DnD Music & Sound Effects: Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Danger at Dunwater
With Syrinscape's dnd music, your gaming sessions are not just played; they're experienced, enveloped in a world of sonic splendor.
The Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Danger at Dunwater SoundPack gives you the complete audio solution when playing this fourth adventure of this colorful and rich DUNGEONS & DRAGONS collection. All the preparation is done for you and every sound you'll need is right at your fingertips. Immerse your players in this tense and deadly adventure, full of rich environments, dangerous monsters, and rich rewards.
With every line of dialogue and creature sound brought to life by talented voice actors from around the world, including a host of actual DUNGEONS & DRAGONS RPG creators, the characters and monsters of this adventure will come to life in the imagination of your players.
Is this DUNGEONS & DRAGONS RPG Adventure SoundPack useful when I'm not running this particular DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure?
Of course! The Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Danger at Dunwater SoundPack brings to life:
* a tepid marshland
* bullywugs
* a lizardfolk lair (including hatchery and kitchens)
* an amphisbaena (yup, one of those)
* giant lizards
* a fully interactable lizardfolk ambassador
* sahuagin
* locathah
* merfolk
* a very scary giant crocodile
* traps and treasure chests
* and so much more
Did you know that with Syrinscape, you can trigger unique sound effects in real-time to surprise your party with unscripted moments?
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™ & ©2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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SoundSet Specifics
Heroes meet the town council
Random encounters
Bullywug ambush
Bullywug Wave 3
Bullywug king battle
North entrance
General lair ambience
An audience with Sauriv
Cave of the giant lizards
Giant lizards battle
Lizardfolk battle
Listen outside kitchen
Amphisbaena battle
Audience with Sauriv
Hot music
Heroes entrance
Dunwater tones
Temple chimes
D&D Saltmarsh battle music
Battle music
Inside the lighthouse
Babbling background
Footsteps hard floor
Creaking buildings
Chairs and tables
Council gossip
Bullywug fighting
Bullywug crowd
King bullywug
Swamp atmosphere
Ill wind
Insect flybys
Crackling mud
Weird frogs
Peaceful stream
Insect thrum
Water laps at my feet
Splashing through water
Feet into water
Occasional freaky sounds
Lizardfolk meditating
Lizardfolk babbling
Lizardfolk fighting
Draconic distant
Torch on wall
Unsettling wind
Footsteps in mud
Oil Lamp Burning
Amphisbaena tail
Amphisbaena head
Giant Lizard
Axe and shield
Armor foley
Crossbow attack
Official D&D
Lizardfolk shout
Amphisbaena strike
Snakes in pit
King bullywug
Bullywug call
Chest with blade trap
Walking in thick mud
Sauriv "This is a surprise"
"Who are you?"
"Where do you come from?"
"Who sent you?"
"What do you want?"
"Let us talk"
"You are not ambassadors"
"Convince me"
"We plan to attack"
" Not to attack Saltmarsh!"
"I offer you an allegiance."
"An alliance most desirable!"
"Thank you"
"I can do that"
"I can't do that"
"I don't understand"
"Go away"
"Leave me"
Found treasure music
Chest with poision needles
Chest with poision gas
Treasure in chest
Find money
Musical stabs
Open door
Smash door
Secret door
Pit trap
General lair ambiance
Outside drill hall
Drill hall
Lizardfolk battle
Sahuagin water cell
Sahuagin battle
Garbage room
Guards pools 49-52
Koalinth battle
Locathah battle
Merfolk battle
Return to the town council
Traveling to the pool
Random encounter
Thousand teeth battle
Hot music
Heroes victorious return
D&D Saltmarsh battle music
Battle music
Dunwater tones
Swamp atmosphere
Ill wind
Insect flybys
Crackling mud
Weird frogs
Insect thrum
Water laps at my feet
Splashing through water
Feet into water
Occasional freaky sounds
Lizardfolk babbling
Lizardfolk fighting
Axe and shield
Armor foley
Crossbow attack
Footsteps in mud
Torch on wall
Unsettling wind
Drill sergeant
Lots of Insect
Sahuagin fighter
Draconic distant
Inside the lighthouse
Creaking buildings
Chairs and tables
Footsteps hard floor
Babbling background
Singing merfolk
Thousand teeth
Official D&D
Thousand teeth bites
Sahuagin "help"
Left 2 rot
Othokent "This is a surprise"
"Who are you?"
"Where do you come from?"
"Who sent you?"
"What do you want?"
"Let us talk"
"You are not ambassadors"
"Convince me"
"We plan to attack"
" Not to attack Saltmarsh!"
"I offer you an allegiance."
"An alliance most desirable!"
“you will not kill my children”
"Thank you"
"I can do that"
"I can't do that"
"I don't understand"
"Go away"
"Leave me"
Found treasure music
Find money
Treasure in chest
Chest with poision gas
Chest with poision needles
Door unlock
Pit trap
Secret door
Smash door
Open door
Lizardfolk shout
Snakes in pit
Walking in thick mud
Chest with blade trap
Musical stabs
gos2 Danger at Dunwater i - Sauriv
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet of syrinscape.com, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:
"snakeattackverbpuls a" by "jamius"
"snakeattackverbpuls b" by "jamius"
"snakeattackverbpuls" by "jamius"
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr"
Key: "sample name" by "username".
“Moving chair” sounds created by Steve Barr of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw mamba” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Rocks” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Swordplay” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
'secret-door-fantasy' created by 'OGsoundFX'
“Big Fight” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Swordplay” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw strings” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw whispers” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Clacks” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
"CK Hallway steps" sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
“Hellcave” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
"oil lamps burning" sounds created by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Hot music – composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghosts battle music composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
gos2 Danger at Dunwater ii - queen
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Barry Doublet of syrinscape.com, using samples created by them:
“Moving chair” sounds created by Steve Barr of Syrinscape
“Swordplay” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
“Rocks” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw mamba” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Swordplay” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Big Fight” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Clacks” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw strings” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Cragmaw whispers” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
“Female fighter" sounds created by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape
“Chain rattle” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
“CK Hallway steps” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
“Hellcave” sounds created by Barry Doublet of Syrinscape
'secret-door-fantasy' created by 'OGsoundFX
All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Barry Doublet and Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape Pty Ltd.
Hot music – composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ghosts battle music composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.