Critical Role: Matt Mercer as Nostoc
Syrinscape's collection of TTRPG music ensures that no matter the scenario, your game's atmosphere will be captivating and memorable.
Bring Critical Role's amazing "Nostoc Greyspine" to life at YOUR gaming table. Voice by Geek & Sundry's very own Matthew Mercer, voice actor and Dungeon Master extraordinaire. Syrinscape's "Nostoc Greyspine" SoundSet includes everything you'll need to run an encounter with this 'haughty' NPC. Just give him a go; fun, immersion and hilarity are sure to ensue.
In case you've never heard of Nostoc, this info from Critical Role's wiki will help you out:
"Lord Nostoc Greyspine is the owner of Greyspine Quarry, the mithral mine in the city of Kraghammer. He informed the party that Lady Kima had gone into the mines earlier. He was very angry when he spotted Vax'ildan trying to siphon off some of the dwarven wine they had given to him as a gift to garner his cooperation in letting them into the mines.
He has very short, fiery-red hair, and a long, straight beard kept very smooth. He is known to dislike gnomish music."
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SoundSet Specifics
Mine ambience
Nostoc Greyspine
Who are you?
What do you want?
Terribly busy
Lower your weapons
I don't know
Good question
That's true
Not going to happen
Don't trust them
Don't give me those eyes
Grease the palm?
Pay attention!
A man after my own heart
Shifty eyes
Forge deep rumble
Working the mine
Feet on gravel
Deep wind
Weird noises
Tumbling pebbles
Matt Mercer Nostoc
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him.
"Nostoc voices" performed by Matthew Mercer