Music and Sound Effects: Shadows of Esteren
Syrinscape's TTRPG music lets you orchestrate the atmosphere, whether you're roaming through enchanted lands or delving into shadowy dungeons.
The Shadows of Esteren world is of dark fantasy, medieval horror and romance. The
game’s official campaign setting, Dearg, was brought to life by ifs publisher with its very own music soundtrack composed by Jure Peternel and performed by the Budapest Symphonic Orchestra and that soundtrack is now available within Syrinscape, which turns listening to the Dearg album into a story-enriched journey, each of the music tracks cradled in its own immersive sound environment. Listeners will trigger each track of the album individually with each natural sound environment blending to a new location.
There is a whole lot of great music here to blend with other SoundSets too. The music in Syrinscape just got a bit more EPIC!
Music composed by Jure Peternel, arranged by François Rousselot.
Performed by the Budpapest Symphonic Orhestra.
released November 30, 2013
Production & layout : Benjamin Torval
Mix & Mastering : Marc Gueroult
Art : Gawain
More info about the Shadows of Esteren RPG and to get your copy of the Dearg Campaign setting.
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SoundSet Specifics
Beautiful day
01 Dearg
02 Eoghan
03 Celiane
04 Bitter friendship
05 Mourning
06 A faint hope
07 Crow mantle
Cleansing storm
08 Requiem
Full album playback (no ambiance)
Full album playback (with ambiance)
Dearg OST - Le Val de Dearg
Dearg OST - Eoghan
Dearg OST - Celiane
Dearg OST - Amitie Amère
Dearg OST - Deuil
Dearg OST - One Thin Hope
Dearg OST - Crow mantle
Dearg OST - Requiem
Full album playback
Creaking dock
Business in the docks
Passing by
Gulls (distant)
River water lapping
Rat scratches (occasional)
Unsettling noises
Medium dogs
Gravel tunnels
Female voice underwater
Big dogs
Eagle calls
Tumbling pebbles
Wind in the trees
More birds
Bird songs
Upset horses
Happy birdies
Wind in the trees more
Distant growls
Wolf howls
Forge deep rumble
Howling wind
Heavy rain
Bow waves
Weapon impacts
Under the water
Armor sounds heavy
Son start
Armor sounds light
Peaceful stream (delayed start)
Mountain wind
Blood pumping fast
Night Birds
Nighttime crickets
Father start
Crows (frequent)
People Laughing
Crows - hooded
Giggles and laughter
Thunder (30 second start delay)
Random rain
Mead glasses clinking
Chairs and bumps
Burps and drink noises
Coins and other stuff
Echoing happiness
Manly men
Bright rowdiness
Happy rich murmuring
Male laughs
Female laughs
Wind and waves
Crow wings
Crow attacks
Crows cawing
Grieving woman
Heavy wetting rain
Storm out at sea (close)
Thunder claps
Thunder claps (softer)
Eagle call
Watch out for that tree!
Creaking dock
Medium dogs
Big dogs
Wolf howls
Mead glasses clinking
Crow (hooded)
Crow attack
Into the water
Full album playback (no pause)
Shadows of Esteren - Dearg
Music composed by Jure Peternel, arranged by François Rousselot.
Performed by the Budapest Symphonic Orchestra.
Released November 30, 2013.
Production & layout: Benjamin Torval
Mix & Mastering: Marc Gueroult
Mastering: Marc Gueroult
Art: Gawain
Sound Design imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"ropewsoosh-4" by "benboncan" (
"five-water-gratings" by "metzik" (
"ropewsoosh-5" by "benboncan" (
"morning-in-the-forest-2007-04-15" by "reinsamba" (
"rbh-rope-swishes-01" by "rhumphries" (
Twain voice by Elizabeth Griffin and prepared by Morgan Rands for
Icons made by:
Karen Loomes for
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
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