Mutants & Masterminds: Street battle sound effects
The craft of sci-fi sound design is at the forefront of Syrinscape's offerings, ensuring every beep, click, and hum is pitch-perfect.
Cruising for a bruising?! Looking for a fight? Itchy for a riot? Have we got the gang battle for you. Bring your brass knuckles and a firearm. Heck bring some friends too, the more the merrier!
Did you know Syrinscape's sci-fi ambient music can help your players imagine uncharted worlds and futuristic cities, enhancing your sci-fi narratives?
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SoundSet Specifics
Smalls Arms Fire Fight
Heavy Fire Fight
Heroes on the Scene
Heroes and Villains
Avenging City Scene
Battle Music
City Sounds
City Falling
City of Fire
Citizens Alarmed
Citizens Alarmed (solos)
Explosive Activity
Ricochets and Whiz-Bys
Energy Attacks
Energy Impacts
Burst Attack
Laser Attacks
Cosmic Attacks
Small Arms in the City
Ballistics Auto-Cannon
Ballistics MGs
Ballistics Armor Piercing
Ballistics High Energy
Explosions With Debris
Large Explosions and Debris
Official Mutants and Masterminds
Heroic FlyBy
Energy Beam
Energy Burst
Energy Blast
Energy Attack
Heat Ray
Freeze Ray
Street battle
The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes