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Black smoke noises created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Nangalore composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drips performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Strahd whispers sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Lich vocals by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Pelican sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Crumbling bedroom created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Drips performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Spider hisses created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Zombie growl" performed by Mike Bradford at Gen Con 2015
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Elephant bird wings created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape from a CC0 sample
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Zombie Gurgle" performed by Gareth at Gen Con 2015
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly presence created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Chwinga created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Calcification sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Saja N'baza” composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Saja Nbaza composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Orlunga" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Blue Mist" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
The King pt. 1 composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Heat of Artus-Long Ambient" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Heat of Artus” -composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Random encounters III
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"Timber" by "Hazure" (https://freesound.org/people/Hazure/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Winter wolf SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscapee
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Spellcaster whispers created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sea Hag performed Demitrus Spardeous for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hag mumbles & laugh sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Hallod created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Splashing footsteps SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Vellynne performed by Cari Scholtens for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fortress color green sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Belier devil attacks performed and edited by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Asylum Wails performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heat of Artus-composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fire giant sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flash flood was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Dinosaur noise created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Black smoke noises created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Breath sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Trog sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Owlbear snaps created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Flying Snake was created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Kobolds on the loose composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Deep snoring loop created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Owlbear claw sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Charging 2 legged dinosaurs created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bjornhild performed by Matilda Loomes and processed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Night time jungle SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Artus Cimber composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spider hisses created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Rock sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stomping dino sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blue Monkey created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Curse of Strahd ID audio created by Benjamin Loomes
Dino vomit SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Splooshing around in the water sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Aldani VFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Elephant bird wings created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape from a CC0 sample
Flail weapon sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Welcome to the Jungle created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghostly presence created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hellhound sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Chwinga created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Strahd whispers sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Troglodytes created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Dire wolf bark sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also: "Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The city breathes" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Unsettling music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Heat of Artus-Long Ambient" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Heart of Artus" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
The King pt. 1 composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 The wrecks
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"roofhammering04" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"plywood-prying-01" by "dheming" (https://freesound.org/people/dheming/)
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" (https://freesound.org/people/dj-chronos/)
"roofhammering03" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"roofhammering02" by "wim" (https://freesound.org/people/wim/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stirge screeches created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghoul sounds performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
Failed climbing check SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Esobok ghouls created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Hallod created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cultist grunt performed by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Foliage sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Breaking branches SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Kobolds on the loose composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Vellynne performed by Cari Scholtens for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghouls performed by Karen Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Bjornhild performed by Matilda Loomes and processed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Weak voice SFX voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The King pt. 1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Ubtao Interlude #1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA2 Wyrmheart mine
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/218908/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (https://freesound.org/people/lukesharples/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
“marble-rolling-on-wood-a” by “inspectorj”(https://freesound.org/people/inspectorj/)
“falling-shoe-boxes-1” by “fresco” (https://freesound.org/people/fresco/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (https://freesound.org/people/cgeffex/)
"female grunts breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Swordplay sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy Rain was created for Syrinscape by Tim Wilhelm
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Kobold Words Performed by Matilda Loomes. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Howler monkey distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flute Oneshot Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Red dragon roars performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Complete silence performed by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Horrible "Kobold Screams" performed by Dustin Ammerman at PaizoCon 2015
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Stealthy Guard created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Crazy Kobold Laugh performed by Davin Northcote at PaizoCon 2015
Parrot distant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle wood blocks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Heavy rain sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Wooden Gate sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spear swings created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Swinging log trap created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Goblin Horn sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Breath sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Dragon claw scratch sounds performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
More dino footprint sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Kobolds on the loose composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Cute and slightly upsettingly natural sounding "Kobold" samples performed by Wolfgang Baur the world's most official Kobold
Strahd whispers sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stone sounds created by Benjamin Loomes and a couple of old pots for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Weird "Kobold Throat" noises performed by Simone Kronin at PaizoCon 2015
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Open fire place fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Open empty chest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Rat sample created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Derro running sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"DnD Spector" performed by Dawson of Wizards of the Coast
Big waterfall sample created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Swordplay sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Wood cracking heavily created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icky "BloodCurdlingKoboldScreams" performed by Crystal Frasier at PaizoCon 2015
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Red dragon breath weapon performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spelljammer tension stings created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"Goblin war dance" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle Africa sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly jarls created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Lurking composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Rolling boulder trap created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Dragon claw scratch created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Tomb of the sleeper" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
“Tomb of Annihilation – Main theme”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Deep entombed" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Hero town" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Search for the temple" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Forest exploration" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Level 1-The Rotten Halls-pt. 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"poison-spell-magic" by "qubodup" (https://freesound.org/people/qubodup/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Failed save against magnetic statue trap created by Tim Wilhelm
Shadow attacks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
PF Minotaur by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocals created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape from actual bull sounds
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
DnD Gold Dragon performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Minotaur vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd from actual bull sounds
Destroy Statue created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Distant African Jungle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Jungle day sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Daytime jungle sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Orchestral percussion hits and stings – performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Magnetic hum sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Floor tile created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Lighting a torch SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
The puzzle box theme – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Tomb of the Nine Gods" -composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Vision of Acererak" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Crystal Window" composed by Tim Wilhelm
"The Golem" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Flute Oneshot Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Vision of Acererak II” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Level 1-The Rotten Halls-pt. 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Moa's offer-voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Skull bites down-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Obo'laka's growl-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Nepartak VFX -Voiced by Lyssa Wihelm
Sewer footsteps created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Crystal Window II -Composed by Tim Wilhelm
"Do not press" button created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Fog button" created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dying man" performed by Joshua Meyers at Gen Con 2015
Wongo's demand-voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Fast Swords created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Flameskull fire ray sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Tindalos Hound Growls performed by Mollie Loomes
Su Monster Mummy-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Mimic roar created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Destroy Statue created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes
Fast Sword sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Rich fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Big scary monster – little sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Mimic roars – created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Fan running-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Teleport button" created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Trapped door explosion-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Clinky metal things created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fan starting-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Chest eating key-Created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Failed by Five-created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spider attack sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Yuan-Ti Drums" was composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Aunt Finale battle" – composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Avalanche combat music" – composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
T Level 2-Dungeon Of Deception-pt. 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"Bat swarm-sfx " by "abacagi" (https://freesound.org/people/abacagi/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"wingflap-fast-2" by "philberts" (https://freesound.org/people/philberts/)
"woman-crying-sobbing-cry-sob-sad" by "bulbastre" (https://freesound.org/people/bulbastre/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Wooden Gate sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drenchdead created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Sobbing child sounds preformed & created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Teeth bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Pterafolk sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bat flies away sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Water Trap Sprung-Created by Tim Wilhelm
Magnetic hum sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pelican sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Water Trap Loop-Created by Tim Wilhelm
Spear sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Papazotl's demand -Voiced by Lyssa Wilhelm
Footsteps water splashing created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Chain Rattles created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
High bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Stone block closing created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Lox bones sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Doru screams performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Frozen in time chimes" – composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
“Time is short” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Frozen in time chimes" – composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Level 2-Dungeon Of Deception-pt. 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
“Squeek-gate” by "lostphosphene" (https://freesound.org/people/lostphosphene/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Otto's Irresistible Dance" SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Releasing the Dao" SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Impact metal sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Impact metal sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Nangnang's offer- voiced by Tim Wilhelm
Metal tinkering created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
D&D Spells created by Dan Brown for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
"Releasing the Tomb Guardian" SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Alchemistic bubbling created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Slaad growls sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Vegepygmy SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Plane Shift Spell sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Undead bird SFX -Created by Tim Wilhelm
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Iron golem by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Pty. Ltd.
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Lich fighter sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Slaad grunts sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Finger of death spell created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Saja Nbaza” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The Scrying Pool” – “composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Yuan-Ti Drums" was composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Level 3-Vault Of Reflection-pt. 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"the-swarm-v31m3" by "Setuniman" (https://freesound.org/people/Setuniman/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Floor tile created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wail of the banshee by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Male ghostly screams performed by Barry Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Crawlway trap -Created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Button and closing block -Created by Tim Wilhelm
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
I'jin's plea -Created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Ubtao Interlude #1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The heart of Ubtao " – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Level 3-Vault Of Reflection-pt. 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Spell Paralyse created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Gazer voice" performed by Satine Phoenix of Wizards of the Coast
Kubazan SFX -voiced by Tim Wilhelm
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gas trap switch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Golem Grunts by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Frog chatter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Metal ball crashing down -Created by Tim Wilhelm
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Magnetic hum sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Finger of death spell created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Disintegrate ray created by Chris Piazzo for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds processed by Benjamin Loomes
Very heavy chains -created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Revolving room trap -Created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Rotating statue -created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Telekinetic whirlwind created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Boar_" sounds are used under Creative Commons Attribution Licence, sourced from Youtube video "Wild boar sounds" by AlexTriceratops123
Tindalos Hound Growls performed by Mollie Loome
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Petrifying gaze created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Yuan-Ti Drums" was composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
"The Hunted" -composed by Tim Wilhelm
"The Imix Shrine Battle" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Chambers Of Horror pt 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"Frypansizlz" by "Mirors" (https://freesound.org/people/Mirors/)
"peeing-outside" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
"peeing-bathroom-03" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"peeing-bathroom-02" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
"peeing-bathroom-04" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Mechanical resonance created by Tim Wilhelm
Being punched sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Basilisk roar created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Gargoyle screetches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Invisible teleportation trap sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sewer footsteps created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Coughing sick Beggars created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Abyssal whispering voiced by Tim Wilhelm
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Basilisk created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sand timer sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Devil hisses created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Being punched lower sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Shagambi's entreaty" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crawlway trap sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Choking Man sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
Stone doors sounds created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Teleportation arc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"The horn has sounded" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Coffin trap" -composed by Tim Wilhelm
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Stalking Bodaks" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Chambers Of Horror pt 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"ropewsoosh-5" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"ropewsoosh-6" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"ropewsoosh-7" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"ropewsoosh-4" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
"ropewsoosh-1" by "benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/benboncan/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Otyugh attack created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Strange Chime sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Feeding the ghasts" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Jungle wood blocks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rolling boulder trap created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Whooshes performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Teleportation arc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Lox bones sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Magic mirror smashed created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell Paralyse created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghast bites created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Magnetic hum sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Unkh's offer" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Troll voice performed by Chris Lindsey for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Unarmed strike sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
Very heavy chains created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Teeth bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Exploring the Shrines" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Elder Queen" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Tomb of the Nine Gods remix" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Gears Of Hate pt 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"peeing-bathroom-04" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"peeing-outside" by "adam-n" (https://freesound.org/people/adam-n/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Orc Voices” from PaizoCon2019 by Reese Shaw, Sam Buffum,Ronald Parrish,
Enzo Scripilliti, Cosmo Eisele, Christopher Liretto, Ben Burch, Tyler Pearce
"Batiri War Drums" – created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Large gear sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gas trap switch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Mezzoloth performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sliding Iron Wall sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Passing minecart created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Will-o-wisp sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Devil hisses created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscapee
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Very heavy chains created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Teleportation arc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"For those about to die, a combat song" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Yuan-Ti Drums" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Vision of Acererak II” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Gears Of Hate pt 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/) "pumpmkin-guts-squish-4" by "mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/mwlandi/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"succubus-lines" by "shadoWisp" (https://freesound.org/people/shadoWisp/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (https://freesound.org/people/lostchocolatelab/)
"cotton-flapping" by "Benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/Benboncan/)
"fireplace" by "leosalom" (https://freesound.org/people/leosalom/)
"cloth-flaps" by "Sauron974" (https://freesound.org/people/Sauron974/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Ogre boss bellowing commands performed by Elden Loomes for Syrinscape
Autognome sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Quadrone sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Golden Mastadon sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Activating the sphere sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Infused ogre created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Glaive weapon sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbed Devil sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Eels move sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Vortex opening sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Pentadrone SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Very heavy chains created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
30s silence by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Door of Devouring" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Starting a fire created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Woman warrior roar" performed by Crystal Trezza at Gen Con 2015
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Autognome sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Tail Whip sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Batiri War Drums" – created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Aremag sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Devil hisses created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Glass breaking sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Greataxe sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Large gear II sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Belier devil laughter performed and edited by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Club swing strike sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Armillary Sphere" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Vision of Acererak II” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Yuan-Ti Drums" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The horn has sounded" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Imix Shrine Battle" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ras Nsi Combat" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Kobolds on the loose" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Ubtao Interlude #1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Roping Kindori" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Cradle Of The Death God pt 1
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
“a-flag-flapping-in-the-wind-at-the-small-village-of-assem-souk-in-the-high-atlas-morocco” by”felix-blume” (https://freesound.org/people/felix-blume/)
"traktori-vipu-vanha-lever-sounds-of-an-old-tractor-e-g" by "YleArkisto" (https://freesound.org/people/YleArkisto/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"cloth-flaps" by "Sauron974" (https://freesound.org/people/Sauron974/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Cauldron sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pots & pans – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spider fan created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ankegh creature created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"The 's dolls" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Nighthag created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills
Hag laughed voiced by Brandon Perkins for Syrinscape
Hag mumbles & laugh sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sea hag combat created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Restaurant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sea Hag performed Demitrus Spardeous for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dragon claw scratch created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hag performed by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Wight performed by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape
Magic mirror smashed created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Open fire place fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Wereboar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Maul sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Teacup and saucer sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Failing a climbing check created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Hag sounds recorded by Total immersion Workshop group 3
Dust Mephit VFX voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted III" -composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ras Nsi Combat" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Sewn Sisters II" -composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Blood on the Sands" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Vision of Acererak II” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Sewn Sisters II" -composed by Tim Wilhelm
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Ubtao Interlude #1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
TOA5 Cradle Of The Death God pt 2
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"approx-800-clapping-3" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"approx-800-clapping" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"approx-800-laugh-1" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"approx-800-clapping-2" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"approx-800-cheer-and-clapping" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"approx-850-enthusiast-audience" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"approx-800-polite-clapping" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"approx-800-clapping-4" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
"hollering-and-clapping-intro" by "lonemonk" (https://freesound.org/people/lonemonk/)
Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Nothic sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
House burning fire in cave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Magical fountain (master) created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Lich fighter sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sphere of Annihilation SFX created by Tim Wilhelm
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Dan Brown for Syrinscape
Combat sting created by Tim Wilhelm For Syrinscape
Plane Shift Spell sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gnoll voices by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Lightning bolt spell created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Gazer voice" performed by Satine Phoenix of Wizards of the Coast
Gibbering mouther – crazy ramblings performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Smog wraiths created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Frightening gaze – created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Tentacle attack SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Rattling chains sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Atropal's wail SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Lich vocals by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Atropal VFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Gnoll voices by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Nothic created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Multiple chained people created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Finger of death spell created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Drips” created, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Disrupt life – created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Rotting gaze sounds created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Doru screams performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Air elemental created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Exploring the Fane" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"For those about to die, a combat song" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted III" -composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Fane of the Night Serpent" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
“The wreckage” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Ubtao Interlude #1” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ras Nsi" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Temple of the nine gods combat stingers”- composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Exploring the Shrines" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The city breathes" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Sewn Sisters II" -composed by Tim Wilhelm
"Blood on the Sands" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Drums of doom" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"A grim warning" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The enraged" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Vision of Acererak II” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Sewn Sisters" -composed by Tim Wilhelm
"The Hunted II" – compose"Death God's Nursery" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunted" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 2" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The King pt. 1" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Yuan-Ti Drums" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Lurking” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Lurking III" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ras Nsi Combat" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Ataaz Yklwazi" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOA The Naga II" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.