All SuperSyrin Subscribers have access to a large and growing library of Community Content created by our fantastic users.

Here's just a taste of some of the great stuff our community has come up with so far:
(Click on the pics for a close up view of the Moods and Elements)

Community Content
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A fantastic Jungle SoundSet, created by Steve Barr. Thanks so much Caldeth! At last someone got to this long awaited piece of content.
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Desert Camp
This remarkable piece of Community Content created by Steve Barr brings to life a Desert Nomad Camp, with camels, sandy winds, exotic dancers. Amazing work Steve! Keep them coming!!!
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Lycanthrope stalker
This intensely disturbing piece of Community Content created by Steve Barr immerses you in a dim 'noir' world of werewolves and death stalking your every turn. "Dark" this.. "dark" that... it's all jolly stuff really!
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Goblin Lied
Use this SoundSet to replace the English Goblin song in "bo Burnt Offering" with a German version . THANK YOU soooo much to Philipp for your fantastic work on this! Yay for the Syrinscape community!
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Cthulhu - RockHarbor I & II
1927. The seaside resort of Rock Harbor, MA., offers scenic coastal landscapes, a relaxing environment and folklore to be explored. What can possibly be wrong with this place? This two part Community Content SoundSet created by Christian Körding (new_vision on the forums) is inspired by the Call of Cthulhu scenario “Das Geisterschiff von Caerdon”, published by Pegasus Press, and can be used to enhance the players experience while playing this adventure. A train ride, underwater tunnels, isolated islands, a small town and the conjuration of evil are ready to be used by a Keeper to drive his players into madness.
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"The Bandit's Cave" SoundPack
This SoundPack "bc..." gives you the complete audio solution when playing the "Trail of the Apprentice #1: The Bandit's Cave" adventure.
For 1st-level characters, it is part one of "Trail of the Apprentice", a full campaign of 5 interconnected adventure modules for the Pathfinder RPG or D&De. The "Trail of the Apprentice" saga and all adventures in the Legendary Beginnings line from Legendary Games are designed as exciting adventures suitable for all ages, but specially designed for those new to roleplaying and those on the younger side.
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Music - "Chilled"
Chilled coffee lounge music from different places in Syrinscape. Enjoy... with Coffee.
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Music - "Moody"
I am NOT in a mood!!!
Find here atmospheric darkish music from all around Syrinscape.
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Music - "Smooth Jazz"
Smooth jazz club type jazz, for smooth jazz club type situations.
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Music - "Spooky"
Spooky music for spooky times from different places in Syrinscape.
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Music - "Circus"
Some Circus music for you!
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Element - "Fire"
Fire elements from all around Syrinscape.
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Element - "Horror"
A whole SoundSet of very useful and... horrible horror elements to mix and match however you like.
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Element - "Wind"
Just a whole lot of winds from all over the place in Syrinscape. (the source of many jokes) NOTE: If you find a wind we've missed, let us know and we'll add that in too.
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Castle Ravenloft
This might just be useful for a very famous D&D5 adventure. You know, dark skies, thunder, a vampire... you can work out the rest. Great work @seanbaxen. Thanks so much for sharing this with the community!
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Thanks so much to Heinz Kreienbaum for making this fantastic ship's computer for the community. If your players are German speaking then use this for their own ship; if they are not German speaking then you can use this set for any alien vessel. You don't even need to know what she is saying!