Call of Cthulhu: Two-Headed Serpent Part 8 - Snake Island Ambient Sounds
With an extensive library of Call of Cthulhu SFX, Syrinscape empowers you to create an audio landscape as mysterious and compelling as the game itself.
This SoundPack gives you a complete sound solution to chapter 8 of this globe trotting adventure. Arriving on the east coast of Brazil, the heroes will have a last ditch attempt to find out what Caduceus is up to, where Tyranissh has gone and what the Inner Night has to do with everything. It's the last chance to stock up on items before travelling through the portal on Snake Island to the mystical land of Mu. Everything is here to immerse you with background sound and music that matches the story, scene by scene.
From the streets and ports of Brazil to the busy airport. Encounter the larger sea serpent in a stormy battle for your life. And explore the mystery of Snake Island and it’s abandoned lighthouse.
The Two Headed Serpent is a Lovecraftian Pulp adventure set in the mind bending Call of Cthulhu roleplaying series. Horrifying deeds and backstabbing treachery await you in the path of a Caduceus employee. Also action and adventure.
Give it a try and you won't regret it!
Is this Adventure SoundPack useful when I'm not actually playing The Two Headed Serpent Adventure?
Yes! It's great if you want the sounds of...
- fist fights
- gun fights
- a fight with larger sea creature
- a busy Brazilian port
- a bustling 1930’s Brazilian street
- an empty warehouse
- an 1930’s airport
- a camp on a tropical island
- going mad in a portal
- travelling through a stormy sea
- a vintage boat journey
- a vintage plane journey
- an abandoned house in a storm
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This product is included for FREE with a SuperSyrin Subscription. Consider trying that out instead?

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SoundSet Specifics
Streets of Santos
Airport of Santos
Port of Santos
Stocking up at the general store
Chase hireling
The Caduceus warehouse
The Caduceus offices
Flying to Snake island
Sailing to Snake island
Fist fight
Gun fight
Heroic music
Fist of a Serpent music v2
Destruction drums 1
Destruction drums 2
Light heroic music
Searching music 1
Searching music 2
Death House for Cthulhu
More pain
Grunts and shouts
Shouts and cries
Punch up
Gunfire irregular
Conductors whislte
1920s car horn
Bicycle bell
Motorbikes passing
Fog horn drone
Rowing boat
Night time dock
Ship's bell
Brazilian market
Trams pass by
Store walla
Boots upstairs
Steps on floor
Climbing stone stairs
Shop door open and close
Merchandise tested
Breno the merchant
Creaking plane
Propeller plane in flight
A bow through the waves
Swinging hammock
Below deck
Ale bottler
Brazilian dock
Brazilian airport
Empty warehouse
Distand dock
Ceiling fan
Click, clacks and hang
Guinea pigs
Guinea pigs movement
Searching apartment
Books reading
Luggage trolleys
Running man
Chased sound
Steam boat
Official Cthulhu
Introduction theme
Discovering a clue - music cue
Something weird - music cue
Serpent person bite
Pistol - flame
Flame pistol explodes
Pain whip
Flying fang
Laser staff
Petrification gun
Voormi slave collar
Picking lock
Cobra crown
Flute of Tsathoggua
Heart of Yig
Gravity manipulator
Haftorang device
Transport sphere
Action stabs
Start plane propeller
Storm in a plane
Plane crashes
Storm in a boat
Boat crashes
Arriving at Snake island
The gate to Mu
Caduceus camp
Inside the lighthouse
Passing through the portal
Fist fight
Gun fight
Iloigor fight
Sea serpent fight
Dreamlands music 2
Fist of a Serpent music v2
Destruction drums 1
Destruction drums 2
Destruction drums 3.5
Hiding from danger music 2
Tower booms
More pain
Grunts and shouts
Shouts and cries
Punch up
Gunfire irregular
Creaking plane
Propeller plane in flight
On the stormy sea
Rain on a tin roof inside
Rain on a tin roof outside
Inside the lighthouse
Creaking buildings
Crumbling building
Distant waves crashing
Heavy rain storm
Rain on window
Iceland seashore wildlife
Stormy winds
Creaking ropes
Creaking rigging
Inland Snake island
Tents in the wind
Portal loop
Iloigor fight
Rain storm
Footsteps on wood
Boots upstairs
Books reading
Chairs and bumps
Madness 1
Madness 2
Tail whip
Tail slam
Creaking ship
Creaking floorboards
Small fire
Medium fire
Boat grinding 1
Boat grinding 2
Steam boat
Laughter I
Sea serpent
There be magic (low)
There be magic
Official Cthulhu
Introduction theme
Discovering a clue - music cue
Something weird - music cue
Action stabs
Serpent person bite
Pistol - flame
Flame pistol explodes
Pain whip
Flying fang
Laser staff
Petrification gun
Voormi slave collar
Picking lock
Cobra crown
Flute of Tsathoggua
Heart of Yig
Gravity manipulator
Haftorang device
Transport sphere
Start plane propeller
Plane going down
Portal activated
Sea serpent roar
Viper bite
Iloigor roars
THS8 Santos, Brazil
THS8 Snake island