Meet the Syrinscape Team

Benjamin Loomes
CEO, Creative Director & Founder
Pianist, cellist, opera singer, conductor, composer, amateur coder. Currently playing: Mass Effect, D&D, Call of Cthulhu.

Karen Loomes
COO, Art Director & Founder
Environmental scientist, musician, big picture dreamer and schemer, coffee connoisseur, and manager of the dog’s Instagram account.

Dan Tharp
Marketing Manager
Extreme indoor enthusiast. Lifelong rogue, regardless of the RPG system. Lynchian. Total ENFJ and making the most of it. Hi!

Steve Barr
Community & Content Manager
Maker of weird sounds, player of games and creator of worlds. The INFP of the party and a lover of lists, cats and rainy days.

Tai Lee
Lead Developer
Barbarian. Conan, Son of Conan. Fixes things with fists. Also, keeps the servers running and the lights on.

Ryan Cassar
Coder, puzzler, geek, the kind of guy who would check the character limit of this message on the commandline with wc.

Elden Loomes
Content Creator
Physics nerd, composer and actual cellist. An incurable Pathfinder devotee. Works in a frictionless vacuum.

Chris Körding
Content Creator
Sound and music nerd, running, hiking, perfectionist, dog dad, playing all the RPG franchises, even the weird ones.

Barry Doublet
Content Creator
Musician, sound designer, voice actor, not really French. Currently playing any board game and Spotify. Ecstatic to be here.

Tim Wilhelm
Content Creator
Maestro of musical madness, GM, goof & guitar god (in his own mind). Loves that his weirdness is creeping into other people's game worlds.