Dungeons & Dragons Sounds & Music: Harpy Battle

USD 4.40

Transform your skirmishes into epic showdowns with Syrinscape's battle sounds, providing a sonic depth that makes every slash and spell echo in the memory.

A harpy combines the body, legs and wings of a vulture with the torso, arms, and head of a human. They haunt bleak coastal cliffs and other places hazardous to non-flying creatures.

Syrinscape’s Harpy battle SoundSet gives you everything you need to make a very memorable encounter indeed, set along a rough coastal road OR aboard a sailing vessel that has ventured too close to the shore.

Did you know Syrinscape's library of battle sounds is meticulously created, ensuring the most authentic experience for your adventurers?

Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.

™ & ©2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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SoundSet Specifics


Coastal road travel
Harpy attack (on land)
Harpy attack (on land) (alt music)
Aftermath (coast)
Sailing near the coast
Harpy attack (on the water)
Harpy attack (on the water) (alt music)
Unfortunate swimmer
Aftermath (on the water)


D&D Saltmarsh battle music
Alternate battle music
Coastal travel music
Wagon train
Coastal wind
Lapping water
Wings i
Wings ii
Harpy screeching
Harpy hisses (close)
Harpy hisses (more distant)
Harpy song
Harpy enchantment
Harpy enchantment (delayed)
Harpy songs
Boots upstairs
Ale bottler
Soul of Winter sails out
Dwarven crew
Below deck
Swinging hammock
A bow through the waves
Official D&D
Musical stabs
A distant foreboding song
Harpy screech
Harpy hiss
Diving underwater
Drowned music


Harpy battle

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:

"Gulls-Passing" by "M-Newlove" (https://freesound.org/people/M-Newlove/)
"Seagulls-Close-Up" by "Juskiddink" (https://freesound.org/people/Juskiddink/)
"Beerglasses-01" by "Matucha" (https://freesound.org/people/Matucha/)
"stenhagen-chatting-seagulls" by "owl" (https://freesound.org/people/owl/)
"cotton-flapping" by "Benboncan" (https://freesound.org/people/Benboncan/)
"cloth-flaps" by "Sauron974" (https://freesound.org/people/Sauron974/)
"shore03" by "volivieri" (https://freesound.org/people/volivieri/)

Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]


Harpy song created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Heroes of Phandelver – Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape Pty Ltd
Singing banshee created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin fighting drums created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Footsteps on the deck created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Crow sounds created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Goblin fighting drum created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Dive underwater sound created by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
Ominous wind sounds was created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape

All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape

Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape and also:
"Goblin fighting drums new 3" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Big fight 1" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Big fight 4" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Big fight 5" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Big Fight 3" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
Ghosts battle music composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
"Big fight 2" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"musical stabs" – composed by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"New Heroes of Phandelver" – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Fortress music" – created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"New Heroes of Phandelver" created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
"Singing banshee" created by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape

Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.