Pathfinder Music & ambiance: Rise of the Runelords Hook Mountain Massacre
Harness the power of Syrinscape's dynamic audio to synchronize with your every move; a symphony that responds to your game's crescendo and the quietude of its most secretive whispers.
The "Hook Mountain Massacre" SoundPack gives you the complete audio solution when playing the "Hook Mountain Massacre" Adventure. All the preparation is done for you, and every sound you'll need is right at your fingertips.
The third installment of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path begins with a desperate call for aid from Hook Mountain. A tribe of ogres has slaughtered the garrison of a small keep. The few surviving rangers need the heroes to help them retake the key fortification back.
See the individual SoundSet Product descriptions for more details.
Are the Pathfinder Adventure Path SoundPacks useful when I'm not running Adventure Paths?
Yes. For example: the "Hook Mountain Massacre" SoundPack supports:
* a pleasant country farm inhabited by most unpleasant Ogrekin
* a mountain fort crawling with vicious ogre warriors
* a flooded town
* a haunted swamp
* a mountain fortress with roaring furnaces and ringing anvils,
* as well as battles with a spectacularly massive Black Magga, a sonorous Stone Giant, a chest beating Ettin singing a duet with himself, horrible hags am insane ghost
* and much much more!
Did you know that with Syrinscape, you can seamlessly loop tracks without any jarring interruptions, ensuring the flow of play is never broken?
Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.
This product is included for FREE with a SuperSyrin Subscription. Consider trying that out instead?

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SoundSet Specifics
Sticky night
Hot day
A strange Firepelt
Rukus and his dogs
Inside the farmhouse
Lucky and Maulgro
Mammy Graul
Official Pathfinder
Hook Mountain Music
Hot day insects
Night-time Insect thrum
Injured Cougar
Insect flybys
Deep creaking
Creaking boards
Hunting dogs
Armor foley
Weapon impacts
Lucky all
Lucky be happy
Lucky be sad
Maulgro all
Maulgro be happy
Maulgro be sad
Donkey Rat
Mammy Graul
Insect flyby
Donkey Rat Attack
Mammy Graul
Weapon impact
Hunting dogs (occasional)
Scythe Trap
Door Spikes
Floor Saw Trap
In the mountains
Approaching Fort Rannick
Fort Rannick waterfall
Single ogre (no music)
Inside the fort
Ogre battle
Lizard battle
Jaagrath Kreeg
Commander's quarters battle
Lucrecia battle
Official Pathfinder
Hook Mountain Music
Mountain wind
Big Waterfall
Tumbling pebbles
Insect flyby
Eagle call
Bridge Collapse
Ogre growls
Ogre calls
Ogre Barbarian
Lizard hisses
Armor foley
Weapon impact
Weapon and shield
Weapon impacts
Insect flybys
More Lizards
Lucrecia's magic
An evil feeling
Mountain wind
Overlooking the flood
Flooded town
Saving the children
Black magga battle
Overlooking the dam
Inside the dam
Infernal engines
Ettin battle
They're breaking the dam
Demolition crew
Broken dam
Official Pathfinder
Hook Mountain Music
Ettin Drum
Mountain wind
Heavy rain
Flood waters splashing
Flood waters gushing
Dam break
Big release
Battle splashes
Big splashes
Crying child
Tillia screams
Tabitha screams
Black Magga roar
Black Magga roars
Boa strike
Tillia screaming
Tabitha screaming
Creaking buildings
Boa constrictor
Gorger's song
Chaw's song
Ettin chest beating
Tumbling pebbles
Armor foley
Weapon impact
Weapon impacts
Weapon and shield
Magical machine rumble
Magic circle
Ogre growls
Ogre calls
Ogre Barbarian
Heart of sadness
Don't upset Myriana
Myriana attacks
Official Pathfinder
Heart drum
Myriana sob
Myriana scream
Mangy crow
Myriana crying
Myriana screaming
Unsettling wind
A deep evil feeling
I think she's mad
Mangy crows
Mountain approach
Inside the mountain
Deeper inside the mountain
An empty mountain
Choke point
The hags attack
Lamatar battle
Barl Breakbones
Official Pathfinder
Hook Mountain Music
Mountain wind
Snowy wind
Unsettling wind
Tumbling rocks
Forge deep rumble
Ogre smithy
Ogre smithy bigger
Ogre smithy heavy hammer
Barl Breakbones
Giant grunts and growls
Giant slam attacks
Giant bumps
Giant footsteps
Sword blows
Weapon impact
Armor foley
Lamatar Bayden
Giant noise
Giant slam attack
Tumbling rocks
Lamatar Bayden
Souls in Grief
Souls in torment
Hags feeling ugly
Ringing in the ears
Ogre growls
Ogre calls
Ogre Barbarian
Weapon and shield
Weapon impacts
hm Graul Farm
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"fart-010" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-012" by "sandyrb" (
"creaking-floorboard" by "benboncan" (
"fart-004" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-014" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-011" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-008" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-003" by "sandyrb" (
"rbh-crickets-birds-quietday" by "rhumphries" (
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"fart-001" by "sandyrb" (
"wood-creak-02" by "dheming" (
"fart-007" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-005" by "sandyrb" (
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"fart-009" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-002" by "sandyrb" (
"fart-006" by "sandyrb" (
The music in this SoundSet was composed, performed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, The Hook Mountain Massacre © 2012. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Author: Nicolas Logue. SoundSet © 2014. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
hm Fort Rannick
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"Ghost-Fx" by "Oscillator" (
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"Breathofdeath" by "Gabemiller74" (
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"snakeattackverbpuls" by "jamius" (
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"snakey-woman" by "poots" (
"snake-hss-effect" by "moddingtr" (
The music in this SoundSet was composed, performed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, The Hook Mountain Massacre © 2012. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Author: Nicolas Logue. SoundSet © 2014. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
hm Down Comes Rain
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (
"beach-short03" by "aiyumi" (
"lunar_wind" by "Walter_Odington" (
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"child-s-scream-5" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"child-s-scream-3" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"creaking-floorboard" by "benboncan" (
"child-s-scream-6" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"child-s-scream-8" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"snakeattackverbpuls" by "jamius" (
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (
"snakeattackverbpuls b" by "jamius" (
"water-splashes-in-the-river" by "tiger-v15" [deactivated user]
"child-s-scream-7" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"child-s-scream-1" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"horror-ambiance-69-130903-00" by "klankbeeld" (
"large-splashes" by "cgeffex" (
"child-s-scream-4" by "j-zazvurek" [deactivated user]
"snakeattackverbpuls a" by "jamius" (
The music in this SoundSet was composed, performed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, The Hook Mountain Massacre © 2012. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Author: Nicolas Logue. SoundSet © 2014. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
hm Haunted Heart
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"woman-crying-sobbing-cry-sob-sad" by "bulbastre" (
The music in this SoundSet was composed, performed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, The Hook Mountain Massacre © 2012. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Author: Nicolas Logue. SoundSet © 2014. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.
hm Hook Mountain
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"07SWORD02" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"rubble-017" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"sword-swipe7" by "lukesharples" (
"01ARMOR01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"rubble-015" by "dj-chronos" [deactivated user]
"in_the_smithy_2" by "l0calh05t" (
"06SWORD01" by "lostchocolatelab" (
"woman-crying-sobbing-cry-sob-sad" by "bulbastre" (
The music in this SoundSet was composed, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, The Hook Mountain Massacre © 2012. Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Author: Nicolas Logue. SoundSet © 2014. Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.
Art provided by Paizo Inc.