Cyberpunk RED Sounds & Music: NeoCorps
With Syrinscape’s Cyberpunk soundtracks, your players can virtually feel the neon glow and the synthetic pulse of the music.
The 4th Corporate War punished the world, disrupting shipping and destroying already unstable infrastructure. The DataKrash blew up the NET, making it impossible to use. The first years of the Time of the Red were ones of isolation and despair as governments, Corporations, and communities fought to claw their way out of the rubble.
Yet while some Corps fell apart, or just fell, others found opportunity. The Nomads stepped up, taking control of roads and sea lanes, ports and waystations to become the transportation network of the world. And where the influence of old MegaCorps crumbled, new powers rose to fill the vacuum. Smaller, more flexible, and more willing to take chances, these NeoCorps gained power, wealth, and status and are poised to become major players as the Time of the Red draws to a close.
Did you know Syrinscape's original compositions are crafted to enhance player immersion and make your game world feel real?
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SoundSet Specifics
Corporate zone
Parking lot
The lobby
Taking the elevator
The bullpen
Execs office
Execs office (no music)
Server room
Rooftop parking
AV landing (external)
AV leaving (external)
Music - Corporate zone
Elevator music
Execs office music
Computers start up
Emergency sirens
City ambience traffic
Street talk
Smaller vehicles
Advertisement echoes
Advertising broadcasts
Radio comms
Public loud speaker
Drone Bits
Crowd Socializing
Close drips
Distant drips
Footsteps hard floor
AirCon hum
Steam releases
Car skids (occassional)
Car horns (occassional)
Cars start and stop
Cars at moderate speeds
Neon lights - broken
Reception phone
Howling wind
Flagpole with tapping wire
AV landing external
AV hover internal
AV hover external
AV doors
AV flybys
Laser grid
AV takeoff external
Building shakes
Computer room ambience
Notification sounds
Mouse clicks
Key strokes
Fast typer
Computer array
Official Cyberpunk
Security camera
Boost inhaler
Barrier arm
Electric door open
Electric door close
Access granted (E)
Access granted (J)
Access denied (E)
Access denied (J)
Agent ringtone
Elevator ride
Landing gear external
AV4 door
Computers beeps
Jacking in
Electric shutter
Safe opening
Cyberpunk - NeoCorps
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Steve Barr for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"Phone call" Created by Steve Barr and performed by pyro13djt (
“brooklyn-7-11-altercation” by “vortichez”(
"Servo" by LG (
“drone-take-off” by “n-audioman” (
"horn-honk" by "mkoenig" (
“door-garage-door-close-03” by “dwoboyle” (
Key: "sample name" by "username".
"Access Granted American" Created by Steve Barr and performed by H.W McCray for Syrinscape
"Access Denied American" Created by Steve Barr and performed by H.W McCray for Syrinscape
"Access Granted Japanese” created by Steve Barr and performed by Matilda Loomes for Syrinscape
"Access Denied Japanese" created by Steve Barr and performed by Matilda Loomes for Syrinscape
Keypad sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Securitech officer message created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
AV takeoff sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
AV Landing sound created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Electric door Closing sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Neonlight flicker sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape
Elevator ride sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Earthquake rumble small sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Escalator sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
AV hover sound created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Electronic safe sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Strobe effect created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Boost inhaler sound created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Cough sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Subway elevator sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Turnstile sounds created by Steve Barr for Syrinscape
Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for
Background and product art supplied by R Talsorian Games Inc. 2023