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Syrinscape FAQs
Syrinscape is a revolutionary sound design app that adds evocative, immersive, ambient background sound and a movie-like sound track to your tabletop RPG gaming experience. Syrinscape conjures every aural landscape imaginable, from ethereal forests and dank vermin-filled dungeons to the mysterious reaches of space and the depths of elder-god induced madness.
The user interface has been specifically designed for GMs to help them keep their attention on the Players, while keeping the attention of the Players focused on the game.
It does this by using powerful algorithms to distribute thousands of individual samples randomly in time and in the surround sound environment.
Unlike a 15 minute looped mp3 recording which is completely uncustomisable and inherently 100% repetitive Syrinscape will never repeat itself. Each Element of the sound design is separately controlled by the app, automatically randomised and positioned, even things like the acoustic of the environment are dynamically applied.
As a Game Master you don't even need to think about what Syrinscape is doing, just hit "Epic Dragon Battle" and Syrinscape will take care of the rest. You can even trigger sounds at specific moments when you need them, like a wizard's fireball, a springing trap, or the always useful Wilhelm Scream.
Syrinscape is available directly in a browser on PC and MAC (and some Android devices) at or as a downloadable app on tablets and phones.
$0.00 - available for free in your browser (on PC and MAC) at, or as an app download (for phones and tablets). Download it here. Syrinscape comes with a useful library of content already unlocked to try. You don't even need to register. Then when you are ready, you can buy the sounds you want, or unlock the a huge library of content by subscribing.
ANY SoundSets you buy or unlock through a subscription on ANY device will be available on ANY device you login to in the future. Content you can playback is attached to your Syrinscape account email.
Yes, we made this for you: Syrinscape Web Player. Follow the link to find out everything you need to know to get setup! There are amazing deep integrations already built for Fantasy Grounds and Foundry (ask on their forums if you need help getting started with these). We hope to be able to announce more useful integrations with other VTT partners soon!
Dungeons & Dragons
COS: Curse of StrahdDH: Dragon Heist
DIA: Descent into Avernus
DIP: Dragon of Icespire Peak - D&D Essentials Box
DMM: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
DSI : Dragons of Stormwreack Isle
GOS: Ghosts of Saltmarsh
LMOP: Lost Mine of Phandelver
LOX: Spelljammer: Light of Xaryxis
PBSO: Phandelver & Below: The Shatter Obelisk
ROTF: Rime of the Frostmaiden
SDQ: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
TOA: Tomb of Annihilation
WBW: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Curse of the Crimson Throne:EOA: Edge of Anarchy
SDG: Seven Days to the Grave
EOK: Escape from Old Korvosa
HOA: A History of Ashes
SCW: Skeletons of Scarwall
COF: Crown of Fangs
Dragon's Demand:
DD: Dragon’s Demand
FOP: Fall of Plaguestone
Hell’s Rebels:
HBS: In Hell’s Bright Shadow
TT: Turn of the Torrent
DOD: Dance of the Damned
SOS: A Song of Silver
KC: The Kintargo Contract
BBH: Breaking the Bones of Hell
MAL: Malevolance
Outlaws of Alkenstar:
COQ: Cradle of Quartz
PPK: Punks in a powder keg
TSG: The Smoking Gun
Rise of the Runelords:
BO: Burnt Offerings
FO: Fortress of Stone
HM: Hook Mountain Massacre
SM: Skinsaw Murders
SOX: Spires of Xin-Shalast
SS: Sins of the Saviors
Strange Aeons:
BSB: Black Star Beckons
DYK: Dream of the Yellow King
ISOS: In search of sanity
TTT: The Thrusmoor Terror
WGW: What Grows Within
WOOT: Whisper out of time
Strength of Thousands:
DRS: Doorway to the red star
HH: Hurricane’s Howl
KM: Kindled Magic
STC: Secrets of the temple-city
SOA: Shadows of the Ancients
SSW: Spoken on the Wind
PFS1: Cosmic Captive (Society Special 8-01)
Dead Suns:IAS: Incident at Absalom Station
TOTT: Temple of the Twelve
SPW: Splintered Worlds
TRC: The Ruined Clouds
TTG: The Thirteenth Gate
EOB: Empire of Bones
Drift Crashers:
NMS: Nightmare Scenario
MOTS: Masters of Time and Space
TPS: The Perfect Storm
SFB: Starfinder Beginner box
SFS1: Starfinder Society - Claim to Salvation
SFS2: Into the Unknown - Society Quest
Call of Cthulhu
Masks of Nyarlathotep:MONP: Part 1 - Peru
MON2: Part 2 - New York
MON3: Part 3 - London
MON4: Part 4 - Egypt
MON5: Part 5 - Kenya
MON6: Part 6 - Australia
REGC: Regency Cthulhu
THS: Two-headed Serpent
Everyday Heroes
CROW: The CrowPRIM: Pacific Rim
TTRC: Total Recall
HIGH: Highlander
EFNY: Escape from New York
KONG: Kong
EDH: Everyday Heroes Core
Kobold Press: Book of Ebon Tides
TFTS: Tales from the ShadowsFateforge
FF: Free City and KaanRealmsmith
RSAC: Realmsmith adventure crateGlass Cannon
GCP: Glass Cannon PodcastProject Fullblade
PRB: MusicZombie Orpheus
MOD: Mask of DeathSD: Shadow’s Dungeon
Community Content
BC: The Bandit’s CaveD&D - Tales of the Yawning Portal:
ATG: Against the Giants
FOF: Forge of Fury
TOH: Tomboy Horrors
WPM: White Plume Mountain
D&D - War for the Crown
CITLE: City in the Lion’s Eye
SSS: Songbird, Scion, Saboteur
SLS: the Six-Legend Soul
TTC: The Twilight Child
Pathfinder - Age of Ashes:
CCS: Cult of Cinders
HKH: Hellknight Hill
DIVC: D&D -Divine Contention
OOTA: D&D - Out of the Abyss
SLW: D&D - Storm Lord’s Wrath (Essentials kit)
PDD: Pathfinder Doomsday Dawn (playtest)
PFS2: The Solstice Scar (Society Special 8-99)
PFS3: Assault on Absalom (Society Special 9-00)
We are continually working to improve Syrinscape. We are being guided by user requests, so if you want something, find the Syrinscape forums and don't stay quiet about it.
Note also: the feature you are missing MIGHT actually already be there, do make sure you check out the Syrinscape forums, especially the Pro Tips Category. There's lots of really useful info there, on getting the most out of Syrinscape etc...
The various different Global OneShots are attached to different SoundSets and will appear once you purchase+download them.
In the Fantasy Player:
- The swords and arrows, spells and more are in “Bugbear Battle”
- The cheesy musical stings are in “Stony Beach”
- The Wilhelm Scream is in “Tavern Brawl”
- The Modern guns and explosions are in “Modern Weapons”
In the Sci-Fi Player:
- The Flamethrower is in "Insectoid Hive"
- The "Small Arms" & "Automatic" weapons fire are in "Giant Sandworm"
- The Airlocks are in "Alien from Alien"
- The Wilhelm Scream is in "Alien Cantina"
If you need to change or have forgotten your password, go here:
Here's the first in what is going to be a series of DM tip posts from our brave leader, Ben:
Just say, "Yes!" The Power of "Yes" in Role-Playing: Elevating Your Game to Legendary Status!
Meet the Syrinscape team here:
Find out a bit more about the group of amazing composers who have built the tracks that make Syrinscape truly sing:
Syrinscape's composers include people who have composed for the classical music stage, including full operas, people who are published by actual series paper and glue music publishers, people who have composed for some of the biggest AAA computer games we all play (including Call of Duty, God of War, the Burnout series, and Dragon Ball Z), actual Hollywood film composers, European gaming celebrities, a physicist (no really it's all about Black Holes), and an old time rocker who now lives on a vineyard in France.
It sounds like something is completely blocking Syrinscape's access to the Internet. How sad! :-/
Here's the things to check in the order to check them:
- Firewall controlling Application's access to the internet? = give permission to Syrinscape;
- Over zealous virus program? = Tell it that Syrinscape is safe;
- Are you accessing the internet through a proxy? = That can sometimes confuse (make sure you've signed in or ask your network admin for help);
- Does your windows Log In name have any special characters in it? If so try installing under a user with just normal ASCII characters and see if that works. Unity doesn’t cope well with fancy European names!
Does your windows Login name have any special characters in it? If so try installing under a user with just normal ASCII characters and see if that works. Unity doesn’t cope well with fancy European names! Or you can try this trick here: Syrinscape ProTip #5 - Setting Cache location (on PC).
The Sci-Fi Player is out now, which is where all non-fantasy content shows. Download on the Website or AppStores and enjoy. There is also a Subscription for the Sci-Fi Player. Check out the store for details. If you are a SuperSyrin subscriber you'll have access to all the Sci-Fi and Modern stuff as well as everything else we make. Of course, in the Web Player, everything shows, so you can look there too.
You don't need to download anything manually. Reload the Web Player or Restart the Syrinscape Fantasy or Sci-Fi Player (log in if you need to) and the SoundSets you have new access to should now will be there ready for you to use and enjoy.
Syrinscape includes an easy to use sound design toolset now built directly into the Syrinscape Web Player, giving you the power to create and customize your own sound environments, soundscapes and music. It’s a massively powerful sound-design tool that includes all of the dials, sliders, parameters, and other functions that we use in-house to make Syrinscape sound great. These tools will bring your library of sound effects to life using Syrinscape's powerful audio engine, becoming available with the Syrinscape Web Player via the SuperSyrin Subscription, so once you've got yourself a sub, simply log into the website and go to the Web Player Master UI and activate the "Properties" column to switch on everything you need to get started. There is also a very useful series of video tutorials available on our YouTube Channel
NO! You don't have to be online for the offline Syrinscape Players to work (i.e. Fantasy Player, Sci-Fi Player, Board Game Player). Connection to the internet is only needed for initial downloads, syncing content and installing new content. And of course to run games using the Syrinscape Web Player.
We’d love you to use Syrinscape. If we can help to make your PodCast/YouTube Videos awesome that is great for you and great for us!
All you need to do is:
Give us a shout out at some point during the game: eg “Oh and, thanks as always to Syrinscape for the amazing atmosphere and music. Make sure you check them out at You’ve just got to be using it at your gaming table."
- Link to us in your credits with this kind of thing:
Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound
Complete list of credits here: (Insert link)To generate the credits link, Go to then you just need to follow these steps;
- Start typing the name of a SoundSet you want to find and select the one you want from the suggestions
- Do step 1. for each SoundSet used in the episode
- When you are finished hit [SUBMIT]
- That link up in the address bar now is the one you can paste in your credits or put into tiny ulr to generate a smaller link
Use it well:
Let us know when an episode goes live and we might be able to spread the word on our Social Media too.
Here are a few of images you might like to use as a credit on a video or webpage: Dropbox Link
Please note: The sounds Syrinscape makes should not comprise the whole or most of the audio track of your new work (i.e. please don't just run Syrinscape and post the resultant output so people don't have to buy the content we have worked so hard to create).
Legal stuff = You will be using Syrinscape under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0. More info here:
Make sure the ringer is not on silent. If any of the volumes are turned right down, Syrinscape will make no noise, even when other apps will.
Also if you have an older device, try going to settings and change the side switch which is on 'rotation' to 'mute' and then back to 'rotation'.
The SoundSet Creation functions are a complex and powerful tool set – the same one we at Syrinscape use to create our massive libraries of sounds. They required extensive resources to develop, and require ongoing resources to enable the global Syrinscape community to build, customize, and share their creations, as well as sync their own Syrinscape SoundSets across all of their devices. As such, we can only offer it as a premium to our SuperSyrin subscribers at this time.
Contact us at and we'll sort it out for you ourselves.
Syrinscape uses the super powerful Unity engine for its 3D surround audio. At the moment that's what's stopping it from going into the background. Think of Syrinscape more as a fully fledged sequencer (like Garage Band = stops in the background) than a music player playing a single mp3! Often Syrinscape is playing back 20 or more samples simultaneously, each with dynamic positioning, reverb and even doppler effect. Performance and responsiveness becomes a BIG issue when processes go to low power mode, and there's issues with keeping Unity running and not destroying the rest of the Tablets system, thus Unity (and hence Syrinscape) pauses atm. I have actually found it is best to have Syrinscape sitting open on the table in front of me so I can change Sounds with just a single touch. Just make sure you keep the screen brightness low-ish so as not to drain your battery.
ALSO: Remember you can sign in as you on up to three devices at once, so you might get one of your players to bring a tablet to devote to Syrinscape for the game, with the bonus that they will get to keep the sounds when they are home too. Just make sure you leave a chunk of time to download necessary content.
Does that all make sense?
That said, should it become possible to keep Syrinscape running in the background at some time in the future, be assured, we will DEFINITELY go for it! It's something I would like too!
To stop your recurring payments in PayPal simply go to your User Dashboard where you can get that done.
Your subscription access will continue until your subscription actually expires on the date shown on that page.
AND when you are ready to switch your Syrinscape subscription back on (when you are ready for AWESOME sound at your gaming table again), simply sign up for your sub of choice in the normal way you did the first time.
If you run into any bumps along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to us on
Arianne Elliott = genius!
You might use:
A free online recorder like:
I run it direct from the web = click the “Start Recording” button. You can make it capture the screen and audio or just audio.
There’s sometimes a little bit of fiddling to get the Syrinscape Audio heard by Apowersoft, but once it’s working, it works really well. HINT: open Apowersoft, record a little bit of audio and then stop it again, THEN start Syrinscape, and you should be good to go. You’ll need to let Apowersoft install the virtual audio driver on your system. IMPORTANT: Always test it's recording correctly before you do something long and significant.
Audacity, it’s just a matter of working your way through one of the many reasonably helpful, but often slightly confusing tutorials you can find online. Like here:
Or run Syrinscape on a phone or tablet and plug the headphones into a stereo input on any recording device
Something else we haven't thought of yet!
Super easy fix. There are many HOURS of classic big orchestral fantasy music in Syrinscape.
Simply do this:
- Start a mood with the music you are not crazy about
- Stop the D&D Battle Music Element
- Go to a SoundSet that has music you love (a good one might be "Hell" = it has some of our most EPIC music)
- Start the top element there and adjust level to taste
- Go back to your original SoundSet and save yourself a custom mood
Of course you can use our NPC voices as simply a starting off point for your OWN voice acting. I find when an encounter then progresses elsewhere and I take over with my own acting, it really helps to set the personality of the NPC, when the Players can actually hear their voice for real. Also: Chris Perkins, Mike Mearls, James Jacobs or Matt Mercer DMing at your table? How is that not VERY cool!?!