Fantasy Sounds & Music: Creepy Shopkeeper

USD 4.40

Experience the power of Syrinscape's rpg sound ambience and watch as your role-playing world becomes as real as the one around you.

The "Creepy Shopkeeper" was created by Crystal Frasier, one of the genius developers at Paizo Inc. Run a complete shopping encounter for the Player Characters without having to utter a single word yourself. Just give it a go at your next gaming session. Hilarity is almost certainly guaranteed!


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Strange store
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Can I help u?
Have a look around
Anything u like
A good price
Out of that
Very expensive
I'll give u a better price
I'll hex you for that one
It's a deal
Yes, we can
A pleasure doing business with you
Come back soon
Don't get yourself killed
Get out
Fly buzzing in a lampshade
Coins and other stuff
Ameiko laughing
Creaking floorboards
Weird shifts in the air
Helping other customers


Creepy Shopkeeper

Voice acting by Crystal Frasier.