Music and Sound Effects: Upside down
For game nights filled with intrigue and suspense, Syrinscape's tabletop audio immerses your players in a soundscape tailored for today's best stories.
Made as a homage to the wonderful Netflix TV series "Stranger Things", "Upside down" and its partner SoundSet "Government Facility" give you everything you need to set off your own 80s adventure. Don your hypercolor T-shirt, boot up your power glove, jump on your BMX and be ready for anything! We'd particularly like to thank Christian Körding and Steffen Waschul for doing the bulk of the heavy lifting getting these wonderful SoundSets built! You are awesome guys!
Did you know Syrinscape has a soundpad feature that lets you trigger sound effects on the fly, perfect for unexpected in-game events?
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SoundSet Specifics
Strange theme song
Upside down
Breathing mask on
Demogorgon attacks
Breathing Mask
Water puddles
Dimensional Shift
Walking on Gravel Loop
Unsettling hum
Frightened Heartbeat
Battle Music
Background Music Reality
Low Pulses
Strange theme song
Demogorgon approaching
Demogorgon Roar
Ancient howl
Demon voice
Organic Matter
Frightening moment
Ancient howls
Insect thrum
Demonic Voices
Organic Matter
Distorted explosions
Critter Movement
Whispers (rumble)
Whispers (deep)
Whispers (high)
Weird shifts in the air
Organic Matter (echoy)
Slower heartbeat
Demogorgon approaching
Demogorgon Roars
Upside down
This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed and finished by Christian Körding and Benjamin Loomes of, using samples created by them and also the following list of samples from the collaborative Internet database of creative-commons licensed sounds
"heartbeats" by "patobottos" (
"Ancient" Voice acting by Wes Schneider of
And MOST importantly the voice of Demogorgon by MArk Rajic at PAXAus 2016
Music composed and performed by Benjamin Loomes
Icons made by:
Lorc, (
Delapouite, (
John Colburn, (
Felbrigg, (
Available on
and Karen Loomes for
Art utilises:
"C-Curve – Anish Kapoor" by Dominic Alves
"Finishing the Floors" by Phil Roeder
"Shadow Cavern" by darkday
"Moscow's summer" by Alexander Mazilkin
(all sourced from