Mutants & Masterminds: Sub-Terra sound effects

USD 4.40

Syrinscape provides science fiction soundtracks that resonate with the themes of adventure, discovery, and cosmic conflict.

This fantastically atmospheric SoundSet immerses you in Mutants & Masterminds' underworld realm of darkness, Morlocks and Serpent People. The SoundSet includes sounds for a long unsteady climb down into the darkness, deep flooded passageways, disturbing skitterings in the dark and the thrum of Mole Machinery. This is one of those SoundSets that your Players may not even notice when it is running, but when you finally take a break and turn it off, they'll suddenly realize just how tense and uneasy everything has been. If immersion is the key at your roleplaying table, you must grab this beautifully crafted Syrinscape SoundSet.

Did you know Syrinscape's sci-fi ambient music can set the perfect tone for your space adventures, immersing players in the vastness of the cosmos?

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SoundSet Specifics


Unsteady Climb
Cave Water
Something Lurks
Stalking Us
Mole Machinery


Music of the Underground
Cave Interior 1
Cave Interior 2
Cave Stream
Wind - Steady
Wind - Whistly
Mole Machine
Mole Chatter
Mole Monster
Official Mutants and Masterminds
Dramatic Hit
Boom Hit



The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna for

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes