Call of Cthulhu Sounds & Music: Nyarlathotep

USD 4.40

Her fate was sealed the moment she ventured just a little too far down the dark, damp corridor. Something evil is down here, and though she tries, she can no longer find the way out. It's as if the corridors are rearranging themselves to keep her trapped, to guide her ever closer to the heart of evil that lies at the fulcrum of this malevolent crypt. She can struggle, but she won't survive. The demon Nyarlathotep is not to be trifled with...

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SoundSet Specifics


Lost below
Creeping darkness
Demonic Presence
Unidentified Power
Dead on the stones


Whisper Drone
Stinger 1
Stinger 2
Stinger 3
Stinger 4
Stinger 5
The Arrival
Creature Horde
Demonic Breath
Demonic Voice
Demonic Whispers
Screams of Death
Distant drips
Wet floor
Dim wind
Something evil
What was that?



The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna and Benjamin Loomes for

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes

