Insane Asylum 1920

USD 4.40

Immerse your players in the hustle and bustle of a living city with Syrinscape's ambient sound sets, an essential component for any RPG.

Well, you really know you've made it when you arrive here! A full blown crazy! Everyone's a little mad here, especially the warden. He never stops playing that record. Someone told me it was recorded by his aunt. She was a concert pianist, before she went mad. Still plays beautifully today, not so many of the right notes now though. Sometimes she gets all the way through a piece too. They put her in a booth and cut a record. It's pretty good, when she got the notes right. He plays it over and over. Does he really like it? Is he guilty about something? Who knows. Whatever his reasoning, it's all we get to hear in this place. Enough to send you mad...

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SoundSet Specifics


Meeting the warden
Patients ward
Visitor's room
Secret experiments


A little Chopin (offices)
A little Chopin (halls)
Horrible scratching
Gnawing rat
Voices in my head
Bee swarm
Sour wind
Psycho laughs
Knocking spirits
Psycho screams
"Help me!"
Frantic knocks
Locked in
Psycho scream
Crazy Man 2
Crazy Man 1
Pendulum Clock
Light wind and rattling windows
More knocking
Writing down stuff
Insane laughter
Torture screams
Close drips
The basement
Chairs and bumps
Insane laughter


Insane Asylum 1920

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Koerding of, using samples created by him and:

"Crazy voices" by Leif Westerholm
Voice of Reiner Davaulus by Josiah Barker

Music is:
"Unseen Horrors" Kevin MacLeod (
"Decayed Chopin pieces" by Benjamin Loomes

Thank you soooo much to Leif Westerholm for doing the original creative work on this SoundSet! Perfectly disturbing, Lief!

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on

Product art by Skin- ubx "01 Bernars Asylum" used under Creative Commons Attribution Licence