Pathfinder: Otyugh battle ambient sounds

USD 4.40

Enhance the narrative tapestry of your tabletop adventures with the sweeping melodies and atmospheric sounds of Syrinscape's tabletop audio soundboard.

This three-legged freak is mostly mouth. Three tentacles, two tipped with barbs and one with eyes, extend from its sides.

The "Otyugh battle" SoundSet brings you a rich palette of sounds for perfecting your encounter with this most vile of creatures. Get the pitch of your encounter just right, with either a busy city encounter, an echoy dungeon setting or all the splashes and sploshes of an Otyugh bursting out at the docks. Audio perfection that will make your Players almost enjoy the experience of you ripping their Characters limb from limb.

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SoundSet Specifics


In the city
Sewery otyughs
Down in the dungeons
Dungeonous otyughs
At the docks
Watery otyughs


Hell's Rebels Music
Hordes medium encounter
Fighting Music
More tentacles
Otyugh Noises
Otyugh Speech
Tentacle strike
Insects (more)
Armor sounds heavy
More tentacles (dungeon)
More tentacles (docks)
Otyugh Speech (dungeon)
Otyugh Noises (dungeon)
Tentacle strike (dungeon)
Armor sounds heavy (docks)
River water lapping
Otyugh injury
Otyugh attacks
Small River
Creaking jetty
Gnawing rat
Squeaking rat
Distant small feet
Passing by
Street noises
Deep wind
Business in the streets
River water
More river water
Busy marketplace
Creaking vessels
Vessel ropes
Ship's bell
Otyugh laughter
Official Pathfinder
Drum hits
Ship's bell
Otyugh surfacing
Laughter (city)
Tentacle (city)
Laughter (dungeon)
Tentacle (dungeon)
Otyugh Speech
Otyugh injury
Otyugh attacks


Otyugh battle

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds

"wet-slaps_11" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_8" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_7" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_9" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_10" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_2" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_4" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_5" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_1" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_3" by "herbertboland"
"wet-slaps_6" by "herbertboland"

Key: "sample name" by "username".


"Eels End vessels” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"P_Otyugh” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Otyugh_attack” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Otyugh_injured” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Riverwater” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Eels End vessels” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Otyugh_laughter” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Tentacles” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
"Derro running” sounds created by Chris Koerding of Syrinscape
“Drums” created by Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape

Music composed, performed and recorded by Benjamin Loomes for


Hordes of Undead by Erdenstern

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes for

Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. © 2019 Paizo Inc. All Rights reserved.

Sounds created under license with Paizo Inc.

Art provided by Paizo Inc.