D&D Music and Sounds: Planescape Turn of Fortune's Wheel Pt 1

USD 15.99

For the ultimate RPG experience, Syrinscape's background music and sound are the tools every Dungeon Master needs.

This Planescape: Turn of Fortune's Wheel SoundPack delivers an all-encompassing audio experience tailored for chapters one to three of this grand narrative from DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Every sound, environmental ambiance, and creature voice has been meticulously prepared for you, allowing you to effortlessly punctuate each moment with the perfect sound. Engage your players fully in a world brimming with suspense, fraught with lethal challenges, and abundant in opulent rewards.

A plot to undermine the rules of reality has caused a glitch in the multiverse. Contend with mighty immortals and chronicle the farthest reaches of the Outlands to uncover the truth of this conspiracy.

The Planescape: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 1 SoundPack covers chapters 1 to 3 of the adventure

Is this DUNGEONS & DRAGONS RPG Adventure SoundPack useful when I'm not running this particular DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure?
Of course! This SoundPack brings to life:

  • a creepy morgue
  • a flesh golem (never saw that coming)
  • skeletons
  • poltergeists
  • zombies
  • a black ooze
  • the Sigil
  • a slimy grease pit
  • a great bazaar
  • the 'colorful' Dragon Bar
  • a resplendent casino
  • a sparkling illusionary coin fountain
  • a fist fight
  • and so much more
Start your journey into epic storytelling with Syrinscape at app.syrinscape.com for free and discover the perfect accompaniment for your imaginative tales.

Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.

™ & ©2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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SoundSet Specifics


Character creation
M1: Morgue
M2: Autopsy room
M2a: Jex and the flesh golem attack
M3: Possessions room
M3a: Skeleton and poltergeist battle
M4: Cold locker
M4a: Angry zombies
M5: Crematorium
M6: Corpse retrieval
M6a: Black ooze
M7: Dining hall
M8: Burial grove
M9: Records room
M10: Hallway (Surfacing in Sigil)


Character creation
The cold dark
The burial grove
The mortuary
Combat music
The flesh golem
Combat drums
Opening morgue drawer
Footsteps stone (inside)
Dungeon ambiance
Footsteps stone (far away)
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (neutral voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Shadow attack
Ghostly noises
Phantom breeze
Damaging hide or leather
Moans in the distance
Autopsy noises
Background hum
Flesh golem
Skeleton audience
Low wind
Skeletons fighter
Ghost fighter
Footsteps in mud
Splashing through the muck
Ooze slams
Black pudding noises
Cold wind
Footsteps in snow (single)
Setting the table
Scrolls and papers
Mysteries above
Puppet movement
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Detect Magic
Picking lock
Skeleton hiss
Poltergeist wail
Opening morgue drawer
Morgue drawer #1
Knocking on drawer (far away)
Zombie growls
Pulling the blue lever
Pulling the red lever
Falling corpses
"Dinner is served"
Searching death certificates
Open door
*USE ME* for Spell fighting


Welcome to Sigil
Meeting Parisa
The Grease Pit
The Gastrognome
The Ubiquitous Wayfarer
The Lady's Ward
Fell's Tattoos
Faction Headquarters
Great Bazaar
Fisticuffs in the streets
Fleeing the Harmonium
Twisted tea party
Polite cakers attack
Vargouille reflections


Slowly turning the wheel
Twisted tea party
March of the Modrons
On the run
Combat music
Music - quiet tavern
Fell's tattoos
Temple music
Deep pulses
Multispecies crowd I
Multispecies crowd II
Foot traffic
Breaking glass
Metal tools
Temple bells
Smashed boxes
Quiet voices
Quiet voices II
Traveling minstrels
Footsteps on wood
Crowd ambience : loiterers
Crowd ambience : vendors
Burps and drink noises
Background crowd II
Plates II
Multiple races background voices
Creaking boards
Door/breaking wood
Wandering minstrels
Random tools
Busy marketplace
Busy marketplace II
Metal tools II
Random voices
Background crowd
Angry crowd
Oofs and arghs
Grunts and shouts
Vargouille reflections
Quiet patrons II
Quiet patrons III
Smashing glass
Serene windchimes
Various animals
Small folk
Background voices
Even more crowds
Fleeing & screaming i
Fleeing & screaming ii
Upset crowd
Clockwork tattoo machine
Office noises
Random office noise
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Damaging hide or leather
Fighting (neutral voices)
Heavy bubbling
Sloshing liquid
Steam releases
Magical resonance weird
Vargouille pops out
*USE ME* for Spell fighting
Official D&D
Combat sting
Combat sting II
Dramatic sting
Detect Magic
Open door
Picking lock
Cranium rat threat
Cranium rat warning
Cranium rat squeal
"This is the place"


F1: The Dragon Bar
F2: Casino cages
F3: Illusionary fountain
F4: Slot machines
F5: Table games
F7: Fortune's wheel
F8: Ice lounge
F9: Stage
F10: Security room
F11: Back rooms
Fist fight breaks out
Drawing steel
Shemeshka arrives


Casino music
Shemeshka fanfare
Combat music
Burps and drink noises
Breaking glass
Door/breaking wood
Smashing glass
Plates II
Quiet patrons II
Quiet patrons III
Footsteps on wood
Multispecies crowd I
Multispecies crowd II
Casino background
Happy laughing
Multiple races background voices
Loud patrons
Drunkards singing
Ooos for Shemeshka
Cheering for Shemeshka
Creaking boards
Fighting voices
Punches II
Grunts and shouts
Oofs and arghs
Casino background noises
Coin fountain
Slot winners
Card games
Muffled casino
Screen hum
Office noises
Fighting (high voices)
Fighting (low voices)
Blunt swings and hits
Sword swooshes
Damaging hide or leather
Fighting (neutral voices)
Nothic security
Sword damage
Official D&D
Combat sting
Dramatic sting
Detect Magic
"Come to Mama"
Modron time
Spinning the wheel
Picking lock
*USE ME* for Spell fighting


TOFW Chapter 1: Grave Escape

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:

"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"traktori-vipu-vanha-lever-sounds-of-an-old-tractor-e-g" by "YleArkisto" (https://freesound.org/people/YleArkisto/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"Fluorescent-lightbulb-hum" by "ftpalad" (https://freesound.org/people/ftpalad/)

Key: "sample name" by "username".


Female ghostly screams performed by Aurore Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Shadow attacks created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Juicy splats sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jasper calls for help and knocks created by Tim Wilhelm.
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Teeth bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Metal filing created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Lox bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Restaurant sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Gray Ooze voice" performed by Benjamin Loomes
Plague moans created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Golem Grunts by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Metal objects sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Teacup and saucer sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male ghostly screams performed by Barry Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghostly scarwall voices by Daniel Turril for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Metal tinkering created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
"Dinner is served" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Drop metal sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Combat shuffle created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Falling down Shaft created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hissing airlocks created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Paper in the wind sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Plague moan sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Goblin fighting drum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on stone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
High bone sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female ghostly screams performed by Aurore Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Wraith sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
ChoakingSound01performed by Davin Northcote at PaizoCon2015
Female child ghostly screams performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pots & pans sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin fighting drums created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sorting scrolls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Lox bones sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Abandoned stone ruin sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps in mud created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Clinky metal things created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape

Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Big fight 4" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Big fight" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"The Cold Dark" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
“Golem Remix” – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Mortuary" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Mortuary II" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Walking castle" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Slowly Turning the Wheel" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Destruction drums" – composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"The Burial Grove" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Big fight 5" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_01" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Cold Dark II" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Destruction drums" – composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Destruction drums" – composed and performed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Goblin fighting drums new 3" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_02" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape

Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.


TOFW Chapter 2: Philosophers with Clubs

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:

"pushing-forcefully-through-curtain-or-cloth" by "JakLocke" (https://freesound.org/people/JakLocke/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0006" by "d-w" [deactivated freesound.org user]
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
"male-scream-bram-ooh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"Wetbelch4" by "Plingativator" (https://freesound.org/people/Plingativator/)
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-o" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"male-scream-bram-neenee" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"Door-Slam" by "Winsx87" (https://freesound.org/people/Winsx87/)
"Wind Chimes, A.wav" by "InspectorJ" (https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/)
"dog-disonant-howl" by "Jace" (https://freesound.org/people/Jace/)
"scream-male-bram-aah-and-oh" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
”pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-1” by “jaklocke” (https://freesound.org/people/JakLocke/)
"cupboard-creak-6" by "tim-kahn (https://freesound.org/people/tim.kahn/sounds/24247/)
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0004" by "d-w" [deactivated freesound.org user]
“pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-2” by “jaklocke” (https://freesound.org/people/JakLocke/)
"Burp" by "Noisecollector" (https://freesound.org/people/Noisecollector/)
"doing-them-cobblestones" by "inchadney" (https://freesound.org/people/inchadney/)
“pushing-through-curtain-or-cloth-3” by “jaklocke” (https://freesound.org/people/JakLocke/)
"market-in-africa-in-the-small-village-of-diafarabe-mali" by felix_blume [deactivated freesound.org user]
"Wooden-Floor-Loop" by "Sinatra314" (https://freesound.org/people/Sinatra314/)
“soccer-amateurs-01-nl” by “klankbeeld” (https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/)
"scream-male-bram-aah" by "thanvannispen" (https://freesound.org/people/thanvannispen/)
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0001" by "d-w" [deactivated freesound.org user]
"Creaking-Wooden-Door-0002" by "d-w" [deactivated freesound.org user]
"dogs-barking-0323-4885" by "mrawg" [deactivated freesound.org user]
"pumpmkin-guts-squish-4" by "mwlandi" (https://freesound.org/people/mwlandi/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"pig002" by "yottasounds" (https://freesound.org/people/yottasounds/)

Key: "sample name" by "username".


Cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Uncorking bottle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Whispers sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Tattoo machine created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cranium threat voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hallway steps created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barry Vistani babble performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Vistani Walla sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hallway steps sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female laughter sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pots & pans sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Kuru" voice acting by Morgan Rands
Yugra laugh created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Child babble sounds performed by Robin Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Vargouille snap performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Vargouille Hiss performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Market chatter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Ladies gossip sounds performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Female Walla sounds performed by Robyn Nix, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Evil insane laugh" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen Con 2015
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Cranium warning voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Wooden broom sweeping sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barry Phandelver babble created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"This is the place" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Cassomir local performed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barry babble sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cranium squeal voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Laughs" performed by Ron Ruppel at Gen Con 2015
Barry Vistani babble performed by & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female Walla sounds performed by Karen Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Matilda's Vistani babble sounds performed by Matilda Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Fish Salesman created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Paper in the wind sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Male student laughter created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Kish talking – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Crate knocked bottle smash created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Waiting human sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Female noises performed by Sylke Koerding for Syrinscape
Meat seller voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Paizo Inc.
"Halt, criminal" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Maniacal laugh" performed by Jenni Higginbotham at Gen Con 2015
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Halfling performed by half Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Excelsior (Harp only)" created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Sorting scrolls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Brush movement sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape

Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"TOFW Combat Stinger_04" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gond" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Temple of Savras" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_02" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Dramatic Stinger_01" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The binding contract" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"March of the Modrons" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Tabaxi minstrels. Song #4" composed by Tim Wilhelm
"Wonders of Gond" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Insane laugh" performed by Michael Uhlenhake at Gen Con 2015
"TOFW Combat Stinger_01" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Twisted Tea Party" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Slowly Turning the Wheel" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Wonders of Gond II" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"On the Drums II" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_03" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"On the Drums" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Gruung combat drums " – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"March of the Modrons (extended)" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape

Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.


TOFW Chapter 3: Fortune Favors the Bold

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:

"Clatter1" by "Jcbatz" (https://freesound.org/people/Jcbatz/)
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (https://freesound.org/people/rhumphries/)
"ruletti-roulette-a-few-rolls-close" by "ylearkisto" (https://freesound.org/people/ylearkisto/)
"Wooden-Floor-Loop" by "Sinatra314" (https://freesound.org/people/Sinatra314/)
"27-Coins" by "Freqman" (https://freesound.org/people/Freqman/)
"Wetbelch4" by "Plingativator" (https://freesound.org/people/Plingativator/)
"Grunts" by "mattgarkusha" (https://freesound.org/people/mattgarkusha/)
"female-grunts-breaths" by "martian" (https://freesound.org/people/martian/)
"Burp" by "Noisecollector" (https://freesound.org/people/Noisecollector/)

Key: "sample name" by "username".


D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Yuan Ti Chatter SFX created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape.
Casino floor ambience created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Coin Fountain created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Batiri (goblin) villagers" created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
Electric light sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Drinking tea sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on wood created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
"Come to Mama" voiced by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Githyanki warrior sounds performed by Charlotte Doublet, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Laugh" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
Slot Winners created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Uncorking bottle sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Hobgoblin sounds performed by Chris Körding, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Shemeshka Fanfare" composed by Tim Wilhelm
Voice of Armel by Morgan Rands
Fight sounds created by Syrinscape
Voice of Halaster by Richard Whitters of Wizards of the Coast
Goblin villagers created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Raucous tavern created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Created by Syrinscape Pty Ltd for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Spell sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Prize Wheel created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Voice of Grey Maiden by Lindsay Ashcroft-Mills for Syrinscape
Meaty punches created by Christian Koerding for Syrinscape
Paper in the wind sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
D&D Spells created by Benjamin Loomes and Kyle Johnson for Syrinscape
Hobgoblin sounds performed by Benjamin Loomes, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Yugra laugh created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Grum’shar voices" performed by Emi of Wizards of the Coast
Githyanki warrior sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Exertion sounds created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Barlguras punch sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neutral battle vocalisations created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Guard cries processed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Batiri (goblin) Scouts" created by Tim WIlhelm for Syrinscape.
Hobgoblin sounds performed by Dan Tharpe, edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Barbarian sword fighter sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Amrik – voised and edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Prize Wheel created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Tabaxi minstrel songs written by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Sorting scrolls created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Yawning Portal – cheer created by Syrinscape for Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Raucous tavern voices created by Syrinscape
Modron Time created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Hobgoblin sounds performed & edited by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Sword damage sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Jackpot created by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
Blade spell recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Cheers and oos and ahs created for Syrinscape

Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"On the Drums" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Pacific Rim Dramatic Sting" composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"The Hunter" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"On the Drums II" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Combat Drum music" – composed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"Tabaxi minstrels. Song #4" composed by Tim Wilhelm
"TOFW Dramatic Stinger_01" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_01" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_02" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_04" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape
"TOFW Combat Stinger_03" composed and performed by Tim Wilhelm for Syrinscape

Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2024 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.