Call of Cthulhu Sounds & Music: Mi-Go underground dwelling

USD 4.40

Syrinscape's Call of Cthulhu ambient sounds provide the perfect undercurrent of dread for your eldritch investigations.

"Mi-Go Underground Dwelling" is the perfect SoundSet for underground exploration. With such reassuring SoundSet elements as: "Skittering", "Whisperings", "Hissings", "Shrieks", and "Iridescent wails", this unpleasant SoundSet will have everyone on edge. A flashlight isn't going to help your Players here!

Did you know Syrinscape's library of ambient sounds can help you create the perfect market scene, filled with the hustle and bustle of a high-tech bazaar?

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SoundSet Specifics


The Cavernous Deep
Underground Activity
Being Observed
Aggressive Encounter
Pushing Back


Mi-Go Music
Cave Ambience
Cave Interior
Mi-Go Tense
Mi-Go Angry
Mi-Go Calm
Mi-Go Injured
Mi-Go Death
Iridescent Walls
Bio Film Flooring
Mi-Go Aggressive
Mi-Go Chatter
Mi-Go in Motion
Mi-Go Attacks
Mi-Go Injured


Mi-Go Underground Dwelling

The music and sound effects in this SoundSet were imagined, composed, compiled, designed, created, processed and mixed by Gil Luna for

Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (
Available on
And Karen Loomes