Kobold Press: Book of Ebon Tides - Tales from the Shadows: Part 1
Experience the power of TTRPG music with Syrinscape, and watch how it transforms your game into a cinematic masterpiece.
Welcome to the Shadow Realm. Its high-flown powers and its lowborn scoundrels alike have a proposal for you: swear your sword and wands to their cause and shift the ebon tides in their favor. Join us in the shadows!
These soundsets are created for the first 3 adventures from the Tales From The Shadows book: The Night Messengers; Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain and The Weeper in Shadow. Everything you need to start these adventures is here.
Even if you are not a player in the world of The Book Of Ebon Tides, you may find this SoundPack useful if you are…
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SoundSet Specifics
The Sable Forest
The witchlight trail
In pursuit
The witchlight path
The deceptive path
Sohana’s hollow
The warding circle activated
Corremel, the city of lanterns
Ghoul fight
Ghouls and zombie mastiffs fight
Shadow-touched wolves fight
Shadow-touched panthers fight
Shadow fight
Stryxes fight
Erestee fight
Sad music
The warding circle activated
Ebon Tide hero's music
Passing through music
Mad Dog Chase music
Gone beats
Brooding wash drones
EB battle music
Witchlight trails
A Witchlight
Grass in the wind
Wind in the trees
Hollow tree drone
Footsteps on soil walkby
Cracking and snapping wood
Shadow realm drone
Night creatures
Strange growls
Distant thunder
Thunder & rain
Creaking trees
Crow forest
Darker creepy night forest
Mastiff zombie bite and growl
Shadow attack
Stryx wings
Stryx fighter
Will-o-wisps (distant)
Ghoul fighter
Ghoul chase
Shadow-touched panthers fight
Taking damage
Spell fighting
Swords clash whoosh
Crossbow attack
Axe and shield
Armor foley
Flail hits
Bustling market
Soldiers marching
Calm market
Water pipes
Torch on wall
Brazier flames
Hidden panters
River Lethe
Bird song
Horse and cart
Horses racing
Ebon Tide battle stabs
Find clue/treasure stabs
Summon a shadowy mount
Find steed spell
Ghoul hiss
Mastiff zombie growl
Shadow-touched panthers cry
Stryx screech
Horses upset
Witchlight light blast
Net trap
Rune stones activated
There be magic runes constant
Tenebrous Plain day
Tenebrous Plain night
Oma’s hut
The Hedge Maze
Deer carcass
Bandit hideout
Webbed recess
Shadow goblin village
Shadow goblin house interior
Wine cellar and storage
Passing through music
Gone beats
Brooding wash drones
Storytelling music
Cragmaw bones
Cragmaw instruments
Grass in the wind
Distant thunder
Shadow realm drone
Footsteps on soil walkby
Tenebrous plain night
Tenebrous plain day
Shadow crickets
Oma’s hut
Single flies
Undergrowth movement
Ghostly fog
Ominous maze
Insect swarm
Darker creepy night forest
White light
Shooting stars
Low drone
Spiders legs
Windchimes spiderwebs
Creaking trees
Wine cellar
Creaking cellars
Water trickling in a basement
Inside a house
Ice cavern drone
Ice cavern musical chimes
Boom back
Official Kobold Press
Ebon Tide hero's music
Ebon Tide battle stabs
Find clue/treasure stabs
Picking lock
Opening creepy door
Poison dart trap
Orphan of the black fight
Zombie fight
Swarm of insects fight
Death dog / Sable fight
Bandit fight
Shadow-touched giant boar fight
Shadow-touched giant spider fight
Ahuizotl fight
Razorleaf fight
Shadow goblin fight
Wererat fight
Shadow blight fight
Other fights
EB battle music
Shadow realm drone
Tenebrous Plain night
Tenebrous Plain day
Swarm of insects fight
Spell fighting
Swords clash whoosh
Crossbow attack
Taking damage
Axe and shield
Armor foley
Flail hits
Death dog
Giantspiders talk and walk
Spider web attacks
Manticore roars & attack
Manticore wings
Shadow goblin fighters
Rat swarm
Shadow blights
Orphans of the black
Razorleaf attacks, roar
Official Kobold Press
Ebon Tide battle stabs
Orphans of the black cry
Zombies calls
Bandits cries
Wererat scream
Shadow goblin
Village on outskirts
The underway
The wombweald
The scarecrow grove
The old ruined bridge
The Hermit of Devil Bridge
The crooked spire
The great midden
Concluding the adventure
Dark notes music
Thunderous wail
Conclusion music
Passing through music
Dark notes music only
Shadow realm drone
Darker creepy night forest
Insect flybys
Crows & ravens
Quiet village walla
Tree wind
Crow forest
Chopping and working wood
Squeeky gate
Giant bees
Cracking and snapping wood
Strange noises
Swarm of crows 1
Swarm of crows 2
Quiet stream swamp
Footsteps in mud
Abandonded stone ruin
Lake shore
Griffon chicks call
Creaking wooden beams
Sour wind
Disgusting squelching
Footsteps on soil walkby
Swarm of flies
Hermits hymn (distant)
Hermits hymn (close)
Ebon Tide hero's music
Ebon Tide battle stabs
Find clue/treasure stabs
Fall in water
The Weeper’s Mad Song
Awakened trees & shrubs fight
Phase spider fight
Will-o’-wisps fight
Shriekers & shambling mound fight
Ankhegs & crow fight
Wight & shadow fight
Giant constrictor snake fight
Stirges fight
Griffon fight
Bulette fight
Weeper and awakened shrub fight
Other fights
EB battle music
Axe and shield
Armor foley
Flail hits
Taking damage
Crossbow attack
Swords clash whoosh
Spell fighting
Darker creepy night forest
Shambling mound
Awakened shrubs
Will-o-wisps combat
Griffon calls
Griffon wings
Giant snake
Wight cries
Shadow attack
Stirges attack
Small spiders
Spider web attacks
Windchimes spiderwebs
Giant spiders walk
Bulettes combat
Bulettes exertion
Ankheg movement
Chitinous ankheg
Ankheg hisses
Gibbering bites
Swarm of crows
Tendril attack
Disgusting squelching
The Weeper’s Mad Song
Ebon Tide battle stabs
Shambling mound roar
Thunderous wail
Shrieker scream
Ankheg hisses
Giant snake bite
Wight scream
Bulette roar
TFTS The Night Messengers
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org.
"grod-11-animal-5a" by "erh" (https://freesound.org/people/ERH/)
"babycry01" by "pfly" (https://freesound.org/people/pfly/)
"skyrim-flames" by "Cyberkineticfilms" (https://freesound.org/people/Cyberkineticfilms/)
"Horse-Snort-2" by "Erh" (https://freesound.org/people/Erh/)
"Aggressive Guard Dogs" by "Oneirophile" (https://freesound.org/people/Oneirophile/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
Waterpipes running sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Giant owl sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flail swirls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Gone beats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wood cracking heavily created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Magical runes drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Korred combat sounds performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slow footsteps on gravel sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Neigh 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Claw attack sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Abominable yeti noises created by Barry Doublet and processed by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Withclight blast sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Darker creepy night forest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Panther cries sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Owl sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dweomercat created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Lamorna appears sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 5 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Svalich woods sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hollow tree drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horses racing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Attic whisperer created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Neigh 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Neigh on Audiojungle by prosoundfx
Flail hits created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 4 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Horse Breath 3 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Horse upset sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow attacks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow realm drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bats created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ellicoth created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Guards march sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brooding wash sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Baykok created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 1 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Gibbering mouther bite performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hellhound sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Summon horse sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Lion purr and tail sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Market closing down sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Windy grass sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Withclights sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Net trap – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Ettercap Claws sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flail swings created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
The Styx sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Complete silence performed by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Korred combat sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dagger swooshes created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Horse Breath 2 is used under a royalty free SFX (single use) license, sourced from Horse Breath on Audiojungle by Pure-Noise
Will-o-wisp sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Big Peryton squawk – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Passing Through parts 1-4" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Good Times In Shadow" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide found something STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Vangelis war" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Mad Dog Chase" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Magical Auras" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Note stabs" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Conquer the Shadow Realm" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Starless night" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide Battle STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ghost in the trees" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (https://ninmunanmu.com)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net
And Karen Loomes for syrinscape.com
Tales from the Shadows © 2022. Open Design LLC.
Background and product art supplied by Kobold Press and edited by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape.
TFTS Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org.
"wood-creak-02" by "dheming" (https://freesound.org/people/dheming/)
"thunder-long-distance" by "erdie" (https://freesound.org/people/erdie/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
Cragmaw mamba sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ominous maze sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hut with campfire sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Desert plain day sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Desert plain night sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Foliage sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Darker creepy night forest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gone beats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slow footsteps on gravel sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow realm drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wine cellar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ice cavern drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Black smoke noises created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Clacks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brooding wash sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Kemet Desert crickets sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Interior sound white noise created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Windy grass sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Ice cavern musical chimes sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cragmaw drums created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cragmaw flute sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Complete silence performed by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Shooting stars sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
White Fortress tiles sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Boom back sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Water trickling in a basement sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Opening creepy door sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cragmaw strings created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Magical Auras" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Conquer the Shadow Realm" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Passing Through parts 1-4" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Time for a story" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Starless night" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide Battle STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide found something STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ghost in the trees" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (https://ninmunanmu.com)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net
And Karen Loomes for syrinscape.com
Tales from the Shadows © 2022. Open Design LLC.
Background and product art supplied by Kobold Press and edited by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape.
TFTS Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain encounters
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org.
“Sword-swipes” by "LukeSharples" (https://freesound.org/people/LukeSharples/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
Female child ghostly screams performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Flail swirls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Dire wolf bark sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Desert plain day sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Desert plain night sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Hobgoblin sounds performed by Chris Körding, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Taken from a sample of a recording of a Tasmanian Devil Zombie sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Shadow realm drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Club swing strike sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Hobgoblin sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Gibbering mouther bite performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Gibbering Mouther created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pirate fighter created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape "Boar_" sounds are used under Creative Commons Attribution Licence, sourced from Youtube video "Wild boar sounds" by AlexTriceratops123 All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Laughs performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Hobgoblin sounds performed by Benjamin Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Swarm of rats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Hellhound sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscapee "BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015 Hobgoblin sounds performed by Dan Tharpe, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Flail swings created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Flail hits created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape Laughs performed by Johnny Sharpe. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Dragon claw scratch created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Ghostly child laughter performed by Robin Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for SyrinscapeAll weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Mad Dog Chase" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Note stabs" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide Battle STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Conquer the Shadow Realm" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Vangelis war" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (https://ninmunanmu.com)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net
And Karen Loomes for syrinscape.com
Tales from the Shadows © 2022. Open Design LLC.
Background and product art supplied by Kobold Press and edited by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape.
TFTS The Weeper in Shadow
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org.
"Squeeky Gate" of "250388_lostphosphene__Squeek-gate.wav" by "lostphosphene" (https://freesound.org/people/lostphosphene/)
"cloth-flaps" by "Sauron974" (https://freesound.org/people/Sauron974/)
"chopping-wood" by "IESP" (https://freesound.org/people/IESP/)
"horror-ambience-66-185228" by "klankbeeld" (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"rock-unedited" by "bkinder42" (https://freesound.org/people/bkinder42/)
"Pumpmkin-Guts-Squish-4" by "Mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/Mwlandi/)
"bee-swarm3" by "Puniho" (https://freesound.org/people/Puniho/)
Wood work sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gone beats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Thunderous Wail sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Iron spider effect by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Living plant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Darker creepy night forest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cellar piano created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Quiet village walla sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Slow footsteps on gravel sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Abandoned stone ruin sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wood cracking heavily created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Swarm of Barovia crows sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Giant Bees sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Lapping water sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Josiah Barker for Syrinscape
Shadow realm drone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dive underwater sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril
Raven sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cellar Piano created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Wood snapping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Tree wind sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Moving wood sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Stone movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Creaky wooden floor created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Strange hymn performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Complete silence performed by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Quiet stream swamp sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Rock sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Flesh noises created by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Boom back sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pulsing flesh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Svalich woods sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crow sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Magical Auras" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Good Times In Shadow" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"OUTSIDERS" sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"More Dark Notes" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide found something STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Note stabs" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Notes" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"The Weeper’s Mad Song" composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape.
"Darkest Dark Notes" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Starless night" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ghost in the trees" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Conquer the Shadow Realm" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Passing Through parts 1-4" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Notes Beating" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Ebon Tide Battle STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (https://ninmunanmu.com)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net
And Karen Loomes for syrinscape.com
Tales from the Shadows © 2022. Open Design LLC.
Background and product art supplied by Kobold Press and edited by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape.
TFTS The Weeper in Shadow encounters
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape, using samples created by him and also samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org.
"Pumpmkin-Guts-Squish-4" by "Mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/Mwlandi/)
"Woosh" by "lebaston100" (https://freesound.org/people/lebaston100/)
Whoosh sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Flail swirls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Shrieker sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Bulette noises created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Thunderous Wail sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ankegh creature created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Shambling mound slam sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Fast Sword sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Whip sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Living plant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Darker creepy night forest sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hag performed by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Snake sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Windchimes created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gibbering mouther bite performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Choker tentacle sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Griffon calls created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Swarm of Barovia crows sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow attacks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Whip sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Wight performed by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ankegh creature created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Giant snake bite sound created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword clash whoosh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fast Swords created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Shambling footsteps sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscapee
Flail swings created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Flesh noises created by Morgan Rands for Syrinscape
Flail hits created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Bulette sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Pulsing flesh sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Gibbering Mouther created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Will-o-wisp sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Giant spider sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shambling mound roar sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Ebon Tide Battle STABS" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Conquer the Shadow Realm" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"The Weeper’s Mad Song" composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Vangelis war" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Mad Dog Chase" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Dark Note stabs" composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (https://ninmunanmu.com)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net
And Karen Loomes for syrinscape.com
Tales from the Shadows © 2022. Open Design LLC.
Background and product art supplied by Kobold Press and edited by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape.