Pathfinder Sounds & Music: Outlaws of Alkenstar - The Smoking Gun
The synergy between your imagination and Syrinscape's dynamic audio is where legends are born.
Vengeance-seeking vigilantes must infiltrate Alkenstar’s upper crust, master a potent combination of eldritch magic and clockwork engineering, and wield the awesome power of black powder to stop their archenemy’s plot to upend the city. In this action-packed finale, the party members face their greatest challenges yet. Can they clear their names and settle their gunmetal grudges? Or will the forces of evil draw first? The Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path concludes with The Smoking Gun, a complete adventure for 8th- to 10th-level characters.
Is this Pathfinder 2nd Edition adventure path SoundPack useful when I'm not running this particular adventure? Absolutely! These SoundSets bring new, unique locations and creatures to life with:
- a western industrial town with different buildings
- a siege of said western town
- a power plant/hydroforge in the middle of a river
- an underground facility to explore
- a luxurious river paddle boat
- ... and vents to crawl through
- pyronite oozes
- mechanical centurions
- a cyclops with an attitude
- smoke wraiths
- shock zombies
- a puppeteer
- water powered buccaneers (with water jets!)
- a successful (or not!) bomb defusel
- various guns and rifles
- ...and so much more.
Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.
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SoundSet Specifics
Opening "The Smoking Gun"
B&B saloon
Ferrous quarter
E1 - Heist (sneaky)
E1 - Heist (battle)
Into the vault of secrets
Underground complex (ambience)
E2 - Underground complex (investigation)
E2 - Investigation (tension)
E2 - Leadsmiths battle
E3 - Going up
E3 - Art gala (ballroom)
E3 - Art gala (backrooms)
E4 - Going down (pre-battle)
E5 - Public hanging
E5 - Shieldmarshal battle
E6 - Travel to Dead spot
E6 - The Dead Spot
E6 - Headless rustlers battle
Investigations in Alkenstar
Main theme full continuing into the story
Moonlight hall
Moonlight hall (late)
Battles in Alkenstar (intro)
Battles in Alkenstar
Investigations in Alkenstar (late)
Combat music
Bright rowdiness
Flirty laughs
Mead glasses clinking
Intimate whispers
Pouring a drink
Industrial setting
Bustling market
Passing by
Medium construct movement
Heavy industry
Automated tools
Heavy machinery
Disturbing rumbles
Calm tavern noise
Tavern walla with 5-10 people
Arik cleaning glasses
Oil lamp burning
High pitched eerieness
Machine-like hum
Dust & paper
Elevator start
Elevator creaking
Elevator arriving (close)
Elevators (down)
Elevators (up)
Elevator arriving
Banter (late)
Tavern walla with 5-10 people (late)
Hellcave 5
Ill wind
Heavy armor foley
Swords clash whoosh
Combat exertion
Thugs roars
Flintlock pistol
Biiiig rifle
Barbarian sword fighters
General hubbub
Thug growls
Thug roars
Red Charlotte sword fighter
Echoing voices
Room doors
Footsteps hard floor
Wagon and horses pacing
Winds from the night
Winds of the sands
Eerie wind howl
Horses at the wagon track
Jezail rifle
Motivating horses
Horse gallop
Whip crack
Elevator towards the vault
High pitched eerieness (late)
Banter (late)
Machine-like hum (late)
Dust & paper (late)
Urm electricity
Urm electricity (late)
Hellcave 5 (late)
Ill wind (late)
River water lapping
Rushing river
Sandy footsteps
Footsteps in the sand
Horse walk
Nightmare whispers
Nightmare whinny
Nightmare attacks
Vekker brothers whispers
Whispers (deep)
Official Pathfinder
Wagon and horses enter the vault
Creaking door
The Gunworks
Last Stop saloon
Tower of Metallurgy
Hall of Crucibles
Pyronite ooze battle
Tower of Engineering
Hall of Siegecraft
Centurion & gremlins battle
E10 - Garrison tower
Attack on the Gunworks (base ambience)
E11 - Defending the maw
E11 - Vewslog battle
E11 - Ogre slug battle
E12 - Ogre battle
Steampunk towers
Steampunk tension
Steampunk drums
Steampunk trumpets
Steampunk brass
Steampunk flute sweetener
Steampunk violin sweetener
Alkenstar downtime
Main theme full continuing into the story
Combat music
Armor sounds heavy
Armor foley
Combat exertion
Ferocious fighters (no sword clinging)
Infused ogre
Ogre bites
Flirty laughs
Passing by
Raucous crowd ii
Raucous crowd i
Dock ambiance
Busy marketplace
Business in the streets
Happy rich murmuring
Tower hum
Crumbling stone walls
Tower bangs
Reflections in amber
Hellcave 5
Distant drips
Gelatinous cube fights
Fire Elemental
Ooze elbows
Ooze knees
Volcano Lava Flow
Staff swings
Automated tools
Heavy machinery
Hellcave 1
Distant gremlins
More distant gremlins
Background activity
Centurion movement
Metal impacts
Blade swooshing
Bright rowdiness
Busy crowd
Creaking floor
Sick people
Manly men
Clinking (more)
Whistly wind
Blistering wind
Fighting men
Orc Commands
Ill wind
Orcs marching
Eagle calls
Armour clanking
Chandelier moving
Oil lamp burning
Creaking house
Chairs and bumps
Cups of tea
Winds with a whistle
People cleaning
Outside in the streets
Mystical Lightning
Mystical thunder
Stormy winds
Jezail rifle (distant)
Scattergun (distant)
Biiiig rifle
Flintlock pistol
Red Charlotte sword fighter
Drippy rain
Heavy rain
Jezail rifle (close)
Cyclops combat
Scattergun (close)
Close gremlins
Official Pathfinder
Pyronitze ooze
Exploding split
Centurion powers up
Distant alarm bells
Ferrous quarter
Glutted golem tavern
Deadman's alley
Screw overlook
Investigating the wagons
Dezullon battle
Runaway wagon
Shoma's refuge
Night over the lab
Smoke wraiths battle
Combat Music
Music ambush tension
Misty string elements
Misty hum
Investigations in Alkenstar
Industrial setting
Bustling market
Passing by
Medium construct movement
Heavy industry
Automated tools
Heavy machinery
Disturbing rumbles
Small waterfall
Big waterfall (loop)
Wraith fighting
Just a wooden cart
Smog wraith moving
Smog wraith attacking
Armor foley
Armor sounds heavy
Staff swings
Staff hit
Red Charlotte sword fighter
Ferocious fighters (no sword clinging)
Swords clash whoosh
Big waterfall submerged (loop)
Big waterfall inside (loop)
Dezullon body noises
Dezullon attack
Wooden creaks
Tavern walla with 10-20 people
Glasses and plate clanking
Calm tavern noise
Chairs and bumps
Room doors
Raucous crowd
Rushing river
Int whitenoise
Ill wind
Dock workers
Busy streets
Panic in the street
Official Pathfinder
Runaway wagon
Crashing wagon
Smog wraith
Hydroforge exterior
Hydroforge interior
Hydroforge interior (tension)
Viewing platform
Shambler battle
Puppeteer battle
Power generators
Electric pillars
Shock zombie battle
Hydroforge sub level 1
Chemical filtration
Chemical zombies battle
Control room
Water tunnels
Pump room
Parsus & Preserver battle
Parsus & Preserver (more music)
Cradle tension acccent
Battles in Alkenstar (intro)
Battles in Alkenstar
Cradle extreme tension
Big waterfall inside (loop)
Big waterfall submerged (loop)
Big waterfall (loop)
Small waterfall
Electrical arcing
Rushing river
Sifting machine
Machine humming
Rhythmic machine
Urm electricity
Electricity discharge
Mist III
Heavy bubbling
Water pipes
Water running into pipe
Squealing pumps
Underwater bubbles
Distant drips
Close drips
Clockwork gears
Rattling mechansim
Steam powered mechanism
Mill mechanism
Chemical zombies attacks
Chemical zombies lingering
Heavy armor foley
Swords clash whoosh
Combat exertion
Flintlock pistol
Biiiig rifle
Barbarian sword fighters
Red Charlotte sword fighter
Shock zombies attack
Shock zombies lingering
Zombie jolts
Ill wind
Grinding gears
Machine spirit gear
Angry zombies
Dead men walking
Moaning zombies
Small feet moving
Puppet strings
Preserver movement
Vampire hisses
Parsus fights
Centurion movement
Clockwork gears (muffled)
Official Pathfinder
Shock zombie
Parsus hiss
Room doors
Flintlock pistol
Energetic drums
Dunsmith conversation - streets
Dunsmith conversation - B&B
Travel to Martel (on foot)
Travel to Martel (horses)
Martel settlement
Dweomercat battle
E16 - Gearsmoke arrives
Shieldmarshal battle
Gearsmoke departing
Combat music
Dweomercat attacking
Dweomercat roaming
Dweomercat moving
Heavy industry (distant)
Background walla
Bustling market
Passing by
Medium construct movement
Unperiodic swooshes
Steamer paddles
The waterwheel
Foreign crowd
Station crowd
Female laughter
Mead glasses clinking
Intimate whispers
Pouring a drink
Tavern walla with 5-10 people
Rushing river
Small waterfall
Armor sounds heavy
Armor foley
Combat exertion
Ferocious fighters (no sword clinging)
Lapping water
Biiiig rifle
Flintlock pistol
Winds from the night
Winds of the sands
Sandy footsteps
Footsteps in the sand
Desert animals
Trotting horses
Business in the streets
Dock workers
Talking crowd
Bow waves
A bow through the waves
Gearsmoke outside (upper deck)
Gearsmoke inside (lower decks)
Gearsmoke engine room
Gearsmoke outside (lower decks)
Gearsmoke rooms and cabins
Gearsmoke outside delayed (lower decks)
Jezail rifle
Women's screams (late)
Men's cries (late)
Thug growls
Thug roars
Swords clash whoosh
Barbarian sword fighters
Official Pathfinder
Steamboat arrival
Steamboat departing
Jezail rifle
Big rifle
Flintlock pistol
Gearsmoke inside decks
Gearsmoke outside decks
Gearsmoke cargo holds
Navigating the ducts
E18 - Unveiling ambience
E18 - Unveiling (more music)
E19 - Disarming the bombs
E20 - Glass golem battle
Buccaneer battle
Glass elephant battle
Catoblepas battle
Alethsia & sentries battle
Off kilter boat
Loveless & Ibrium battle
Loveless & Ibrium (more music)
E21: Ticking time bomb
Bomb chase successful / good conclusion
Bomb chase too slow! / bad conclusion
Battles in Alkenstar (intro)
Battles in Alkenstar
Combat Music
Alkenstar downtime
Alkenstar downtime (no delay)
Steampunk drums
Steampunk tension
Steampunk brass
Alkenstar downtime (late)
Main theme full continuing into the story
Rushing river
Talking crowd
Bow waves
A bow through the waves
Gearsmoke outside (upper deck)
Gearsmoke inside (lower decks)
Gearsmoke engine room
Gearsmoke outside (lower decks)
Moving in the vents
Snow exertion
Metallic irritation
Laughter & cheering
Broken glass
Crystal golem cries
Crystal golem attack
Armor sounds heavy
Armor foley
Combat exertion
Biiiig rifle
Flintlock pistol
Jezail rifle
Thug growls
Thug roars
Swords clash whoosh
Barbarian sword fighters
Catoblepas attacks
Catoblepas growls
Ferocious fighters (no sword clinging)
Blade swooshing
Staff swings
Monster splashing
Elephant roars
Elephant trumpet
Water elemental movement
Water weird exertion
Water weird attacking
Buccaneer water jets
Water jets start up
Robot Roars
Metal flexing (close)
Women fleeing screaming
Man fleeing screaming
Deep structural creaking
Boat being crushed
Vampire spawn
Roaring Fire
Extended spell fighting
Gatling gun
Gearsmoke inside (once - finale)
Official Pathfinder
Buccaneer roar
Teleportation arcs
Ruptured hull
Rocking boat
People in panic
Crashing wave
Malfunctioning clockwork
Final countdown
Vent ducts opening
Flushing the vents
The unveiling
Golem breaks free
Glass gaze
Gatling gun
Bombs defused - Gearsmoke saved
Exploding Gearsmoke
TSG Arms race
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0001" by "d-w" (
"horse-whinny-1" by "GoodListener" (
"horse-s-whinny" by "Kubuzz" (
"lanz-bulldog-tractor-engine-outside.wav" by "erdie" (
"flirtatious-laugh" by "AmeAngelofSin" (
"wooden-door-creaking" by "mr-keybOrd" (
"pouchard" by "schafferdavid" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0002" by "d-w" (
"redbarn-horse-whinny" by "axiyee" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0004" by "d-w" (
"horse-neigh-01" by "n-audioman" (
"Beerglasses-01" by "Matucha" (
"cupboard-creak-6" by "tim-kahn (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0006" by "d-w" (
"retrojapan-and-giggling" by "AmeAngelofSin" (
"27-Coins" by "Freqman" (
”Retro Elevator” by “qubodup” (
“Chains” by “moonfisher” (
Urms electricity created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
female fighter created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flintlock pistol created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Werewolf chatter performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Spanish Market " by "SOUND Effects Public Domain"
Horse motivation created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Brienna by Bekah Barker
Water pouring sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Titan Engine room sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow apparitions – deep whispers created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Whip whirlwind created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Walk 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Walk on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Coughing sick Beggars created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 3 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Barovia babble performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 4 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Steampunk western battle composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Steampunk long rifle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Fortress gate created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Restaurant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vistani Walla sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 5 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Steampunk investigation composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Footsteps on the deck created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
M Redbrand sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Warrierroar performed by Anthony Troxell at GenCon2015
Counting Coins sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow apparitions – deep whispers created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Elevator trap sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wagon horse chase created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Oil lamps burning sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"F Redbrand 1" created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
The Doom by Chad Fifer of Sense Impacts
Tavern with 5-10 people sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Walla sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Paper in the wind sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barovian Babble sounds performed by Bekah Baker, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Matilda's Vistani babble sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steamy factories created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Neigh 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Wagon enters vault created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steampunk scattergun created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female fighter sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
growls performed by Alec Thompson at GenCon2015
Unicorn whinny created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
General hubbub recorded by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Gallop is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse on Audiojungle by erhanbici
Horse Neigh 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Cough sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
White Fortress tiles sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Moving chair sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"" by "Kevin MacLeod"
"Alkenstar main theme" – composed, performed, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022
TSG Explosive situation
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"Door-Slam" by "Winsx87" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0006" by "d-w" (
"pouchard" by "schafferdavid" (
"pushing-forcefully-through-curtain-or-cloth" by "JakLocke" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0004" by "d-w" (
"explosion" by "sarge4267" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0002" by "d-w" (
“pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-3” by “jaklocke” (
"Chair" by "Anemicrose" (
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney"
"Chair" by "Dig2008" (
"playground-01" by "klankbeeld" (
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0001" by "d-w" (
“pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-2” by “jaklocke” (
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (
"festival-crowd-01 – NONE" by "koops" (
"cupboard-creak-6" by "tim-kahn (
"Wooden-Chair-02" by "Dobroide" (
"Wood-Hit" by "Jspath1" (
”pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-1” by “jaklocke” (
Stirring tea sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Teapot sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Water pouring sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Tea pouring sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Teacup and saucer sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hellcave sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Flintlock pistol created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steampunk towers composed and performed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Chandelier moving – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Night hag Dream Pastries cart sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Club swing strike sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hallway steps sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Female maid sounds performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Western downtime music composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Amber temple bangs created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Reflections in amber created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghast bites created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Waiting human sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
crate knocked bottle smash – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gremlinoid creature created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Chandelier moving sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drinking tea sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Oil lamps burning sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Eagle" performed by Angela at Gen Con 2015
The Doom by Chad Fifer of Sense Impacts
Pots & pans – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Infused ogre created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Amber temple hum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cyclops created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Rain sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Good Venice Outside Ambiance created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crumbling stones sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stormy winds sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Butler Barry sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steampunk scattergun created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steampunk long rifle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Wooden broom sweeping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Water pouring sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Alkenstar main theme" – composed, performed, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022
TSG Alkenstar falls
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"wooden-door-creaking" by "mr-keybOrd" (
"pouchard" by "schafferdavid" (
"lanz-bulldog-tractor-engine-outside.wav" by "erdie" (
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (
"27-Coins" by "Freqman" (
"Wooden-Chair-02" by "Dobroide" (
"Chair" by "Anemicrose" (
"Beerglasses-01" by "Matucha" (
"Chair" by "Dig2008" (
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on the deck created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Living plant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Smog wraiths created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Werewolf chatter performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Spanish Market " by "SOUND Effects Public Domain"
Wraith sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Restaurant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pure wagon track created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Voice of Brienna by Bekah Barker for Syrinscape
Water pouring sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Runaway wagon created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barovia babble performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Store Int" created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steampunk investigation composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
The Doom by Chad Fifer of Sense Impacts
Female Walla sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Wagon crash created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barovian Babble sounds performed by Bekah Baker, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panic in the street sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cough sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Coughing sick Beggars created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Counting Coins sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Tavern with 10-20 people sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Matilda's Vistani babble sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steamy factories created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Throwing giant rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vistani Walla sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Large crowd sounds created by Steve Portillano-Barr
Misty maze drone revised created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Moving chair sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Misty maze musical elements” – composed and performed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022
TSG Hydroforge
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"stone-mechanisem-loop-01" by "claire-h" (
"traktori-vipu-vanha-lever-sounds-of-an-old-tractor-e-g" by "YleArkisto" (
"bmb0" by "suzenako" (
"air_pump_drone_and_hum" by "Tomlija" (
Urms electricity created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Mechanical elevator created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Cradle of quartz composed and performed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Electrical arcing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Underwater + movement – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Steampunk western battle composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Flintlock pistol created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Puppeteer created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Drips" performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
Moving Tindalos created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Vampire spawn performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Waterpipes running sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Power armor" sourced from "Minigun Sound" created by Jim Rogers under Creative Commons Attribution Licence, (
Puppet strings created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shock zombies created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Underwater bubbles sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Charlotte & Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Tiger drums by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Giant clockwork gears created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Doru the vampire performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Chem zombies created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Derro running sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Drip sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022
TSG Blood on the Bilge
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"shore03" by "volivieri" (
"retrojapan-and-giggling" by "AmeAngelofSin" (
"Beerglasses-01" by "Matucha" (
"wave3" by "kayyy" (
"wave4" by "kayyy" (
"fish-market-in-istanbu"l by cagancelik (
“Wolf-run” by “sabotovat” (
"wave2" by "kayyy" (
"wave1" by "kayyy" (
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (
"lanz-bulldog-tractor-engine-outside.wav" by "erdie" (
"market-in-africa-in-the-small-village-of-diafarabe-mali" by felix_blume (
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Steamboat arrival created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flintlock pistol created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Spanish Market " by "SOUND Effects Public Domain"
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
large-crowd sounds created by Steve Portillano-Barr for Syrincape
growls performed by Alec Thompson at GenCon2015 for Syrinscape
"Evil Female Villian – Laughs" by Rebecca Rauschenberger at Gen Con 2016 for Syrinscape
Steamboat deck ambience created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
The Doom by Chad Fifer of Sense Impacts
Tavern with 5-10 people sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Warrierroar performed by Anthony Troxell at GenCon2015
Cough sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Trotting horses created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 4 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Breath 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Breath 3 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Neigh 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Horse Breath 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Breath 5 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Neigh 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Steamy factories created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steamboat departure created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on Titan sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steampunk long rifle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape.
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022
TSG Clock's ticking
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"wave1" by "kayyy" (
"scream-male-bram-aah" by "thanvannispen" (
"elephant-grognement" by "roubignolle" (
"approx-800-laughter-and-clapter-1" by "lonemonk" (
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (
"wave4" by "kayyy" (
"wave3" by "kayyy" (
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-o" by "thanvannispen" (
"shore03" by "volivieri" (
"elephant-rugissement" by "roubignolle" (
"male-scream-bram-neenee" by "thanvannispen" (
"creaking-floorboard" by "benboncan" (
"wave2" by "kayyy" (
"male-scream-bram-ooh" by "thanvannispen" (
Voice of the Pallid Mask by Morgan Rands
Exploding Gearsmoke created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Maenad laughter performed by Virginia Meadows and recorded by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Barricade destruction created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Laughter sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
This sample was created by the uploader
Final countdown teleportation created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flintlock pistol created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Flushing vent pipes created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Bursting crate created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Panicked crowd created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Petrifying gaze created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Vampire spawn performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
The Unveiling created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Streetbrawl pain created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Vampire performed by Cari Scholten edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Leather armour sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female vampire combat sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Western downtime music composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drenchdead created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Swinging metal lantern sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
growls performed by Alec Thompson at GenCon2015
Gearsmoke saved created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Water jets created by Christian Koerding
Snow exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steamboat deck ambience created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Air vent movement created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Catoblepas created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Group laughing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Laughter sounds created by Chris Koerding
Metal prison door sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
The Doom by Chad Fifer of Sense Impacts
Avatar of Walkena created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Warrierroar performed by Anthony Troxell at GenCon2015
Doru the vampire performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crystal Golem sounds performed & created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ruptured hull created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Swinging metal chandeliers sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gatling gun created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Teleportation arc created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Male vampire combate sounds performed by Benjamin Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Steampunk western battle composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Combat exertion created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Steampunk long rifle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Crystal Golem sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
“Steampunk towers” – composed and performed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Alkenstar main theme" – composed, performed, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder, Paizo, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. ©2022 Paizo Inc. All rights reserved Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc. 2022