Sci-fi Sounds & Music: Swarm attack

USD 4.40

Let your imagination soar among the stars with the rich tapestry of outer space sound effects available through Syrinscape.

Are you a fan of bugs?! Lovely little spiky furry critters? All legs and claws and mandibles? You know the sort? They throw up on you to digest you! Except, well, there's a catch with this mission. They're not ordinary bugs, unless by ordinary you mean eight feet tall with acidic blood. I'm sure it'll be fine. There's nothing you can't fix with a flame thrower and a few well placed rocket propelled grenades. It's just a shame the colonists weren't so well equipped.

Did you know Syrinscape's space battle sound effects can make your tabletop skirmishes feel epic and intense, with dynamic audio that matches the action?

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SoundSet Specifics


Don't go near that!
Awakening the Hive
Space Invaders
Space invaders battle
Spirits of the Lost Ark
A Gathering of Critters
Mosquitos of Unusual Size


Severe Missile Hits
Hive Mother
Alien Creature Shrieks
Small Flying Critters Cries
Large Insectoid Swarm
Tiny Winged Insect Swarm
Small Scurrying Critters
Tiny Legged Skittering Creatures
Alien Flying Swarm
The Birds
More Alien Shrieks
Insectoid Wails
More Insectoid Wails
Ethereal Creature Screeches
More Ethereal Creature Screeches
LG Hive Creature Hisses
SM Hive Creature Hisses
Large Flying Beast Screeches
Low Drone
More Lasers
Multi Lasers
Small Arms Projectiles
Auto Fire Projectiles


Swarm Attack

The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna for

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
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