RPG Music & Sound Effects: Gen Con

USD 4.40

Syrinscape takes rpg sound ambience to the next level, giving you the power to control the mood and pace of your game dynamically.

Now you can experience the Best Four Days in Gaming year ‘round with the official Gen Con® SoundSet from Syrinscape! The Gen Con SoundSet transports you to the crowds and stalls of the legendary Gen Con Exhibit Hall, regales you with cosplayers and character stories, unleashes a massive monster attack on the convention, and even includes the mighty roar of the official Gen Con Dragon! Featuring more than 600 lovingly crafted sound samples contributed by Gen Con 2015 attendees who stepped up to the Syrinscape microphone, the Gen Con SoundSet is a spectacular audio oasis to keep you in the Gen Con state of mind for the other 361 days of the year, all at the touch of a button on your mobile device, PC or Mac.

Special congratulations to Gen Con attendee Simon Cantwell, whose humungous and terrifying roar won out over many who auditioned to become the voice of the Official Gen Con Dragon!

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SoundSet Specifics


In the Exhibit Hall
Dragon attack
Zombie attack
Complete chaos


General Hubbub
General Hubbub (more)
Strange passer by
Passing the Syrinscape stand
Annoyed attendee
Annoyed attendees
Strange passers by
Gen Con Dragon
Gen Con Dragon
Dragon Speech
Brave Gen Con attendee
Brave Gen Con attendees
Scared Gen Con attendee
Scared Gen Con attendees
Big male warriors
Big male warrior
Strong female warriors
Strong female warrior
Big scary humanoids
Big scary humanoid
Huge monster
Huge monsters
Crazy laugh
Freaky Pig Creature
Werewolf howl
Werewolf growl
Being eaten
People being eaten
Diabolical villain laugh
Crazy laughs
Freaky Pig Creatures
Brave silly hero
Zombies (more)
Diabolical villain laughs


Gen Con

This SoundSet was imagined, compiled, designed, created, mixed, and finished by Benjamin Loomes of syrinscape.com, using samples created by him and also the following list of samples donated by the extraordinary gamers who gave their vocal talents at Gen Con 2015:

"GenCon Dragon Roar" performed by Simon Cantwell at Gen Con 2015
"Munchkin attack" performed by Giselle Roman at Gen Con 2015
"Please mister dragon" performed by Adam Temple at Gen Con 2015
"Look into my eye" performed by Duncan Salazar at Gen Con 2015
"Siren" performed by Susan Strohmeyer at Gen Con 2015
"Warrior Roar" performed by Patrick Fowler at Gen Con 2015
" Magic missile" performed by Matthew Shadday at Gen Con 2015
"Shopper" performed by Bryan Stout at Gen Con 2015
"Growl" performed by Nathan Fleming at Gen Con 2015
"Girl scream" performed by Stefanie Maier at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie growl" performed by Mike Bradford at Gen Con 2015
"Laugh" performed by Mark C at Gen Con 2015
"Gerbel" performed by Chris Mocarski at Gen Con 2015
"Roar" performed by Timothy Dakin at Gen Con 2015
"Get back here" performed by Ken Franklin at Gen Con 2015
"Dragon roar" performed by Dave Jaquay at Gen Con 2015
"Breathe or exhale" performed by Matt D Parker at Gen Con 2015
"Stay away" performed by CJ White at Gen Con 2015
"Chicken" performed by Roseanne Wetzel at Gen Con 2015
"Dragon – foolish mortals" performed by Robert Mapes at Gen Con 2015
"Roar" performed by Matthew Steaarns at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin shriek" performed by Mark Schreck at Gen Con 2015
"Run" performed by Bryan Stout at Gen Con 2015
"No" performed by Adam S at Gen Con 2015
"Passing by" performed by Mike Boozer at Gen Con 2015
"Exertion sound" performed by Shawn Gwyn at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god" performed by Tim Murray at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
"Ahhh" performed by Andrew Stern at Gen Con 2015
"It doesn't go there" performed by Michael A Fingers at Gen Con 2015
"Big roar" performed by Mark Herber at Gen Con 2015
"Weird Squeal" performed by Simon Snider at Gen Con 2015
"Get away from me" performed by Sarah at Gen Con 2015
"Now you are going to die" performed by Chad Brown at Gen Con 2015
"Scared attendee" performed by Liz Theis at Gen Con 2015
"Woman screaming" performed by Janice Wedge at Gen Con 2015
"Dragon" performed by Thom Osborn at Gen Con 2015
"Big Roar" performed by Bill Collins at Gen Con 2015
"Curses" performed by Op Philip Flarsheim at Gen Con 2015
"That dragon ate my baby" performed by ElyseNitro at Gen Con 2015
"Thud and blunder" performed by Josh Phillips at Gen Con 2015
"Scratchy squeal" performed by Patrick McAlpine at Gen Con 2015
"Low growl breaths" performed by Greg Howrey at Gen Con 2015
"Growl" performed by Glenn Buettner at Gen Con 2015
"Pig beast" performed by Jason Johnston at Gen Con 2015
"Female at Gen Con" performed by Alexandra Pergerson ay Gen Con 2015
"Gruff laugh" performed by William Griffiths at Gen Con 2015
"Big warrior" performed by Ben Alexander at Gen Con 2015
"Hold fast and protect" performed by Geoff Moonen at Gen Con 2015
"They're coming" performed by Keith Piddingtom at Gen Con 2015
"British droppy" performed by Josh Davis at Gen Con 2015
"Weirdness Obsessed Gen Con attendee" performed by Mary-Tabitha Lumsden at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin barfing" performed by Andrew Kish at Gen Con 2015
"Ancient Wisdom" performed by Don DeHoff at Gen Con 2015
"Scarybird" performed by Paula Moran at Gen Con 2015
"This looks pretty cool" performed by Sam Wilkinson at Gen Con 2015
"Goblins" performed by Caylen Redden at Gen Con 2015
"No don't" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
"Cat" performed by Amanda Hefner at Gen Con 2015
"Grrrr" performed by Shawn Berryhill at Gen Con 2015
"Wolf howl" performed by Andrew Seal at Gen Con 2015
"Kid roar" performed by Kylie at Gen Con 2015
"Eat my baby instead" performed by Felice Fischer at Gen Con 2015
"Big Creature Roar" performed by Roseanne Wetzel at Gen Con 2015
"oh the humanity" performed by Ges Seger at Gen Con 2015
"Lost brother" performed by Kathryn Taylor at Gen Con 2015
"Terrible Scream" performed by Roseanne Wetzel at Gen Con 2015
"Oh god not my stuff" performed by Sam Bartrom at Gen Con 2015
"Little girl, get down, watch out" performed by Hieddie Kairi Ramos at Gen Con 2015
"Where's the coffee" performed by Joshua Gregory at Gen Con 2015
"Awesome Hawker" performed by Liz Theis at Gen Con 2015
"Mean DM" performed by Aidan Low at Gen Con 2015
"Hawker" performed by Duncan Salazar at Gen Con 2015
"Great hero growls" performed by Kyle Schaefer at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin Ah" performed by Mike Ursu at Gen Con 2015
"Evil cackle" performed by Brandon Potter at Gen Con 2015
"You will die" performed by John Lloyd at Gen Con 2015
"Sailors warning" performed by Ron Ruppel at Gen Con 2015
"Nice Zombie Werewolf growl" performed by Mark Marchani at Gen Con 2015
"Rant" performed by Crystal Strohmeyer at Gen Con 2015
"I have no clue" performed by Sean Taylor at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie kid" performed by Simon Cantwell at Gen Con 2015
"Oh its a dragon on helium" performed by Beth Mysliwiec at Gen Con 2015
"Hawker" performed by Derek Guder at Gen Con 2015
"Little Goblin Growl" performed by Matt Lemke at GenCon 2015
"Zombie screeches" performed by Evan Hall at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin bombs for all the long shanks" performed by Cory Patterson at Gen Con 2015
"Annoyed girl" performed by Autumn Smith at Gen Con 2015
"Ogre smash" performed by Fscratch at Gen Con 2015
"Protect the orphans" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen Con 2015
"Growl" performed by Bob Brinkman at Gen Con 2015
"Look out" performed by Emery Steffen at Gen Con 2015
"I'm here to be pedantic" performed by Matt D Parker at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie" performed by Andrew Penery at Gen Con 2015
"Dying man" performed by Joshua Meyers at Gen Con 2015
"Scary scratchy gremlin" performed by Andrew Magrini at Gen Con 2015
"Chatty attendee" performed by Alexander Fort at Gen Con 2015
"Can I take a picture" performed by Ryan Lynch at Gen Con 2015
"Dragon – I will crush you" performed by Paul William Lanteigne at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf Howl" performed by Brendan Acre at Gen Con 2015
"Don't eat me" performed by Randy Jarvis at Gen Con 2015
"Australian warrior" performed by David_Swanson at GenCon 2015
"Ouch" performed by Bradley Yesko at Gen Con 2015
"Injury" performed by Ryan Lynch at Gen Con 2015
"I believe I have found the right book" performed by Andrew Jones at Gen Con 2015
"Big Monster" performed by Michael Uhlenhake at Gen Con 2015
"Please don't hurt me" performed by Thomas Carter at Gen Con 2015
"Camp attendee" performed by Alexander Fort at Gen Con 2015
"Pig Beast Roar" performed by David Galliher at Gen Con 2015
"Ohhs, Arrs and Errs" performed by Mark Schreck at Gen Con 2015
"Low growl" performed by Michael Olszewski at Gen Con 2015
"Oh gods what is that" performed by Alex Kaufmann at Gen Con 2015
"Run villagers run" performed by Derek Mysliwiec at Gen Con 2015
"Ah ha" performed by Seth Mutchler at Gen Con 2015
"Make it stop" performed by CJ White at Gen Con 2015
"Unenthusiastic dragon" performed by Kyle Fiddy Pinches at Gen Con 2015
"Brave warrior" performed by Julian Hunter at Gen Con 2015
"Dr Evil laugh" performed by Preston Gisch at Gen Con 2015
"Haven't you idiot heroes ever killed a Dragon before" performed by Felice Fischer at Gen Con 2015
"Girl squeal" performed by Marie Eve Levesque at Gen Con 2015
"Cute whinging kid" performed by Ellie_Belke at Gen Con 2015
"Warrier roar" performed by Anthony Troxell at Gen Con 2015
"Scratchy scream" performed by Michael Davis at Gen Con 2015
"Welcome adventurers" performed by Duncan Salazar at Gen on 2015
"Run you fools" performed by Tim Murray at Gen Con 2015
"Passing by" performed by Derek Guder at Gen Con 2015
"Unmanly scream" performed by Nathan Fleming at Gen Con 2015
"I want to watch you bleed" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen Con 2015
"Groan" performed by Karl Rainsburger at Gen Con 2015
"Velocoraptor squeal" performed by Nick Shoemaker at Gen Con 2015
"Loud roar" performed by Josh Phillips at Gen Con 2015
"Lady werewolf" performed by Linda Mills at Gen Con 2015
"Evil Laugh" performed by Erik at Gen Con 2015
"Watch out somethings coming" performed by Ginny Swann at Gen Con 2015
"Tiny person" performed by Amber Mason at Gen Con 2015
"I'll have your head" performed by Jesse Larson at Gen Con 2015
"Fear not the dragon is mine" performed by Andrew Penery at Gen Con 2015
"Owww" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
"My leg" performed by Jonathon Lanman at Gen Con 2015
"Pig" performed by Aaron Beal at Gen Con 2015
"Girls scream" performed by Alyssa Fowler at Gen Con 2015
"Wibbly wobbly" performed by Alexis Henning at Gen Con 2015
"Orc karate grunts" performed by Allen Cook Jnr at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god is that Wesley Crusher" performed by Matt D Parker at Gen Con 2015
"Gen Con kid" performed by Cade Priddy at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god look at the size of that" performed by Ginny Swann at Gen Con 2015
"Oh look at her over there" performed by Bob King at Gen Con 2015
"My Hats" performed by Shawn Gwyn at Gen Con 2015
"OMG" performed by Mike Ursu at Gen Con 2015
"Screech sound" performed by Victor Manuel at Gen Con 2015
"Insane laugh" performed by Michael Uhlenhake at Gen Con 2015
"Maniacal laugh" performed by Jenni Higginbotham at Gen Con 2015
"Brave silly hero" performed by David J Gannon at Gen Con 2015
"Babyseal" performed by Josh Patterson at Gen Con 2015
"Evil cackle" performed by Christopher Parsons at Gen Con 2015
"Please somebody help me" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
"Awful Scream" performed by Jodi Williams at Gen Con 2015
"Sigh" performed by Frank Epperson at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god" performed by Rhonda Seymour at Gen Con 2015
"Screams and Squeals" performed by Jessica RIch at Gen Con 2015
"Roar" performed by George Keagle at Gen Con 2015
"We have Bacon" performed by Ges Seger at Gen Con 2015
"Lost Goblin" performed by Jennifer Withington at Gen Con 2015
"Valley girl gamer" performed by Jodi Williams at Gen Con 2015
"Howl of horror" performed by Alex Coughman at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf" performed by Jonathan Ambriz at Gen Con 2015
"Cute Kid" performed by Anekin Henning at Gen Con 2015
"Woman warrior roar" performed by Crystal Trezza at Gen Con 2015
"Ah ha ha ha haaa" performed by Alex Mohler at Gen Con 2015
"Gen Con moans" performed by Brian Pops Pappadopoli at Gen Con 2015
"Scared attendee" performed by Daniel Berlin at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin crazy laugh" performed by Cory Patterson at Gen Con 2015
"Screecher" performed by Michael Ashby at Gen Con 2015
"Kid werewolf" performed by Logan Yarrington at Gen Con 2015
"Orcs" performed by Tad Kilgore at Gen Con 2015
"Stand back" performed by Ralph Goss at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie gurgle" performed at Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
"Watch out for the dragon" performed by Zach Kaufman at Gen Con 2015
"Indian woop" performed by Sandy Daugherty at Gen Con 2015
"Evil laugh" performed by Josh Phillips at Gen Con 2015
"Crazy Lady Scream Laugh" performed by Hannah Watson at Gen Con 2015
"I will take you down" performed by Andrew Penery at Gen Con 2015
"No one told me Gen Con would be this way" performed by CJ White at Gen Con 2015
"Wolf howl" performed by Christian Withington at Gen Con 2015
"Haven't eaten in days" performed by Chance Kirchhof at Gen Con 2015
"Laughs" performed by Ron Ruppel at Gen Con 2015
"OMG" performed by Dan O'Hanlon at Gen Con 2015
"Evil laugh" performed by George Velasquez at Gen Con 2015
"No no" performed by CJ White at Gen Con 2015
"I need healing" performed by Jason Martin-Hiner at Gen Con 2015
"poo" performed by Jonathon Lanman at Gen Con 2015
"Crazy laugh" performed by Roseanne Wetzel at Gen Con 2015
"Growl" performed by Steven Jankowski at Gen Con 2015
"Freaky Pig Creature" performed by Christopher Short at Gen Con 2015
"Dog" performed by Aaron Beal at Gen Con 2015
"Fun kid" performed by Karina Curry at Gen Con 2015
"This is unacceptable" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen Con 2015
"Don't run away you wimps" performed by Briana Yarger at Gen Con 2015
"Ahhh" performed by Scott Fahle at Gen Con 2015
"Fools, mortals" performed by Ryan Strong at Gen Con 2015
"Woman screeching" performed by Elizabeth MacDougald at Gen Con 2015
"Bloodcurdling woman screaming" performed by Lisa Forney at Gen Con 2015
"That's my treasure" performed by Amanda Hefner at Gen Con 2015
"Goat" performed by Jennifer Withington at Gen Con 2015
"Laugh" performed by Jean Monfort at Gen Con 2015
"Shopper" performed by David Galliher at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf howl" performed by Even Tucker at Gen Con 2015
"More more" performed by George Velasquez at Gen Con 2015
"Monkey" performed by Steven Kupisch at Gen Con 2015
"Tasty nerds" performed by David Jones at Gen Con 2015
"BIG Zombie Growl" performed by Kevin Persaud at Gen con 2015
"Hawker" performed by Syler Mahl at Gen Con 2015
"Flee for your lives" performed by Nate Shadday at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie croaky girl" performed by Caroline Martzall at Gen Con 2015
"Diabolical villain laugh" performed by Ben Mathis at Gen Con 2015
"Growl" performed by Alec Thompson at Gen Con 2015
"Oh my god" performed by Adam S at Gen Con 2015
"Concrud" performed by Bob King at Gen Con 2015
"Oh no it's a dragon, everyone run" performed by Jamie Robinson at Gen Con 2015
"Baby Dragon" performed by Rebekah Seletyn at Gen Con 2015
"I'm really going to enjoy this" performed by Chad Brown at Gen Con 2015
"Monster" performed by Brian Fox at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf Snuffle" performed by Philip Goldstein at Gen Con 2015
"Get out of the way" performed by Bradley Yesko at Gen Con 2015
"Chicken" performed by Aaron Beal at Gen Con 2015
"Mwahhh roar" performed by Justin Wheeler at Gen Con 2015
"Girly squeal" performed by Natalie Quick at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf Roar" performed by Philip Goldstein at Gen Con 2015
"I hate" performed by Martin Lieser at Gen Con 2015
"Dragon raid" performed by Elijah Burden at Gen Con 2015
"Growls and Grunts" performed by Evan Gora at Gen Con 2015
"Dog woof" performed by Joe Townsend at Gen Con 2015
"Brrrr tongue roll" performed by Cameron Ryan at Gen Con 2015
"Banter" performed by Brian Martin at Gen Con 2015
"Girl scream" performed by Shimin Day at Gen Con 2015
"Werewolf howl" performed by Justin Cetnar at Gen Con 2015
"Laugh" performed by Jonathon Lanman at Gen Con 2015
"Ooo and Arr" performed by Jay Hinkelman at Gen Con 2015
"Shopper" performed by Rhonda Seymour at Gen Con 2015
"Hiss" performed by Brenda Havens at Gen Con 2015
"Evil insane laugh" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen Con 2015
"Snore" performed by Frank Epperson at Gen Con 2015
"I'd love to buy those apples" performed by Roseanne Wetzel at Gen Con 2015
"Bruce" performed by Leonardo A. Ventura at Gen con 2015
"Yarp" performed by Quinton Tyler at Gen Con 2015
"Goblin maggots" performed by Rory Starks at Gen Con 2015
"Don't mock the dragon" performed by Aaron James at Gen Con 2015
"Biggish monster roars" performed by Simon Snider at Gen Con 2015
"I know I'm a nerd" performed by Sam Bartrom at Gen Con 2015
"Lambs to the slaughter" performed by Conor Moose Owens at Gen Con 2015
"Eagle" performed by Angela at Gen Con 2015
"Is that thing breathing fire" performed by Jonathon Lanman at Gen Con 2015
"Move" performed by Bradley Yesko at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie crickets" performed by Matthew Steaarns at Gen Con 2015
"I am very bad" performed by Ges Seger at Gen Con 2015
"Mmm, fresh meat" performed by Calvin Studzinski at Gen Con 2015
"I serve you oh lord" performed by Randy Jarvis at Gen Con 2015
"Woman roaring" performed by Janice Wedge at Gen Con 2015
"Hero talk" performed by Nathan James at Gen Con 2015
"Girly screams" performed by Cynthia Cantwell at Gen Con 2015
"Looking for Ben" performed by Dan O'Hanlon at Gen Con 2015
"Prepare for your doom" performed by Op Philip Flarsheim at Gen Con 2015
"I guess i should run" performed by Crystal Strohmeyer at Gen Con 2015
"Ah there's a dragon" performed by Michael Faux at Gen Con 2015
"Big huge heavy monster" performed by Nathaniel Adams at Gen Con 2015
"I thought you were men" performed by Briana Yarger at Gen Con 2015
"Evil Laughs" performed by Jason Wineke at Gen Con 2015
"Evil Laugh" performed by David Henning at Gen Con 2015
"Monster shriek" performed by Chris Hendrix at Gen Con 2015
"Mwaha ha" performed by Jim Sutherin at Gen Con 2015
"Zombie Gurgle" performed by Gareth at Gen Con 2015
"Hawker" performed by Gage Johnson at Gen Con 2015
"I'll stab you in the knee" performed by Duncan Salazar at Gen Con 2015
"Crazy scary woman" performed by Kyle Schaefer at Gen Con 2015
"Gargly goblin growl" performed by Cliff Roach at Gen Con 2015
"Oh no it's coming" performed by Lisa Forney at Gen Con 2015

Orchestral Music provided by Kyle Johnson of www.moontechstudios.com and Michael Gordon Shapiro of www.mikemusic.com.

Icons made by:
Lorc, (https://lorcblog.blogspot.com)
Delapouite, (https://delapouite.com)
John Colburn, (Ninmu Nanmu)
Felbrigg, (https://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk)
Available on https://game-icons.net