DnD Music & Sounds: Kraken Boss Battle

USD 4.40

Unleash the full potential of your imagination with the rich tapestry of Syrinscape's D&D background music, tailored for every twist and turn of your campaign.

With twelve carefully choreographed steps of sound, each plotting one part of an epic encounter with this legendary creature, from: "Ominous Calm", through "Tentacles creeping up the side" and "The crushing begins", to either "The ship sinks" or "Escape", this Syrinscape SoundSet sets you up for a truly memorable gaming session. The "Kraken" SoundSet truly shows off the power of Syrinscape, with thirty three independent elements being mixed, matched, and graded together in a gradually rising crescendo of terror, including four separately layered tracks of music that eventually combine in an epic climactic battle-for-life. Let Syrinscape create an incredibly 'immersive' experience as the Player Characters struggle to survive this most deadly of creatures.

From the Monster Manual:
Beneath the waves, the kraken sleeps for untold ages, awaiting some fell sign or calling. Land-born mortals who sail the open sea forget the reasons their ancestors dreaded the ocean, even as the races of the deep ignore strange gaps in their histories when their civilizations nearly vanished after the appearance of the tentacled horror.

Did you know that Syrinscape's intuitive interface allows you to easily control the intensity and frequency of sound effects, giving you real-time manipulation for dramatic impact?

Once purchased or unlocked with a subscription, this content will appear in the Web Player and by default in the Syrinscape Fantasy Player app, but you can make it appear in any of the apps by using the Campaign Manager.

™ & ©2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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SoundSet Specifics


Good sailing
Ominous calm
Tentacles showing
Tentacles creeping up the side
The crushing begins
This is bad
Water flooding in
The waves break over
Dinner time
Fight for your life
The ship sinks


Victory music
Fear drone
Ominous waves
Sounds of madness
Battle music layer 1
Battle music layer 2
Battle music layer 3
Battle music layer 4
Below deck
Creaking ship
Water in food storage
Water on the Emperor
Tentacle strike
Kraken cry
Water through cracks
Creaking rigging
A bow through the waves
Rowing boat
Sails luffing
Sails in high wind
Water breach
Boat being crushed
Bow waves
Official D&D
Boat crush
Tentacle strike


Kraken boss battle

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Benjamin Loomes of syrinscape.com, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds freesound.org:

"wet-slaps_1" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_2" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_3" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_4" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_5" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_6" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_7" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_8" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_9" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_10" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_11" by "herbertboland"
"wave1" by "kayyy"
"wave2" by "kayyy"
"wave3" by "kayyy"
"wave4" by "kayyy"
"stenhagen-chatting-seagulls" by "owl"
"rope-pull-2" by "huggy13ear"
"Gulls-Passing" by "M-Newlove"
"cotton-flapping" by "huggy13ear"
"cotton-flapping" by "benboncan"
"shore03" by "volivieri"
"Seagulls-Close-Up" by "Juskiddink"

Key: "sample name" by "username". Find user freesound accounts under https://freesound.org/people/[username]


Riverwater sounds created by Chris Koerding for Syrinscape

All weapons recorded and mastered by Benjamin Loomes at syrinscape.com

Music performed, recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape
AND also:
"Unrelenting Sea Creature" music composed by Benjamin Loomes & arranged by Barry Doublet for Syrinscape
“Ghosts battle” music composed by Benjamin Loomes for Syrinscape

Oneshot art created by Karen Loomes for Syrinscape using art supplied by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2019 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Art provided by Wizards of the Coast LLC.